24 Comments on “Pew: 1 in 5 Americans Have No Religious Affiliation”

  1. The interesting thing that this research showed was that there is a HUGE
    difference between young Americans and old Americans on this topic. 1 in 10
    Americans over 65 are not affiliated with a religion. 3 out of 10 Americans
    between 18-29 are not affiliated with a religion. Every year around 2
    million Americans die from age related deceases and around 4 million are
    born. This means: 1,33 million gain in unaffiliated from birth MINUS
    200.000 from death NET GAIN of: 1,13 million EACH YEAR!

  2. Which one was that again? I tend to get lost amongst the throngs of deities
    we managed to produce over the centuries.

  3. god isn’t useful anywhere. especially not in politics where it can be
    imposed onto unconsenting citizens.

  4. These lies and hypocrisy is what people are sensing. But you should know
    that Jehovah God, the author of the bible, is a God is truth and he never
    lies. (Titus 1:2) He wants everyone to learn about him, his purpose for the
    earth and his son. It means everlasting life. (John 17:3) This is a free
    inheritance provide by Jehovah God to imperfect humans. (John 3:16)

  5. Even though one in five don’t have a particular religious affiliation, many
    of those in the “one” consider themselves Christians or theists and have a
    very strong belief in God who acts here on earth.

  6. I am agnostic myself and I believe in the possibility of all religions, but
    I also hate people who try to force religion on others and or use their
    religion to justify acts.

  7. aah shut up man with your stupid assumptions of trolling and me thinking im
    pissed off stick your dirty tongue up YOUR ass and get gonorroe. ffs dude
    get a life.

  8. Look at the greedy and nasty actions of some religious leaders! I help
    people directly, and I go to God on my own!

  9. Jesus explained that during the “last days” (Matt 24:3), “because of the
    increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off.”
    (Matt 24:12) A reference scripture to “lawlessness” can be found at Matt
    7:23. The religious leaders say to Jesus, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy
    in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful
    works in your name?” (Matthew 7:22) Jesus called them “workers of
    lawlessness.” In other words they teach lies and are hypocrites.

  10. I find it hysterical that you are so pissed off and offended by —
    actually, I don’t know what you’re even pissed off at. Perhaps something is
    lodged up your ass? I didn’t delete my comment, you dolt. I’m looking at
    the comment right now. If you plan on living as a troll, then I suggest
    that you take up another course in English. It is spelled “you’re”, not
    “your”. If you cannot spell to most basic of words, then you shouldn’t even
    be calling anyone an idiot.

  11. not having beliefs is not really atheism. its just unreligious. but in all
    seriousness, i dont think that any of this really matters. who cares if
    someones a jew, a catholic, a satanist, etc. i dont think that much of the
    conversations on religion DO anything, at least not constructive. more
    often than not, it seems that its just used for hatred and bashing, no
    matter which faith. so, who cares? the only people who seem to talk about
    it, are the ones who dont like the fact that theres other view

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