22 Comments on “NHLF_2013 Thaddeus Russell ‘A Renegade History of the United States’”

  1. This dumbass read one book in four years, and I’m gonna listen to her why?
    Jayzus. Everyone believes he has something important to say.

  2. Very interesting lecture. I would like though to point out the difference
    of talking about worker self management under capitalism or under
    anarchist-communism. I agree with the point Thaddeus Russell makes about
    worker self management being self enslavement in the capitalist system. But
    in anarchist-communism that would be a completely different discussion as
    the economy would be organized in a much different way relieving most of
    the work from workers. Like argued by Peter Kropotkin in The Conquest of
    Bread. That is needs first, production later. Basically not producing bunch
    of crap, that a lot of money has to spent to make people want and make
    someone else rich. That way workers would have much more time to engage in
    other activities of their own choosing. I would also like to note that in
    the communist system the workers do not all have to be managers, the
    managers can be elected like was done in the anarchist zones during Spanish

  3. hey Thad,are you up for another “beer” (yes I know ‘single malt’ ) once
    again one of these days.. I have the update I have promised you then ?

  4. We work more not because of the puritanical work ethic, but because there
    is constant inflation by central banks, and theft of buying power.

  5. I think a Thaddeus Russell v Stefan Molyneux debate on ‘Freedom,
    Morality/Virtue & Happiness’ would be fascinating. I am personally very
    torn and that debate may help in my gaining clarity and consistency with
    these things.

  6. This is a friendly roast of libertarians, capitalists, and activists of
    many stripes. Activism vs hedonism (Warning, contains swears, y’all).

  7. *A Renegade History of the United States*
    Great lecture by Thaddeus Russell about how drunks, slackers, prostitutes,
    and gangsters are the real heroes that created the culture that made
    America free.

    #liberty #freedom #libertarian #anarchist 

  8. *A Renegade History of the United States*
    Great lecture by Thaddeus Russell about how drunks, slackers, prostitutes,
    and gangsters are the real heroes that created the culture that made
    America free.

    #liberty #freedom #libertarian #anarchist 

  9. *A Renegade History of the United States*
    Great lecture by Thaddeus Russell about how drunks, slackers, prostitutes,
    and gangsters are the real heroes that created the culture that made
    America free.

    #liberty #freedom #libertarian #anarchist 

  10. Damn shame the room wasn’t packed to standing room only. Great talk with
    many thought provoking points.

  11. The underlying principle he is championing here is the idea of free
    markets. If a workplace is too boring and unrewarding, workers have the
    power to re-negotiate the terms as they see fit. A meeting of the minds is
    necessary to achieve a valid contract and the employer is free to find
    other workers. If everyone always accepts the status quo, there would be no
    human progress, that is the entire point of his book. Nowhere does he
    support the socialist state or the concept of welfare.

  12. Alright, devil’s advocate here. The condemnation against not working here
    comes because not working implies freeloading, living off of someone else’s
    labor. Someone working allows people to break free of that and become
    independent. Work ethics should be considered a good thing as they teach
    self-responsibility and self-discipline, giving it a very civilizing effect.

  13. This guy appeals to bottom feeders that translate the idea of “freedom” as
    having other’s pay for your life. He has a cushy professorial job feeding
    his hedonism. Not a responsible influence. Better work places can be earned
    not given to whiners. Is Thad willing to payroll his apparent slacker
    followers? Many enjoy challenging work and responsible independent living.
    If i was paying tuition for my kids to listen to this drivel I would disown
    them. ex. Euro feeding off their socialist’s govt?

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