46 Comments on “Rick Santorum: “Middle Class” is “Marxism Talk!””

  1. I have a friend who worked for Sen Ben Nelson of Nebraska and he always
    said that if you asked people in the Senate who is the dumbest Senator in
    the Senate almost to a person they said Rick Santorum and it becomes more
    obvious with each passing day.

  2. I’m not sure what the point is of taking Rick Santorum seriously about
    anything anymore

  3. Is there a current Marxist Nation that has a standard quality of life
    greater than the Inhabitants in the US? Marxism to my knowledge has never
    lasted or worked long term, It disregards a person to have rights to their
    own labor, production, or property. This sounds Anti – American.

  4. Many people in America have built an entire world view based on being
    stridently anti-Marxist while knowing nothing about Marxism whatsoever.

  5. I agree. He is a weak president but most of that I believe has more to do
    with the restrictions from Republicans. They will block any and everything
    that that man does and I think that it has to do with race. I truly believe
    that if Barack Obama commenced impeachment proceedings against himself
    Republicans wouldn’t support him in it because he would be the one
    initiating it! LOL

  6. See that’s where you are wrong. They could temporarily stop the filibuster
    so the republicans will stop abusing it. Even the threat of doing that
    might make the republicans clean up their act.

  7. That actually does make me really happy. I wish that connection would get
    mentioned more.

  8. Republicans truly do want a classless society that’s why they want to shut
    down our school system. (Rick wants a classless society. Isn’t that what
    the Communist wanted?)

  9. Bill Gates started with nothing without college & he moved.If classes
    existed in reality he wouldn’t be able to move to the top. Everyone of u
    failed to locate “class” in reality! Where is it I asked! Is “class”
    located on a topographical or physical map? Can it be located with a
    telescope or a microscope, periscope, thermometer, barometer, ruler,
    breathalyzer, sonar, radar, blood test, x-ray, speedometer, sextant. Surely
    if “classes” do exist in reality they can be detected by one of these!

  10. Yeah I suppose you are right. With our absurdly large and expensive army,
    navy, and airforce (our navy is larger than the worlds combined, yet Rick
    Perry probably would raise my taxes to make it bigger) our stupid people
    can become dangerous. Don’t worry though. The American people lost their
    stomach for war years ago when we got sick of the 2 wars sucking our
    coffers dry. I just hope our officials hear us.

  11. Marx did make a few rather unnecessary additions to his idea but at it’s
    core marxism is a good idea. A classless society however does sound more
    like a utopian notion however, the best we can do is a socialist model like
    we had in Eisenhower’s day. Since then we’ve had the added benefit of civil
    rights for many different segments of the population added in so if we were
    to switch back to Eisenhower’s economic policy and keep with the social
    policies made since the 60s we would be in good shape.

  12. The more I hear about certain people having advanced degrees, the more I
    doubt the legitimacy in correlating advanced degrees with intelligence.

  13. 10 bucks says Rick Santorum get’s caught blowing some dude in the YMCA
    shower before the end of the year.

  14. I can only give you my opinion and judgement and i would say the Bush years
    have seriously poisoned the water and that poison has different affects on
    different nations , us Brits are still at the stage of clutching are guts
    throwing up in the bucket . As far as Obama is concerned i think people
    think after all the razzmatazz he’s a lame duck with no power and people
    think racism probably . Public opinion about America is generally good

  15. This guy is still around? He will be running on the “snowball chance in
    hell” ticket if he runs. I would prefer if he were kicked out of PA and the
    US. I got an idea, it’s pretty wild but, if people do not go to any of his
    lectures, stop any requirement to force others to listen to him, don’t
    listen to him or tune off any station he is on and ignore the crap out of
    him. That is the only thing you can do with guys like this. People like
    that are the reason for so much hate in the world.

  16. Besides the misunderstood Marxism statement he made, it’s rather disturbing
    that almost everything he accuses the Left being and doing is actually what
    the Right is and is doing. I’ve found that a trend over the years of
    rightwingers accusing liberals of being racist and full of hate and
    violence which is basically what most people think of when they think of
    rightwingers. Somehow liberals pushing for equality and peace makes them
    racists and warmongers – uh, yeah…. These righties need help

  17. Bill Gates comes from a long line of wealth. His father was a lawyer and
    his grandpa was the head of a large bank. Gates moved from the top 5% to
    the top 1%.

