42 Comments on “Sally Kern Says Gay Rights Will Doom America”
Gays are mean nasty hateful people. You can tell just by the posts in here
and the comments they’ll be leaving me.
I am not sure if many conservatives remember what Representative Sally
Kern(R) Oklahoma said a few years back, I believe it was roughly March 2008
that sodomites are a bigger threat to the United States than terrorism (I
have embedded a video left in case people are not familiar.) Time has
proved her absolutely correct. Tragically many do not see the grave dangers
sodomy and sodomites inflict upon our nation and society because many good
people have become apathetic because of liberal distortion and brainwashing.
They portray God fearing moral people that see sodomy as “homophobes”
“bullies” “narrow-minded bigots” so on and so forth. Because of liberal
media extortion and conspiracy with politicians and the sodomite lobby they
engage in extortion by portraying sodomites as “victims” or a “victim
class”. Nothing can be father from the truth! Contrary to popular myth it
is the sodomites that are the “bullies” It is the sodomites that are
godless and use every opportunity to insult God! If you do not believe me
Google “gay artists” see what turns up. A plethora of art insulting God!
Mapplethorpe…need I say more? The overwhelming majority of sodomites are
gay and or sexual deviants. The real facts about them are suppressed by the
liberal media. In addition to spiritual risks to the individuals soul,
there are the risks of health to sodomites and society. Embedded in pdf
Health risks of homosexuality from Heather_
The liberal media will not tell you this but there is an exponentially high
rate of mental illness among the sodomite population. (note, when I use the
term sodomites it is inclusive of female sodomites.) The source for that is
a national survey of lesbian sodomites published in the Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology found that 75 percent of the nearly
2,000 respondents had pursued psychological counseling of some kind, many
for treatment of long-term depression or sadness.
A study of twins that examined the relationship between homosexuality and
suicide, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, found that
homosexuals with same-sex partners were at greater risk for overall mental
health problems, and were 6.5 times more likely than heterosexuals to have
attempted suicide. The higher rate was not attributable to mental health or
substance abuse disorders.
Consider a moment, this evil false president has abolished DADT (Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell) in the United States Armed Forces. We already have a huge rate
of troops (normal heterosexuals ) that suffer from high rates of PTSD now
on top of that you have this false president out to destroy our military
and troops by legalizing immoral unhealthy sodomite behavior in the
military that will further compromise the health of our troops. This false
president is very cunning, what he will due in the near future will be to
take down the biggest military leaders in the country systematically step
by step, they will have allegiance to this evil president’s revolutionary
agenda. He will purge our military of all opponents that are contrary to
his agenda. Many generals and admirals will be removed in the coming weeks
and months. They will be replaced by either sodomite or pro-sodomite pagan
godless commanders loyal only to false president obama. This will be so
subtle and by stealth you may not even hear any of it on the media. I am so
grateful my husband a retired Marine Officer had the wise vision and
foresight when his option to re-enlist came up declined because he knew
this false evil president would ruin the military.
This false president has the spirit of the antichrist has already speeded
up the growth of moral erosion in our public school system as you can see
in this video.
These children in this particular have been morally brainwashed by the
media and pop culture since kindergarten so now in high school they think
its absolutely normal for a psychologically impaired boy to wear high heels
to school under the canard that he is “expressing his sexuality” nothing
can be farther from the truth! Since when has a public school become a lab
experiment for “sexuality” school is for learning, reading, writing,
English, grammar, math, science, geography history. It is not a test tube
for immoral sexual deviancy! Are they serious? This student Morgan Rogers a
right to express his sexuality? What right, where is it in the
Constitution? Now they set rules Mondays everyone wears high heels? Tuesday
cross dressing? Wednesday girls wear blue and boys pink? This is complete
insanity. Where are the parents in all this?
Many of this generation of citizens may not realize that until 1973
homosexuality was classified as a mental illness, and correctly so. In
1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a
mental disorder from the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental
Below you can read the truth of what has been covered up by the liberal
What Really Happened?
