29 Comments on “Olympic Charter Google 2014”

  1. … and: the doodle shows the rainbow-flag (not the Google colors). A very
    clear signal from Google against discrimination against gays and lesbians.
    Well done!

  2. Erschreckend, wie viele Schwulen- und Lesben-feindliche Kommentare es zu
    dem heutigen Google Doodle gibt… Und gut, dass Google trotz dieser
    unbelehrbaren Ignoranten mit dem Doodle ein Zeichen gegen Diskriminierung
    gesetzt hat. 

  3. Ok Google I’ll support your cause if you can remove that Content ID policy
    bullshit on Youtube, stop doing unnecessary changes to the Youtube
    channels, stop forcing Google+ on every one of your users and stop giving
    away information of your users to the NSA.
    What’s that? No?
    Well screw you then Google.

  4. What a crock of shit. Russia hasn’t banned gays. This is Russophobe

  5. Google and Youtube are run by homosexuals. It’s the only power they have
    over the masses. The gay rights movement is like a job that most people
    hate, but they “tolerate” it just to collect a paycheck.

  6. pay your taxes google you have no right to moan about morals when your
    constantly dodging taxes while putting the middle man out of business, your
    ethics make little sense to people, it would be like the “sheriff of
    nottingham” being robinhood at the same time, doesn’t make much adsense
    does it…

  7. The doodle clearly shows the rainbow-flag. It is a very clear signal that
    if you don’t buy into the LGBT propaganda machine, you are not welcome.
    This is Google telling you what to believe and what to do. Make no mistake,
    this company is a force for intolerance and control. Lately their business
    practises have been nothing short of shameful.

  8. i don’t think being gay is right BUT i also don’t discriminate them man,
    thats wrong. why not help them instead? 

  9. so hmm…what the actual point of this shit? bandwaggoning much? or just
    working the paid monies? i thought google doesn’t really need money lol

  10. the only pr coup left for them is free rights for homosexuals. naturally.
    forget about the more civilised ideas of russia that is against abortion
    and the truth about many homoexuals adopting children to molest them
    because the media is scared about vilfying homosexuals. acting according as
    actors and puppets, not real men or woman that stand up for truth. sorry
    google, but this cheap pr coup does nothing to change your stalinist and
    english feudalistic desire to gain all privacy and personal knowledge. one
    barbarian tribe cannot criticise the other.

  11. The rainbow was given as a sign to Noah, that the Lord would never again
    destroy mankind with a flood of water. However, the Bible does state that
    the world will be destroyed with fire in the end.
    Rainbows are pretty, they are the result of water droplets in the air
    struck by the rays of the sun at just the correct angle, what does the
    rainbow have to do with gay rights anyway?
    I do not buy into this nonsense.
    However, I do think that anyone should be able to play in the sport of
    their choice no matter what their sex. However, PUSHING the whole gay
    agenda, and making such a one sided statement about it by Google or anyone,
    that has this much public sway is not right. There is no need to even do
    this, all they are doing is making the whole gay rights thing out to be
    more and more “normal” it’s a one sided agenda by Google and the Gay rights

  12. A la mierda con google, me voy a pasar a Bing hasta que quiten esa mierda
    de propaganda gay del logo.

  13. I do not think the rainbow should be associated with gays etc. It belongs
    to everybody and gays have no right to privatize it. 

  14. I just dont get it what athlete was removed from competition because they
    were gay ??? this is a brain wash propaganda it has no point, thats there
    country and thats the way they live . I dont see google fighting for right
    for women on the middle east ,o yes in this society gays are more important

  15. While everyone deserves the opportunity to participate in these games, I
    sense hidden propaganda beneath all this. There are millions of Christians
    and people of other faiths that get persecuted around the world and there
    is never any fancy Google drawing created for them (if there ever was,
    someone feel free to show me). How about all those Coptic Christians
    suffering in Egypt? Google, stick with advertising and creating awesome
    Nexus phones and tablets; leave politics out of it if you can’t stay

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