28 Comments on “Miss New York 2010 Wins On Gay Rights Platform”

    CHOOSING , But girl you will be the winner just for talking about what
    others avoid !! Is time to spread light on this issue Americans still
    hidding under the rug … Best luck to you ,beautifull miss New York !!,
    Greettings from an american citizen living in Argentina . I will watch you
    on Jan 15 the and rejoice when the miss America´s crown be given to you !!!

  2. Regardless of your opinion on gay rights, you gotta admit that this is one
    smart, articulate woman. So refreshing to see someone with some
    intelligence in these competitions.

  3. Who knew beauty queens were allowed to have a brain these days….shocking.

  4. I hope she wins. She is a very good speaker. She is a beautiful person in
    the outside and also inside. It is refreshing.

  5. Claire Buffie is the BEST Beauty Queen!!! Congratulations on your win, and
    Congratulations on your reasonable view on Equal Rights…You must be a
    very good person!!! (and im a 100% gay man whose in a long term
    relationship with a man)

  6. You go Claire!!! Awesome awesome awesome!! What an intelligent, amazing,
    inspiring person you are. Please keep speaking out. Proud of you! Good luck
    in January!

  7. One of the best speakers I have ever heard and she certainly speaks from
    the heart.

  8. FINALLY! A contestant with brains! 🙂 Represent NYC baby! 🙂 We love and
    support you!

  9. Please make sure to Thumbs Up Claire’s video on the Miss America YouTube
    channel to help her win Miss America!

  10. Let us hope that no scandalous pictures and/or sordid relationships come to
    light before January, for if that happens, she is going to wish she were
    more a proponent of chastity than of gay rights. Trouble always comes in
    pretty packages with crowns on them.

  11. @PurpleNightButterfly the Declaration is simply a document expressing their
    independence from the British and holds no legal value in society. The
    Constitution though, which DOES hold legal value, says this: “Congress
    shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion” also in the
    Treaty of Tripoli: “As the Government of the United States of America is
    not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion” put that in your pipe
    and smoke it!

  12. @thatgirlinnewyork –cont Separation of the two is very important. You fail
    to understand what that means is that the gov’t can’t impose a religion on
    us, not that if the majority of people decide an issue of law based on
    their own preconceptions (religious or otherwise) that it has nothing to do
    with the separation clause. In a majority rule system, such as what ours is
    suppose to be, the majority is suppose to get their way just so long as the
    minority isn’t oppressed. Civil Unions again

  13. Great job, Claire! Way to represent Ball State, and I know that the entire
    Buffie clan is very proud, as is the SUMC crowd! =]

  14. @thatgirlinnewyork 1st if your going to quote me be accurate. 2nd 15% (2008
    figures) atheist or agnostic all others religious (Gallup, CATO, ARIS) 3rd
    Very much so which was my whole point in the first place if you’d have
    bothered to read it. Separate marriage from being a legal institution hence
    the quote “move marriage bk to the churches” 4th (empirical addition to 2nd
    pt) In ever state that has allowed a general vote gay marriage has been
    voted down or reversed. cont–

  15. God Bless Claire Buffie For Taking This Opportunity To Use Her Voice To
    Bring Awareness To Epidemic Of Gay Teen Suicide And Equality For Gay
    Couples At The Miss America Pageant. Claire’s So Very Brave To Speak Out On
    Behalf Of GLBT People, My Prayers Are With Her. She Represents The True
    Meaning and Values That Miss America Should Stand For. A Beautiful Person
    Both Inside and Out, She Deserves The Crown As Far As I’m Concerned!!.

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