49 Comments on “Olympic Blames: Calls to boycott Sochi stir media frenzy over gay law misinformation”

  1. I am from Canada and many of us agree with the Russian law but cant speak
    of it openly because of the PC police here

  2. How can homosexuality be “promoted” anyways? this is so riddicolous. even
    if you for some retarted reason oppose homosexuality, are you that stupid
    that you think homosexuality is something that can be “learned” how can
    anyone be influenced in their sexuality by seeing others, what about gay
    people why arent THEY influenced by heterosexuality then. Even Russia has
    an obligation to provide basic civil rights, and expressing your love is
    one of those. And this has nothing to do with pedophilia, whoever thinks
    its the same doesnt truely understand what’s so disgusting about

  3. I am against the FED. Having a private bank print money and then lend it to
    the government is insane

  4. There’s no fucking way anybody can be as fucking stupid as you’re making
    yourself seem. Rather, you disgust me. All people who support these
    anti-homosexual laws disgust me on such a deep level, just knowing that
    people so ethically misguided exist is a major psychological hazard for any
    sane person. If I had any connection closer than being of the same species
    to someone like you, I’d proceed to immediately kill myself.

  5. All that story about “gay rights” is a spin to hide greater oppression, And
    why should we blindly accept your moral standards. Perhaps your opinion is
    not correct?

  6. In 2001 the Bush administration gave the banks money at the lowest interest
    in history, 0.5%. What the banks did? They raised their interests in
    unsecured to 30%which was a 100% over the charged in 1993, 10-15% max. Then
    they stated giving loans to any one with or without work, to buy houses
    crating a bubble in the market rocketing prices 200-300% over previous
    years .Fooling the people they gave money free down payment but with second
    mortgages that will explode in 5 years, in 2007.

  7. Now you jump into insulting. Are you feeling threaten for some reason ? Are
    you feeling in title to defend Capitalist interests for some unknown
    reason? You may also think that I am a silver spoon child that never had to
    work. A disenfranchised from his social class kid that gets entertained by
    seeing how common people do whatever, as insulting, to defend somebody’s
    wealth. I can say that you sound pathetic but I will not resort to such low
    response. Don’t worry I never got money from Welfare

  8. First, logic is neither true nor false; logic gives us just rules of
    deducing and does not evaluate judgments per se. On the other hand, if your
    opinion is true than if whole world persecutes Jews and only one country
    doesn’t, rest of the world can enforce that country to persecute Jews. And
    why all of you people always compare this “gay” movement with struggles
    against genocides and race discrimination?

  9. The 1990th showed that the economic happiness of your capitalism is a
    poppycock! It has brought us a billion problems, but not happiness!

  10. What happens is that people do not say the truth. If I hire a worker I need
    to know that his work is worth much more that what I pay for it so, the
    difference is my profit, This is not an ideological statement but a fact,
    the basis of making money. Now we are talking about corruption and I
    believe that a system that over price goods for profit is essentially
    corrupt. All depend of what side you decided to stand at. I can care less
    for rich people interest so mu position id simple, Get it?

  11. Making your own company sounds as childish as watching a copy of Superman
    from the 50’s. I am not talking of an idividual salvation, I am talking
    about the big picture, not pathetic mama and papa’s little local store.
    Come on grow up, how much have you or your friends, done in 20 or 30 years
    of work?

  12. You’re totally right. Fuck all the repressed and trampled-down women in the
    Middle East! Fuck all the abused Chinese citizens! Fuck the freedom of
    religion for Christians in Saudi Arabia!

  13. It’s multi-cultural in the same way Yugoslavia, or now Bosnia &
    Herzegovina, was multicultural. Or the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Were these
    societies tolerant towards minorities? There is quite a lot of
    discrimination towards minority ethnic groups in Russia, no doubt.
    Antisemitism also seems to be on a sharp rise, which is highly disturbing
    because no one wants to see the terrors of the pogroms be repeated. And
    yeah, then there are the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered

  14. Seriously boycott the olympics just because the faggots want ? Fuck faggs
    ha pathetic it wont happen

  15. Why the fuck would you even want to promote being gay to children. It’s
    shouldn’t be allowed anywhere. So, go Russia!

  16. Another Internet hero thinking he’s moral authority and yet wasting his
    time reading 2 month old Youtube comments. It would be nice of you to share
    some info about yourself so that you see we have more connection than just
    being H. sapiens.

  17. Well obviously I cannot have a single idea about your specific trade. I can
    only talk over general statistical and mathematical facts. As you said we
    have $100 trillion in debt and that debt is base upon non productive
    speculative banking money, the money they gambled in real state in
    2001-2007 because of the Reagan deregulation of financial institutions. Now
    in 2008 the federal government borrow $1500 billion to help the fall of the
    banking system. Money out of thin air!!!!

  18. The relation between the International Gross Production and the Financial
    Capital ( money that is not in the productive but in the speculative
    sector) in 1980 was 1:1.5, meaning for every real dollar on material goods
    there was 1.5 dollars in the financial market (gambling capital). Today the
    relation is 1:4.5. For every real dollar there are $4.5 gambling money in
    the market place. It is being said that for a rice grain already eaten the
    Market still play as if it exists, four times.

