38 Comments on “RWW News: Beck Wants Nothing To Do With Nevada Anti-Government Standoff”

  1. I think the feds actually showed some restraint for once, and spared this
    guy’s life. It would have been way too easy for them. Yeah, i’m on the side
    of the Feds. They actually wanted to solve this dispute peacefully, and
    they didn’t want innocent people to get hurt. Cliven Bundy fucking lucked
    out big time, becasue he would have been dead, had the feds actually met
    this guys “call to arms”. To all the gun fanatics, and right-wingers, do
    you think that a few hicks with guns are going to stop the United States
    government from enforcing the law? Please, again the only reason why Cliven
    Bundy is still breathing, is becasue the feds actually did the right thing,
    and not turn this issue into another senseless blood bath. There are plenty
    of good peope in the federal government agencies, that do thier job ot
    enforce the law, and this clown thinks that he is above it. Mark my words,
    that guy is going to pay those taxes, either by the courtroom, or by

  2. Read RWW Blog Comments and Replies, Mr Beck. There’s plenty of hate,
    particularly that born of the ignorance that “biblical literalism” has in
    part produced, with no end to it in sight. Happy Passover, all. 

  3. But if you set up a theocratic terrorist group, Beck will be there. That’s
    what I inferred from his comments, anyway.

  4. Glenn’s spent the entire Obama revving his audience up for war, flat out
    telling them to start stocking up on guns after the elections. Then, when
    some of follow through, the only way he can do damage control is by
    God-shaming his audience.

    Wouldn’t just be easier to not be an asshole? 

  5. To all the people thinking this is something positive from Beck, just
    remember that he is simply in the business of pandering.
    He will NEVER take actions or make comments which would ACTUALLY offend his
    viewers. He will always go with actions and comments which 80+% of his
    viewers see as positive and/or neutral/irrelevant.

  6. Oh *fucking hell no*! He doesn’t get to make $ off of stoking all this
    hate; now trying to take all his greasy prints off it. No way, he owns
    every inch of it. It’s so well documented here

  7. yup another sell out. Glen is just like the rest of them talks a big game
    and then when his puppet masters tell him to go against the people he goes
    against the people. If you watch the videos nobody had guns there except
    for the Rangers who were threatening to shoot unarmed Americans. Good going

  8. Real interesting Beck. Reid giving you a cut of the proceeds after they
    kill old Clive and take his property? How much is 30 pieces of silver in
    modern day FRNs? But your right, we do need to pray. We need to pray that
    God gets you out of our sight!!!!! Christ also said “He that hath no sword,
    let him sell his garmet and buy one”.

  9. the truth of the stand off was for Harry Reid and his sons law firm giving
    this land to a China solar company. Leaked BLM documents show that they
    company wants the cattle off the land as part of the deal. Why not an
    American solar company Harry Traitor Reid?

  10. This morning Glen Beck was excoriating the people who came and stood up for
    the rancher? I guess he should tell Israel to just stop protecting
    themselves and be like MLK or Gandhi. Sure the good Muslims will feel their
    pain and step in to protect them.
    I am sure Beck has done his deal to be safe at his ranch till they have no
    more use for him. He can wear a patch on his arm and help you on the

  11. I am surprised. I would never have expected Beck to hold this view. Well,
    good for him on this one.

  12. I can’t imagine how many of We the People would have ended up shot by them
    federal thugs with badges. Just look around, It happens every day. They
    shoot unarmed citizens, And it is not We the People doing the shooting. So
    please don’t say we have no God in our hearts. That sounds like some thing
    the left would say. 

  13. Lay down Glen and let them walk all over while you are on your knees
    praying to your Mormon Jesus. There is a time for war and a time for peace
    and this is not the time to lay down. Where are the Morman leaders? Not one
    word from the Church, other than people like you Glen who would have
    nothing to do with family. While men and women fought for you right to open
    you mouth and make money. I used to watch you Glen, I’ve had all I can take
    of your propaganda, hope your Morman Jesus can save your soul.

  14. Can’t believe he only just now realized that his audience is full of
    hateful loons. 

  15. Do my ears deceive me, or has Glen finally seen these people as we have
    perceived them for years?
    I wonder how long it will last.

  16. History has shown us that God does not interfere with government tyranny.
    Thank God the founders didn’t just sit back and pray for Liberty. Thank God
    they actually stood up and did something. Glenn Beck just became a coward
    and a hypocrite in my eyes. 

  17. Oh I see now, God is the one who regulated these 52 ranchers out of
    business so he could give the land to the Chinese.

  18. Glen Beck covering his ass ready for when the proposed insurrection against
    the lawfully elected government of the Untied States of America crashes to
    a humiliating defeat, and all those agitating try to claim that they were
    warning about, not instigating, civil war.

  19. This guy is a fucking moron this is why the American people are so fucking
    ignorant and brainwashed because people like this fool are on air sayen
    idiot shit like this

  20. Glenn Beck is in the middle of a lawsuit for defamation, he’s trying to
    stay as far away from violence and emotional overreactions as he can if he
    can help it

  21. glenn beck has no idea what this is about……the whole nevada rancher
    debacle is over harry reid’s son wanting this land as cheap as possible to
    make mega bucks by selling it to an energy company…..wake the hell up

  22. This is a joke right? Beck dose a 180 when it’s time to play with the big
    boys. Who in the hell do you think you are glenn beck to tell us we are
    choosing Guns before God. GOD is with us like he was with david when he
    struck down the giant. How far glen how far do we have to wait until we
    stand up for ourselves? Im not advocating going in like gangsters but you
    have to fight fire with fire Glenn.

  23. Get a clue, Glenn. Your audience is chock-full of gun-nutters and perfervid
    haters. Don’t look so surprised. They’re your people!

  24. Tell that to the people that fought for your freedom in the revolutionary
    war you idiot.

  25. Beck creates narratives that you would feel threatened by, but then turns
    around and says we shouldn’t endorse violence. When he says the govt is
    coming to take you’re guns and freedom away to live in a communist State…
    the people who believe him, what the fuck are they suppose to do if it were
    true that they were going to have to live in a totalitarian state.

    He creates situations that are off the wall crazy, but won’t stand by his
    convictions. What a retard.

  26. Funny how right wingers shock themselves when they get what they spend
    years calling for.

  27. HO MY GOD!!!
    Glenn Beck got replaced by an intelligent shape-shifting alien !!…
    No seriously… They’ve been trying a new drug on him for the past two
    weeks and i think his psychiatrist finally nailed it… Thank you

  28. He is right go to God first and Guns last you don’t call out police
    officer or military put in a bad situation. A peaceful protest in numbers
    will work and show class when doing it don’t get a military and police
    going there adrenaline junkies. To there core they want to fight. Numbers
    with a peaceful protest stop the foul language show class and do it right.

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