  18. correct. he was also a burglar, an arsonist and a werewolf who feasted on
    the blood of innocent virgins

  19. Rick Santorum: since when does america have classes, Ehhm since the
    begining of organized society. Dumbass

  20. And people are upset because religious people are statistically less
    intelligent than we secularists/atheists. People are arguing about it.

  21. “America is the place where everyone has a chance to succeed” America has
    lowest social mobility in the OECD. ie, it is the place people are Least
    likely to succeed. watch?v=cZ7LzE3u7Bw Santorum is telling his supporters
    to lie.. Ranting lies and denial is all creeps like him do.. moron
    corp/cult sales psychopaths stole politics & trashed USA for 1% ruling
    class myopic greed cult.

  22. Let me get you another target, because you’ve just decimated the bulls-eye.

  23. Its ironic for Rick to say America is a place where everyone can succeed,
    considering what a failure he is as a person and a politician.

  24. try to complain about it, YOU SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! You lazy fucks, stop
    hating and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Why should there be any
    government. rules making the playing field more fair for all races to be
    able to go to a good college, get decent pay, or make sure there are jobs?
    Life aint fair, survival of the fittest, oh wait republican dont believe in
    evolution.. Its fucking beyond depressing it really is.. Rick Santorum
    should be stacking hay or, in a mental asylum, not politics

  25. Its surprising how often democratic governments employ policies that would
    not survive a referendum of the people . Rick perry is your classic dumb
    person who is just clever enough to understand the power of ideas and the
    power that can be gained over other dumb people with them . And you find
    them everywhere .

  26. More more optimistic than I. I hope that you are right and I am just
    blowing things out of proportion but from what I have seen he has alot of
    opposition and criticism to cut through. Temporarily stopping the
    filibuster I think would just enrage Repubs more. They would say things
    like: See he is overstepping his boundaries. Or see he wants to destroy the
    democratic process and silence those who don’t think along the same lines
    as he does. I am so use to their tricks and ruses that’s its not even

  27. A great deal of ho we, generally, talk about society and history are
    basically marxist, of marxist roots, owing to Karl Marx. This is awesome.
    He was a great thinker.

  28. Marxism is an ideology that promotes a classless society, dumbass. Marx
    made the mistake of attatching a few rather unrealistic notions. The core
    idea of a clasless society is something america should go toward if this
    country is to be anything like it promises.

  29. there’s no need for details. all you kids need to remember is that marx
    killed 11 bazillion people

  30. Am i overreacting to what you just wrote when i say i find that all a
    little scary . Stupid people with power 🙁

  31. It’s funny because most people attacking marx and marxism don’t know
    anything about it. I personally have several issues with the philosophy,
    mainly because its models couldn’t have taken into account the modern
    world, but it is largely sound, well intentions and certainly not evil.
    Marx should be considered an extremely important thinker and taken
    seriously, instead he is demonised. (despite a lot of his ideas being
    pretty well accepted) Sad indictment on humanity.

  32. Bill Gates was born in a wealthy family to begin with. Class is not
    something you detect with some instruments as telescope. but you can
    clearly see classes if you look into ppls wealth and power. Even
    organizations as IMF and OECD acknowledge class are they Marxist or is it
    so they understand statistic and data that show classes. Class is a social
    economic construct so it could be removed but it mean you need a different
    economic and political system.

  33. Has this guy even taken an economics course? I am willing to bet few of the
    people who would vote for him have, so I guess maybe he is playing to that.

  34. Oh we mostly agree. Its just if I was Obama I would stop carrying about
    republican tantrums, take away their filibuster, tell the American people
    how they are abusing it and get things done. But then again maybe he knows
    something I don’t.

  35. No way Jose; Rick Santorum may have a pretty face but he is part of the
    revolving door Washington politics as usual problem. He is an influence
    peddler “Middle Man”, special interest representative, selling Washington
    influence to the highest bidder. This guy is not it. He represents the
    Status quo in Washington.

  36. You couldn’t write satire about a person like him, he would trump the
    fiction with reality 🙁

  37. Watching him try to be inspiring gives me the douche chills. Much like

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