23 Comments on “People Bullying Gays – YOU ARE DISGUSTING!”

  1. Ah, I just love you on how you support me, I kinda cried on how many people
    get bullied for being gay.. but I wish more people would do it so I cant
    teach them a damn good lesson! They say it’s disgusting, is it? Is it
    disgusting for us? Think about what you bullies say.

  2. Dick into vagina=baby dick to dick=broken dick(yes you can actually break
    you’re dick) anyways it aint normal its just nasty FYI HIV among gay people
    is higher then Africa’s and Brazilian prostitudes the more you know it’s
    just disgusting.

  3. Gay people are stupid because God didn’t create Adam and Adam or eve and
    eve;he created Adam and eve

  4. The only problem I have with gay people is locker rooms and bathrooms, it’s
    like being with girls if u are a straight male in a locker room, I’ve been
    looked at by a gay guy and I felt mentally raped in a gym lockeroom

  5. Gay people are stupid because God didn’t create Adam and Adam or eve and
    eve;he created Adam and eve

  6. The only problem I have with gay people is locker rooms and bathrooms, it’s
    like being with girls if u are a straight male in a locker room, I’ve been
    looked at by a gay guy and I felt mentally raped in a gym lockeroom

  7. Why do people use the bible to condemn gay people? The Bible doesn’t make
    sense. It’s bullshif.

  8. Everyone have the right to use free will and do whatever you enjoy and
    like, however when you are christian like myself, and you consider your
    self a real christian it’s hard to ask us to not follow what GOD said in
    the bible,we are not the one to judge however,you can not ask us to
    “accept” it. i agree insulting and bullying is not okay, no matter what it
    is, looks,sexuality,colour of your skins etc 

  9. And gay people weren’t born gay. Homosexual behaviors stem mainly from
    developmental issues, primarily negative ones.

  10. Whould the rest of u guys just shut up the girl has a perfect point oh and
    the worldbwould not fall apart u moron (the person who mad the comment on
    the world falling apart)

  11. that is called being religious asshole moron. if you were gay would you
    like it if i called you faggot

  12. u wouldnt be here if it wasnt for Adam and Eve!!! so being Gay means u have
    no morals or religion !!!Yes it is a problem!!!the world will fall apart if
    this stays OK :/

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