42 Comments on “RWW News: Fischer Predicts That The FCC Will Shut Down His Radio Show”

  1. I predict an angry mob representing 90% of Americans who have been
    slandered at some point or other will shut his radio down.

  2. bryan fischer’s logic: accepting gay people is dangerous to the health of
    society…however, speaking about them hatefully is not dangerous at

  3. I think it’s far more likely Bryan will go off the air due to yawning

  4. Jesus fuck!! I can only handle so much of this idiots rhetoric and hate!
    I am to the point now where I do not even know if I can watch this guy
    anymore, even if it is on RWW. As someone who has been exposed to
    alcoholism my whole life, I can spot them a mile away. My step father, as
    did Ben Kinchlow, got fired from CBN because they were both alcoholics.
    Bryan has that “typical” face of an alcoholic. I could be wrong, but even
    if I am….this guy,outside of being an alcoholic, should just wear a
    bright red swastika armband and an SS uniform when he talks. Hate, like
    alcohol breath oozes out of this guys mouth.

  5. You’re under some delusion that anyone actually gives a shit what you say
    Bryan – why would they FCC waste their time with twats like you when almost
    no one listens to you.

  6. *”It’s not hate speech, it’s difference of opinion.”*

    Fischer knows that those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. I’m
    wondering if he’s dressing it up for people in his audience who are
    considering that maybe this warped rhetoric is on the wrong side of
    history. He seems a bit desperate these days.

  7. The FCC has been fining radio DJs for the “crime” of swearing or failing to
    hit the censor button in time for years, and people like Bryan Fischer have
    praised it. How’s it feel, asshole? 

  8. These fuckers are such goddamn idiots. There is a point where “differing
    opinions” ARE indeed hate speech, especially when they consist of spreading
    misconceptions and lies about a minority group or actively seek to limit
    their civil rights.

  9. May not shut him down–but might allow a ton of people to show up with
    fresh horse manure and plaster him with it.

  10. Hate speech is kinda bullshit. Evangelicalism is killing itself. I don’t
    think that Fishcer’s program should be shut down by force.

  11. Brian, this is America not Germany or France or Canada. We don’t have
    hate-speech laws. And nor should we. You go full Nazi and nothing would
    happen with the government. Or even with your asshat listeners.

    I think I know what Anal Fissure is up to. It’s the same thing Alex Jones
    does. Pick an imaginary threat and when questioned why said threat never
    materialized respond with “Because we stopped it.” 

  12. Translation: Fischer is going to shut down his current show, claim the FCC
    did it then fire up a net subscription service and reap the profits from
    the ignorant right.

  13. …And I pray that day will *hasten* so Homosexual people will get the
    chance they deserve to *live* *freely* without being *bullied* by
    self-righteous ignoramuses like Bryan Fischer!

  14. Does this guy actually have many fans? I suppose this is unrelated to the
    video but I have never heard this guy mentioned outside of liberal circles.
    Then again, I try to limit exposure to the kinds of people who would enjoy
    this guy so that could be the reason.

  15. This will be the only time i will agree with what he is saying because that
    would be a glorious day.

  16. no one will shut down your stupid silly bigot show. The great news, you
    tell us what you’re doing. And should you act on that hate, it was YOUR
    hateful *actions* that ended you fucko

  17. The FCC under Michael Powell deliberately went out of its way to get the
    Howard Stern Show off the air, and even admitted they were trying to get
    him off the air, and Bryan Fischer applauded them for doing it. No one
    would come for a good, Christian like Bryan Fischer, who so regularly
    provides Americans with moral guidance.

  18. I wouldn’t place any trustworthiness in Bryan fisher, I certainly wouldn’t
    call him a good man or man of God either, he calls for criminalisation of
    an entire group of people who aren’t harming anyone, and that in my book
    spells nasty person. We need him on the air if for no other reason than to
    let the world know what he looks like and that his is one of the many faces
    of evil in this world.

  19. Nothing is gonna happen to your precious radio show. Conservative talk
    radio has envelopes 90 percent of talk radio. 

  20. Fischer knows full well that his bigoted ranting doesn’t constitute “hate
    speech” (at least not as defined by the law) but just cannot resist
    pretending he and other God-bothering lunatics and bloviating right-wing
    crackpots are victims of some dreadful persecution that’s wholly imagined.

  21. Sounds like you’re *fucked* Fischer.
    No more hate filled propaganda in the *name of the lord* for you.

  22. i wish they would shut him down for he can know what its like to not have
    freedom of speech

  23. Bryan, when you said that there was no way that you could bring yourself to
    have sex with another man, you were sharing your opinion, and it is one
    with which I concur. I also cannot have sex with another man, but I can
    defend his right to have sex with the consenting partner of his choosing,
    regardless of race, color, creed, or gender .
    When you say that homosexuals should be discriminated against, or
    persecuted, or disenfranchised, or assaulted, or killed (either through the
    legal system, or just murdered for shits and giggles) then you *are* guilty
    of hate speech, and there is no way that you can claim otherwise.
    Take any one of your tirades against gays and substitute the word “nigger”
    in the place of “homosexual”, and replace the word “gay” with the word
    “black”. Now read it back to yourself and ask yourself if
    1) You don’t sound like some relic from the Antebellum Deep South.
    2) Your FCC license wouldn’t be rescinded, revoked, cancelled, annulled,
    and shredded before your eyes.
    And when you claim to be spreading your hate in the name of a deity
    professing love, you parade your hypocrisy as though it were something to
    be proud of.

  24. The anti-christian Left is Intolerant of the opposing views.
    Screw you Leftists! We’ll speak against you FOREVER!
    long after you burn in hell 

  25. I can hear Adam Sandler making a new song out of this.

    “Herpa-derpa-derpa, diddaly-doo…”

  26. I don’t think he REALLY believes that. However if he really does, it just
    goes to show that he would do the very same thing to the liberals if he was
    given the power to do so. Call me crazy but I don’t think he even has the
    right to be afraid to have something done to you that you wouldn’t think
    twice about doing to someone else.

  27. Maybe Fischer and the FRC just need to take out the hatred… but then he’d
    lose his audience.

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