Dr. Bayer says that the first attack by homosexual activists against the
APA began in 1970 when this organization held its convention in San
Francisco. Homosexual activists decided to disrupt the conference by
interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who
viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, homosexual activist
Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate
against the APA’s convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the
microphone and yelled, “Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has
waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a
declaration of war against you.”
Homosexuals forged APA credentials and gained access to exhibit areas in
the conference. They threatened anyone who claimed that homosexuals needed
to be cured.
Kameny had found an ally inside of the APA named Kent Robinson who helped
the homosexual activist present his demand that homosexuality be removed
from the DSM. At the 1972 convention, homosexual activists were permitted
to set up a display booth, entitled “Gay, Proud and Healthy.”
Kameny was then permitted to be part of a panel of psychiatrists who were
to discuss homosexuality. The effort to remove homosexuality as a mental
disorder from the DSM was the result of power politics, threats, and
intimidation, not scientific discoveries.
Prior to the APA’s 1973 convention, several psychiatrists attempted to
organize opposition to the efforts of homosexuals to remove homosexual
behavior from the DSM. Organizing this effort were Drs. Irving Bieber and
Charles Socarides who formed the Ad Hoc Committee Against the Deletion of
Homosexuality from DSM-II.
The DSM-II listed homosexuality as an abnormal behavior under section “302.
Sexual Deviations.” It was the first deviation listed.
After much political pressure, a committee of the APA met behind closed
doors in 1973 and voted to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from
the DSM-II. Opponents of this effort were given 15 minutes to protest this
change, according to Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, in Homosexuality and the
Politics of Truth. Satinover writes that after this vote was taken, the
decision was to be voted on by the entire APA membership. The National Gay
Task Force purchased the APA’s mailing list and sent out a letter to the
APA members urging them to vote to remove homosexuality as a disorder. No
APA member was informed that the mailing had been funded by this homosexual
activist group.
According to Satinover, “How much the 1973 APA decision was motivated by
politics is only becoming clear even now. While attending a conference in
England in 1994, I met a man who told me an account that he had told no one
else. He had been in the gay life for years but had left the lifestyle. He
recounted how after the 1973 APA decision, he and his lover, along with a
certain very highly placed officer of the APA Board of Trustees and his
lover, all sat around the officer’s apartment celebrating their victory.
For among the gay activists placed high in the APA who maneuvered to ensure
a victory was this man-suborning from the top what was presented to both
the membership and the public as a disinterested search for truth.”
Dr. Socarides Speaks Out
Dr. Satinover shows how APA’s policies were influcenced by closeted
homosexual APA leaders.
Dr. Charles Socarides has set the record straight on how homosexuals inside
and outside of the APA forced this organization to remove homosexuality as
a mental disorder. This was done without any valid scientific evidence to
prove that homosexuality is not a disordered behavior.
Dr. Socarides, writing in Sexual Politics and Scientific Logic: The Issue
of Homosexuality writes: “To declare a condition a ‘non-condition,’ a group
of practitioners had removed it from our list of serious psychosexual
disorders. The action was all the more remarkable when one considers that
it involved an out-of-hand and peremptory disregard and dismissal not only
of hundreds of psychiatric and psychoanalytic research papers and reports,
but also a number of other serious studies by groups of psychiatrists,
psychologists, and educators over the past seventy years…”
Socarides continued: “For the next 18 years, the APA decision served as a
Trojan horse, opening the gates to widespread psychological and social
change in sexual customs and mores. The decision was to be used on numerous
occasions for numerous purposes with the goal of normalizing homosexuality
and elevating it to an esteemed status.
“To some American psychiatrists, this action remains a chilling reminder
that if scientific principles are not fought for, they can be lost-a
disillusioning warning that unless we make no exceptions to science, we are
subject to the snares of political factionalism and the propagation of
untruths to an unsuspecting and uninformed public, to the rest of the
medical profession, and to the behavioral sciences.” Dr. Socarides’ report
is available from the National Association for Research and Therapy of
Homosexuality: http://www.narth.com.
