25 Comments on “Rick Santorum: I Didn’t Hear Booing Of Gay Soldier”

  1. He hasn’t seen video of the debate? Has he avoided tv and internet for the
    last two weeks LOL.

  2. I think anybody who has a problem with LGBTQ soldiers is a traitor, because
    they are demoralizing and crippling the American armed forces.

  3. Does anyone notice that when this dik-tard started to answer the question,
    he stops and waits for the boos to stop and then proceeds to answer. If he
    didn’t hear anything then WTF was he pausing for. Also he DID NOT thank
    that soldier for his service, and I GUARANTEE if that guy had been
    straight, the first think out of dik-tards mouth would have been to thank
    him for his service. Not the despicable ignorant, bigoted thing he did end
    up saying…….(sigh) and I am thew!

  4. Arrogant sorry SOB Santorum is!! Didn’t hear the boos my ass!’ Listen to
    the way he answered the question, fraud!!!

  5. @chillichomper “He wasn’t being booed cause he was american soldier…”
    Guess what, nobody’s arguing that, the argument was that you’re supposed to
    defend a soldier who is being booed for the sake of their services. You
    can’t even accept that he was being booed not for “being a soldier” but
    JUST because he was gay. That’s what the case is. It’s not “preferential
    treatment” it’s wanting to be treated fairly or being accepted for how he

  6. His… ANSWER… his attempt to respond to that… was… worse than his
    ignoring the boos. Nay, he actually ENJOYED those who booed that soldier.
    He answered “sexual activity has no place in the military”? Rick you did
    WORSE than actually agree with that boo or ignore it. You actually decided
    to equate saying you were gay with actually having sex while serving in the
    military. Big fucking surprise you get called out on the smaller part of
    this bullshit pile you’ve made and lie again.

  7. Terrorists attack us because we eat mcnuggets Im rick Santorum and i
    approve this messege

  8. “If it was clear to me that that was the case, I would have said
    something.” Something like: “I will absolve your marriage if I become

  9. People, people, come on now, he was obviously listening to God and the
    glorious message that gays should be booed; and therefore not paying
    attention to the boos from the audience, the thought they were God’s boos –

  10. People, we need to “like” this video because we appreciate that the
    uploader has shared this info with us by making the video. Never ‘dislike’
    a video because one of the people in the bit is a POS like Santorum.

  11. Tell the people now what you would have said had you heard it at the
    time… Interviewer let him get off lightly with that one.

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