  19. Fuck Israel!!! Why do these fucking Jews need to come ask me if its ok?
    Fight your own war scum pieces of shit!

  20. Queer people in Uganda continue to live in fear and under constant threat
    of persecution. In 2009, parliamentarians tabled the infamous “Kill the
    Gays” bill, which has made life for queer Ugandans increasingly dangerous.

  21. there is a say in the business world: If you work, you cannot make money.
    Nothing closer to the truth, If you are working there is no way you will
    find the opportunity, the hint that will give you as much money as you need
    to prosper. If working were so good, rich people will have it all for
    themselves. Work is for the poor not for the smart guys!!! I have a
    business and if I were working I would not make any good deals as I am able
    to do because there are poor guys that need a salary.

  22. Judging by your words maybe pseudonym Adolf Hitler would suit you better
    than the actual one..

  23. RT Putin ass-kissers. They started as an liberal media en ended up in
    ridicule and lame ass kissing of the Putin regime.

  24. Yeah sure. Anyone who does not love ya butt pirates must take it up the
    poop chute too, eh.

  25. What about rights of farmers not to use Monsanto ? What about school kids
    rights for a better education ? What about rights of workers not to be
    fired whenever it suits their bosses ? What about our right not to be
    sprayed with Chemtrails ? What about peoples rights on their culture,
    tradition and religion ? What about rights of people not to be enslaved by
    New World Order tyrants? What about right of 6 billion people of this
    Planet to stay alive, and not to be murdered in genocidal franzy ?

  26. You call attacking a minatory living in peace? Why do you care if two
    consenting adults of the same sex choose to be together. That’s their life
    and their business. And it’s not hurting anyone else. Or imposing any
    threat on your life. the fact is, Laws should be their to protect
    everyone’s individual rights. Not target a minatory and tell them what they
    can and can’t do.

  27. Come on man, for a fucking CEO to make 24 million dollars a year you are
    telling me that the man shits diamonds or his fucking cock spells gold
    cum??? The mother fuckers are a skim, they lure each other and still money
    from the corrupt financial system. Proof of this is that the whole
    capitalist world in shambles, Only communist China is fucking all of us in
    the ass, don’t you realize that? Today the dollar is worth in the negative
    as much as Bush dare to print in 2008, meaning -1500 Billions.

  28. Yeah, though that might terrify segments of the Asian population with
    memories of bro Idi Amin.

  29. Ya, blue collar 1%. …I have no doubt you never moved a finger for anyone,
    surprised section 8 housing gave you internet access

  30. Actually, anthropological research shows that monogamous hetrosexual
    relationships aren’t that “normal”.

  31. Russia should ban enyone who is a member of North Atlantic Terrorist
    Orgnization to participate. Those who are to be blamed for nearly of all
    the attrocities all over the Globe. Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afganistan, Lybia,
    Syria are those countries where no one realy was to be asked or protected
    for a sake of human rights, liberties and all the other crap they now
    outcry in the name of perverts right to parade and suck each other in front
    of kids and bystanders.

  32. The fact that you’re equating homosexuals with pedophiles and rapists shows
    how much you understand the issue. What two consenting adults do in private
    has no relation whatsoever to any of these things.

  33. The system itself is not corrupt, but their are corrupt people using the
    system. Communism has been tried, it is does not reward people for their
    effort. A fully socialist system is unfair, making one portion of the
    population surrender their earnings to others (though social programs are
    needed, healthcare should be socialized, not Obamacare, but a single payer
    system). The problem we are having now is crony capitalism, bribing public
    officials. Keep business and government seperate

  34. Small business employees the majority (52%) of Americans. The fact you
    didn’t know that only shows you are talking out of your ass. The big
    picture is high costs of labor in the US, high costs of benefits (wait till
    Obamacare hits, family of 4 will cost employers $20K a year) and
    competition with cheaper Chinese goods has decimated manufacturing here. If
    everyone is buying shit from walmart and not buying domestically produced
    goods, the domestic manufacturing will close or move

  35. Protestors A-OK with 70+ countries that punish guys with either death or
    imprisonment. Stephen Fry, I thought you were supposed to be smart.

  36. Again… Not by having rights because it’s an empty phrase. They have same
    rights as we others do. This is about current political bs. Russians have
    every right not to allow forcing teachers to promote homosexuality in
    classrooms. Oppression is led by people like you who believe they have all
    the brains in the world and think that gives them right to interfere with
    affairs of others. Just like USA is doing for last 70 years.

  37. Pardon me, in my outrage I didn’t notice my comment was 2 months late. That
    said, let me respond: No, I don’t consider myself an internet hero, sharing
    my feelings pseudo-anonymously is just therapeutic. Yes, I do consider
    myself a moral authority, although due to the nature of the anonymity I
    mentioned, it has no bearing and cannot be demonstrated. What I am certain
    of, however, is my superiority as an ethical agent. Finally, I wish to
    notify you of the usage of rhetoric in my final sentence.

  38. Since I have worked in resource based industry, I can see you have no
    fucking idea how they work either. When a company (we can go with logging)
    harvests a resource, they pay a fee (in logging it is a stumpage fee, set
    amount per tree they cut), the money is sent to the governments coffers.
    The pay for their workers also pays income tax. What fucked us the most are
    entitlement spending. Future generations are fucked because of $100
    Trillion, unfunded, (so far) and it is only going up

  39. That’s your opinion. Make your rules in your part of the world and let us
    others live in peace.

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