The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is the most
widely used diagnostic reference book utilized by mental health
professionals in the United States.
It’s a manual by which all diagnostic codes are derived for diagnosis and
treatment – every single physician (an estimated 850,000*) in the United
States refers to this book in order to code for a diagnosis. In plain
English, what does this mean? It means that for over 30 years physicians
have been prevented from properly diagnosing homosexuality as an aberrant
behavior and thus, cannot, recommend a course of treatment for these
Prior to that time, homosexuality had been treated as a mental disorder
under section “302. Sexual Deviations” in the DSM-II. Section 302 said, in
part: “This category is for individuals whose sexual interests are directed
primarily toward objects other than people of the opposite sex, toward
sexual acts … performed under bizarre circumstances. … Even though many
find their practices distasteful, they remain unable to substitute normal
sexual behavior for them.” Homosexuality was listed as the first sexual
deviation under 302. Once that diagnostic code for homosexuality was
removed, physicians, including psychiatrists, have been prevented from
diagnosing homosexuality as a mental disorder for more than three decades.
As you can plainly see from above this false president, the son of
perdition is promoting a behavior that is mental disorder and calling it
Finally I want to point out that many of the serial murderers on death row
some already executed were or had sodomite experiences, Ted Bundy, Jeffery
Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy etc. Bundy spoke of his latent repressed sodomite
tendencies in an interview with Dr James Dobson, which partially caused his
anger against women. In a separate interview Dahmer spoke of his sodomite
tendencies. None of this gets reported by the evil left wing media, they
serve as no more than a conspirator and advocacy group for the depraved
immoral gay lobby.
And for those that think Republicans are a safe haven and oasis from sodomy
think again! They are as supportive of the sodomite lobby as the democrat
party ever was! Former Republican National Committee chair Ken Mehlman is
now building. Mehlman Launches Project To Build Conservative Support For
Marriage Equality, talk about a contradiction in terms! Read more here
Unless true core Christian Constitutional Conservatives start getting
active and protesting this sodomite sickness infecting the country we are
not going to have a country! We will have the wrath of God coming down on
America in torrents. Wake up, speak out boldly, go to town hall meetings
and proudly declare homosexuality an abomination tell these politicians
they will be held accountable. Go there armed with papers, documents
notarized showing the health risks and dangers of sodomy! I have and will
continue to do so Fear not the consequences, rather, fear The Lord God! Do
what is right in your hearts and consciences. If you need inspiration read
the book of Maccabees. It’s far better to serve God than man! In closing I
just want to say that when a politician like Sally Kerns has the moral
courage to speak out support her and all those like her, they take a lot of
abuse from the liberal media and can use every bit of support we can give
As Always May God Bless You All
So theocratic.
She doesn’t realize that it is not a lifestyle that destroys. Look at most
European nations today! Even though there are financial crises, life, in
terms of social fiber, is still good. Things are still going strong.
@Texemosis Yeah, it’ll doom us just like that evil socialized medicine. Its
just a matter of time, just you wait. lol I hate to admit it, but I know
people who think like that.
We need to have equality for all except those who commit sinful acts. How
about lying and dissimulation? Is your god, going to commit those who lie
to your version of hell? This is an abominable and sinful act that you are
perpetrating on the American people. Don’t think that your god doesn’t
judge lying as well.
May be wishful thinking, but I hope she does not seek higher office.
OMG this is biggest piece of hate I have listened to in a while…… For
someone who claims to be of God to call for your people to rise up against
an enemy. Hmmmm who does this sound like. Sounds like someone is trying a
Jihad against someone who is different. Do not be so callous and
disrespectufl to others. And just for fun lets figure out who gets arrested
for sexual perversions “straights” or the “LGBT” community I gurantee the
“straights” win in this category!
