5 Comments on “News 9 Anti MARD Law Part1”

  1. judges bullshit about america in america, family’s property and not only
    husbands property is split i.e husband also can get a share if he is
    married to a wealthy woman,which is not the case in india wealthy man can
    also prevent his wife from acquiring his property in the event of divorce
    by getting his spouse sign a prenup . Ex donald trump retained his wealth
    even after getting divorced twice..wealthy woman can also do this
    prenup..daughter of richard branson of UK got a prenup b4 her weddin

  2. Go Virag et all! Great to see injustice, dishonesty, unfairness and
    over-reach being challenged over there…

  3. Virag,.. your words were echoing for minutes in my ears. I think you should
    reach our to more mainstream media and put across your views. I just
    overwhelmed with the confidence you have expressed yourself. Just

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