25 Comments on “Ming Campbell , BBC Question Time: Gay Rights”

  1. This is what I think i’m a Christian I can’t judge them that’s their thing
    but its wrong to me and only god knows 

  2. @NatDemUK What percentage of gay humans would put human survival in
    jeopardy? 10%, 50%, 90&…? And how would that work, exactly? Why do you
    believe that… 1) sexually transmitted diseases are only spread by
    homosexuality? or 2) that homosexuality is a conscious choice? or 3) or
    that married faithful couples don’t choose not to have kids? …. when that
    is all *demonstrably* untrue and can be proven with the minimum of effort
    by anyone studying this stuff.

  3. No; it’s not enough just to be homosexual to understand what homosexuality
    really entails. That’s why when children/teenagers begin to notice they
    have homosexual desires, they can often be confused/misinformed about it.
    Glatze, having converted suddenly to Christianity, gained an immediate
    vested interest to proclaim that his homosexuality was a sin and something
    he had ‘shaken off’. As I said, it’s quite likely that he’s simply
    suppressing it. You can’t just make someone be straight.

  4. @NatDemUK bi-sexuals “choose” which sex they fancy . I fancy guys,always
    have ,i had NO choice about that – i do choose which guy i fancy . People
    are born gay/bi/hetero ,blacks are born black. You cannot open a hotel and
    then tell same sex folk they have to sleep in single rooms – thats just
    discrimination. Would you like it?

  5. 1) You’ve still yet to provide a source not only for your claims about the
    relationship between parenting/fatherhood and sexuality, but also for the
    argument that homosexuality with declassified as an illness due to
    “pressure from the gay activists”. You can’t just throw unsupported claims
    at me in order to peddle your anti-gay agenda. 2) Why should it matter
    whether one is born with it or not? A) That doesn’t make it wrong/unnatural
    and B) it still doesn’t make it comparable to paedophilia.

  6. If you are unable to abide by the law and stop homosexual couples from
    sharing an opportunity you have created, then you should not be running a

  7. not if their making money and running a business, there are rules for
    running businesses and they wouldnt be allowed to bar Muslims or Jewish ppl
    from coming and staying.If you can’t keep up with the times, get out the

  8. We have all been hell deserving sinners at one time. I used to be a
    fornicator, get drunk on a regualr basis & be addicted to porn Even though
    I called myself a Christian, I realised I was an utter hypocrite in God’s
    eyes and was on the broad path to destruction. I gave Jesus pre- eminence
    in my life & the bondage to those sins vanished. As for Cor 7 – Paul is
    really stating here that marriage should be an equal partnership with the
    man being the head of the house – no wrong in that.

  9. There were over 300 prophecies in the OT , many written hundreds of years
    beforehand, all fulfilled through Jesus Christ alone. There is a huge
    amount of historical evidence too. But the best proof is in the lives of
    those who have been transformed from the inside out by the power of Jesus

  10. I know what asexuality and celibacy are; that was precisely my point. And I
    know that ‘temptations’, as you put them, do not have to be obeyed, but who
    are you to say that homosexual desire should not be? …

  11. For someone to have a reeligion they HAVE to be indocttrinated by parents
    or society as a child? Inifnite regress?

  12. @NatDemUK Murder harms other people. Homosexuality doesn’t. Homosexuality
    is a natural sexual behaviour, whether you believe it or not. You are
    simply bitter and biggoted against something which you clearly don’t
    understand, and something which doesn’t concern you.

  13. being gay is not a choice….it is always something that is embeded in our
    body,part of our DNA, it may find surface early in life or later..some it
    never does..however..Being a homosexual is difficult, no one would ever
    wish this on themselves, just like a heterosexual knows they like the
    opposite sex when their hormones kick in, the same goes for Homosexuals
    with the same gender. Loving someone and making another person happy is all
    that matters for straight and for gay, gender does not matter

  14. You really are so blind or you just refuse to listion. There is plenty of
    historical evidence, A roman historian who was there to record executions
    recorded Jesus’s death he was not a christiant, and another piece you
    should know, Astronomers have also taken the recording and events of
    Jesus’s death and have been able to point out the date. so you see its not
    just in the bible, its on other “things” that aren’t consider religious.
    its out there but you have to not shut it out.. .

  15. If I was seeking a double bed with a woman with whom I was not married and
    was refused, I would not be especially put out. I would consider it normal.
    And you comment on tyranny is interesting. I would consider it to apply to
    a government that forces people to give thousands of pounds of their hard
    earned money to people who were mildly inconvenienced.

  16. “Therefore if religion is a choice surly so is homosexuality.” Probably the
    most stupid thing ever said on Youtube. Your beliefs were taught to you, if
    you’d had been born in Saudi Arabia you would be Muslim and would think
    Christianity was wrong. People are not born believing in God or subscribing
    to a certain religion, it has to be indoctrinated by the parents and local
    society of the child.

  17. @NatDemUK “Wrong gender”?? ha………..Some gay men are camp you know. So
    this hotel has equal rights in it – so there are only single rooms then
    with single beds for ALL?

  18. ‘You constrain your rights when you decide to open a business’ Just how is
    that? Why should you? Anyone who runs a business loses some of their

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