48 Comments on “Robertson: Gay Rights Advocates Should “Shut Their Mouth””

  1. And he’s using Leviticus for his argument on homosexuality… Does he want
    to be taken seriously?

  2. *If you can’t poop out a baby from your butthole, you don’t get any rights.*

    Also – get a load of *hhhhwhwhite meat chicken on hhhhwhwhite bread.*

  3. Pat Robertson: Until homosexuals can bring forth a baby out of their butts,
    they should shut their mouths: 

  4. God spilt his own blood as a sacrifice to himself… to save me from
    hell… It is ridiculous, convoluted and unimaginable that an omnipotent,
    omnibenevolent being should require a blood sacrifice for ANYTHING. If he
    requires a blood sacrifice then he isn’t omnipotent because he can’t do “X”
    without requiring “Y” first.

  5. I’m sick? Why because I’ve never done anything in my list? do you approve
    of my list? you don’t find any of it disturbing? if you don’t then you are
    totally corrupt and you are the sick one. My list are things done by both
    homo & hetero I never said it wasn’t, homos do everything in your list as
    well. Your mouth is not a genital or reproduction organ, genitals were made
    for each other, they feel better as well, is your tongue a penis? do you
    enjoy the taste and smell of someones asshole?

  6. You know something strange things don’t stay the same they come then they

  7. People like this Robertson are the reason why so many people in the world
    don´t like Americans.

  8. Bryan, acknowledging your deviance is something the world is used to, alas.

  9. the fact that you wish violence, suffering, and probable death to others
    simply because they believe differently than you is abhorant, sick, and
    borderline psychotic. but what to expect from someone that can find ways to
    justify atrocities like genocide & infanticide as long as it is committed
    and commanded by their chosen ‘god’? to me, your mentality is FAR more
    perverse than homosexuality ever could be. step into the 21st century or
    just stfu please? thanks!

  10. what a bigot we have in robber-son,he has no honor,he seams like a closest
    homosexual,most liers like himself are deviants he reminds me of snake-oil
    salesmen of days gone by

  11. im saving my money when this piece of shit dies,im going to his grave and
    piss and shit on it.this less than a human being has a special coner in
    hell waiting for him next to that pimp oral roberts the father of pay for
    your blessings con game.

  12. Because we are having such a problem with under population…. speak of
    biology and have no clue about our Biosphere.

  13. Hahaha, that’s a joke right? I’m just pointing out that you can’t use the
    bible to back one position, while completely ignore the fact that you don’t
    follow what your god says in the very same book on another subject. I’m
    basically showing that Pat is cherry picking to make the bible fit his
    narrow-minded, bigoted views. Who cares? That’s a great question to ask Pat
    when it comes to gay marriage. It in no way affects him. He’s a hateful man
    and it’s plain for all to see.

  14. One man wanting to fuck another man is ABNORMAL FREAKISH SICK DEVIANT
    PERVERTED behavior, no matter what you say & wish The majority will never
    accept & approve & if Christianity falls Islam will fill the void our
    prisons are being taken over by islam, we have Mosques being built all over
    the country yet no christian church is allowed to be built in any muslim
    country, tolerance & liberalism & stupidity will be America’s demise then
    Islamic Sharia Law will come, Then homos & perverts will die.

  15. “The MORAL law transcends all generations” – no, morality is simply
    principles concerning the distinction of right/wrong behaviour and we
    observe it to vary accross generations, locations .etc “Evil was evil
    before the law” – evil is a word used to describe something you storngly
    dont like. “Look what happeed in the days of Noah” – you seriously believe
    a magica being killed everyone? including babies and small children (that
    sounds pretty immoral to me)

  16. That was BEFORE THE LAW OF MOSES. The bible records a bunch of wickedness
    that God DOES NOT approve of (i.e. Abraham giving his wife up to Egyptians
    Gen 12:11-13) Stop calling me a fool and UNDERSTAND what you’re reading.

  17. If you started showing signs of a functioning mind, you could possibly be
    seen as a human being with an opinion worth listening to. We’ll wait.

  18. We should really take pity and be compassionate towards Mr. Robertson. I
    really do feel sorry for the guy. All his life he’s been wanting a solid,
    slick, massive cock in his mouth and he’s never gotten one. Instead he’s
    had to scream and rail against homosexuals, and it comes down to his own
    secret need for cock. We should start a cock drive or something just to get
    him some before he checks out of the world.

  19. Infertile hetersexual people IS exception NOT the rule. Gay people have NO
    offspring of their own. Saying they have offspring through adoption is like
    saying I own your kids if I watch them. Please dont try to convince me what
    they are doing is natural. Convince biology that homesexuality is right by
    causing offspring to come forth from two homosexuals. And most importantly,
    its a sin, so you need to repent.

  20. The MORAL law transcends all generations. Evil was evil before the law.
    Look what happeed in the days of Noah, to Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus Christ
    is a divine entity. He did miracles and still does. Plus He rose from the
    dead. I don’t have blind faith, I have faith in someone that existed and
    still does. Search TB Joshua, my videos, Pete Cabrera, Bio channel, “I
    survived, beyond and back”. the list goes on. Repent or perish.