@0:17 “…America was founded upon, uh, freedom and equality, and so
they’ve highjacked that.” How is wanting freedom and equality “highjacking”
the freedom and equality the country was founded on? That’s like saying
saying we have freedom of speech, but we’d better not use it. @0:31 “…but
there should not be freedom and equality for sinful actions.” “Sin” is a
religious concept with no basis in reality. The U.S., a secular nation,
cannot constitutionally pass laws based on religion.
It’s diarrhea of the mouth! That’s all this is!
Forget gay people destroying America with their perversions. I say we get
rid of the toe suckers! They’re the real enemy!!
Lev 21:16 No cripples or anyone deformed in any way may worship. Deut 23:2
No bastards, even to the 10th generation, may worship. Ex 35:2 Anyone
working on Sunday shall be killed. Deut 21:18 Disobedient children shall be
stoned by their parents. Moses to the officers. Now therefore kill every
male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by
lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by
lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:1-18
What kind of world will you be giving to your children if we quiet
homophobic people like you? I’d say one with less hateful, deluded,
self-righteous bigots. It would be great.
she should be reminded that nobody is asking her church to accept gay
marriage. Her church does not get to dictate the government. Also she
should be reminded that not all christian denominations are against gay
You can’t legislate morality. And you can’t convince a bigot to stop being
an asshole.
Correct me if I’m wrong but according to Catholics it’s okay to be gay,
just not acting on it, correct? Assuming that’s correct. They also say you
can be married through the state but not until the pope signs the papers is
it approved by the church (the signing usually takes 6 months – 1 year). So
I fail to see a conflict here. That aside. Opposing gay marriage is okay in
my book. Everyone’s got their opinions. Doom the nation? Wasn’t there a
time when women were in this same position too?
People that still think like this are completely fucking insane
I really do pity people like Kern. To think she could see me cuddling up to
my boyfriend and honestly be thinking that he and I planned these
ludicrous, nefarious plots is sad. What a scary world she lives in. Do
people like her really think all I care about is corruption and having sex?
Some can be, but I am a romantic and want someone to cuddle up to, cook
for, care for, protect, and share myself fully with. Would they have me go
through my life lonely and miserable? How can anyone want that?
@SeththeWicked “God’s moral law the NEVER CHANGES…” in other words go
back to circa 300 B.C.—–what a positive option for this country. Sounds
just “peachy” doesn’t it ?
@LAWRIE1875 We should gather all evil bigots like you and burn every single
one of them at the stake. They are the real diseased that must be cleansed
from the earth by fire. Fuck bigots they all disgust me. I hate all of
@jeatcleave Hell no! But I just think the question should be posed more
God’s law never changes? Sally, do you believe we should be able to execute
disobedient children?
“Freedom and liberty should be total–except for stuff we don’t like.”
God’s moral law never changes? So it’s still okay to dash the children of
non-believers against the stones then?
@mlifeforlife Oh dear, get over yourself. Look up the word sarcastic. 1. I
too am a open gay man, single though (sad face) lol 2. Gay men however, do
account for 1/2 of new HIV infections and Syphilis infections. (There are
reasons for this such as secrecy, population size, moral berating etc. the
rate IS drastically decreasing though.) I have me research too. BESIDES
STIs ARE NOT GROUNDs FOR DENYING RIGHTS 3. You do not “suceed” you succeed.
@TMBrd89 you have very unintellignet logic? only gay people have std’s?!?!?
umm I’m a gay man and I have a partner and we don’t have std’s….I know
more than 1000 gay people that don’t have std’s…but a lot of straight
people I know have STD’s..do some fucking research…..Your opinion is the
reason why I’m going to suceed in this fucking biggoted country.
No freedom and equality of sinful actions. No rights for gays, women can’t
wear pants and can’t speak in church, bring back slavery, no wearing of
clothes with mixed fibers, no tattoos, no sex before marriage, no divorce
and nobody can eat pork or shellfish. Oh yeah and what’s up with not being
allowed to kill your kid for talking back? Stone his ass to death. Bible,
fuck yeah!
Why is she even speaking then? ….remain silent woman.
Sally Kern is a fucktard !!!