  21. Whose facts? Everyone’s. People can’t have their own facts. Do a little
    research. Before you start talking about a god’s authority, you must prove
    a god exists. A charity huh? That’s funny. Spreading lies, and evil doesn’t
    count as a charity where I come from. Or do you support increasing the aids
    numbers, and ignorance in Africa? He’s selling people something they won’t
    get until they die. That’s the biggest con in history. I don’t expect you
    to be impressed if you follow this charlatan.

  22. Look Fool just because something can be artificially manipulated doesn’t
    mean it should be done, A Man’s ASSHOLE or Mouth is not a Vagina or any
    other kind of reproductive organ, some stupid humans can only find deviant
    behavior enjoyable, You want to talk about Deny? Homosexuals are selfish
    individuals who Deny children the right to have a Father AND Mother because
    the opposite sex doesn’t turn them on, Don’t bother telling me about single
    parents or orphans need to be adopted.

  23. So what are you trying to say? comeon I haven’t got all day what’s your

  24. My acknowledging reality, my rationality, and my standing up for equality
    and respect for all have already made me do better. You just cannot see it.

  25. Wow that was quite a mouthful for you wasn’t it, not the kind you’re used

  26. Bryan Mills sobs, “One man wanting to fuck another man is ABNORMAL FREAKISH
    SICK DEVIANT PERVERTED behavior” You’re probably just doing it wrong. “Then
    homos & perverts will die.” Try using more lube. Then it won’t hurt so much
    and you won’t feel like you’re going to “die”.

  27. Chick-Fil-A doesn’t ask sexual orientation when they hire people, or when
    they serve you. I don’t understand why people are trying to bully a

  28. Apparently you do not understand Hebrew or the Tribal frame of reference. A
    ‘rapist’ doesn’t want a ‘child’. You still do not understand and will not
    until you lost your Greco/Roman and westernized point of view

  29. Wow you need to grow up and look at the world around you. Homosexuals have
    every right to life just as everybody else does… except for probably you
    and this prick!

  30. Breaking the Sabbath, eating pork and lobster, getting tattoos are also
    sins according to the Bible. Also getting a divorce is a sin, yet most of
    you Christianists have no problems with divorced folks like your heros
    Gingrich and Reagan. Please keep your religious beliefs out of politics.

  31. wow, religion has really messed you up. and sorry but $10 says your parents
    are to blame as well. how arrogant and self righteous of you to assume that
    good people “will never be equal or accepted isn any way, shape or form” to
    bigots like you. which is true in a way because bigots will never be equal
    to good, tolerant people that love people based on who they are and not
    their sexual preference. religion may have rules the world at one time, but
    reason is coming on strong & we ARE “bringing it”

    EVOLUTION says, natural selection occurs when two species reproduce & pass
    the best genes off to their offspring. IF THERE IS NO REPRODUCTION, there

  33. There are at least 26 Bible verses that command Christians to make
    JUDGNMENTS about other people. When Jesus spoke of judging others the
    CONTEXT explains the meaning. Of course you’re way too stupid to ever
    understand this, you worthless fags. I hate queers and niggers for the same
    reasons: two-faced, selfish, liars, think the world owes them everything,
    and relentlessly attack those who tell the truth. But I know where you’re
    all going and I’m very pleased with it. Go get fucked assholes.

  34. Bigot this Bigot that. You need to repent Phendraana. Sin is sin.
    Homosexuality is sin. A guy and a guy and a woman and a woman is NOT
    natural. You know that. I am not going to try to convince you the ocean
    exist, you already know it does. You know homosexuality is wrong.

  35. Gays are slaves? or are slaves gay? one has nothing to do with the other
    unless they are gay slaves and I’m not talking about S&M or B&D also
    Leviticus is not the only Biblical reference.

  36. Where does it say that the Law of the US is directly influenced by the
    bible? Not rhetorical, i want you to show me.

  37. “Breaking the Sabattah, eating pork etc ARE all OLD TESTAMENT LAWS ” – so
    are the 10 commandments, are you unaware that 90% of the bible IS the old
    testement? “I don’t follow a man, I follow Christ Jesus and am justified by
    faith.” – asserting a person to be a divine entity doesnt make them one –
    faith is beleive without evidence and it doesnt provide a justification for
    anythng (it cant) FAIL

  38. I don’t believe in Traditional Hell or the Rapture or Pergatory The bible
    says life will never end but it also says Armegeddon will come & with more
    countries getting the bomb it’s foolish to think it won’t happen, Do you
    really think Islam will go away neither will we more people want to believe
    in a higher power than no power at all, you’re fooled by the idea that
    science will conquer all with good it does evil as well like the bomb &
    humans who control have a fatal flaw it is called emotion.

  39. hating sin is not hate. when someone sins against you you call the cops.
    stop acting like sin is okay when you do it, but you know you get
    hypocritical when someone does it to you.

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