@aestevalis0 Yeah it never changes… so stone all doctors and other people
who worked on Saturday. and lets find out if that bitch worked on these
@AntiYourFacePhD Do you think Sally actually reads or studies the Bible?
Finally some people are starting to speak up.
Dear Sally, I’m going to rape you and then make you my wife by just paying
five dollars to your dad. And you will have my children all the time. God
told me to. Enjoy.
@Texemosis you, sir, have just made me smile on an otherwise crappy day.
“we do have an enemy that wants to destroy us. they are using sexual
perversions to destroy the future of america.” im straight. but your
insane, bitch.
If God’s moral judgement never changes then Sally Kern needs to give up her
position of authority over men, cover her hair, and shut-up! It seems like
political correctness is keeping us from putting her (and all women for
that matter) in their God-ordained places. Peter LaBarbera is as guilty as
she is for permitting her to speak on his program.
No freedom and equality of sinful actions?!? what about all these murders
and criminals? they seem to have more rights than gay people, but then
again there’s nothing worse than being gay. I’d much rather have my child
grow up to be a serial killer than gay. WTF?!?
The unfortunate thing is that there are many Fundamentalist Sheeple who
listen to this GARBAGE and swallow it like candy. Fundamentalism, not
homosexuality, is the biggest threat that America has.
God is punishing America because we do not stone to death our disobedient
children ( sarcasm ). After all there are more disobedient kids than there
are gays. This video shows us that bible believers are brainwashed idiots.
“Wise up and rise up”? Are you inciting violence against gays, madam
RIDE SALLY RIDE! lol seriously cause only gay people have STDs. Cause gay
people are infecting themselves with AIDS to kill America. Man menopause is
Gays are mean nasty hateful people. You can tell just by the posts in here
and the comments they’ll be leaving me.
I am not sure if many conservatives remember what Representative Sally
Kern(R) Oklahoma said a few years back, I believe it was roughly March 2008
that sodomites are a bigger threat to the United States than terrorism (I
have embedded a video left in case people are not familiar.) Time has
proved her absolutely correct. Tragically many do not see the grave dangers
sodomy and sodomites inflict upon our nation and society because many good
people have become apathetic because of liberal distortion and brainwashing.
They portray God fearing moral people that see sodomy as “homophobes”
“bullies” “narrow-minded bigots” so on and so forth. Because of liberal
media extortion and conspiracy with politicians and the sodomite lobby they
engage in extortion by portraying sodomites as “victims” or a “victim
class”. Nothing can be father from the truth! Contrary to popular myth it
is the sodomites that are the “bullies” It is the sodomites that are
godless and use every opportunity to insult God! If you do not believe me
Google “gay artists” see what turns up. A plethora of art insulting God!
Mapplethorpe…need I say more? The overwhelming majority of sodomites are
gay and or sexual deviants. The real facts about them are suppressed by the
liberal media. In addition to spiritual risks to the individuals soul,
there are the risks of health to sodomites and society. Embedded in pdf
Health risks of homosexuality from Heather_
The liberal media will not tell you this but there is an exponentially high
rate of mental illness among the sodomite population. (note, when I use the
term sodomites it is inclusive of female sodomites.) The source for that is
a national survey of lesbian sodomites published in the Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology found that 75 percent of the nearly
2,000 respondents had pursued psychological counseling of some kind, many
for treatment of long-term depression or sadness.
A study of twins that examined the relationship between homosexuality and
suicide, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, found that
homosexuals with same-sex partners were at greater risk for overall mental
health problems, and were 6.5 times more likely than heterosexuals to have
attempted suicide. The higher rate was not attributable to mental health or
substance abuse disorders.
Consider a moment, this evil false president has abolished DADT (Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell) in the United States Armed Forces. We already have a huge rate
of troops (normal heterosexuals ) that suffer from high rates of PTSD now
on top of that you have this false president out to destroy our military
and troops by legalizing immoral unhealthy sodomite behavior in the
military that will further compromise the health of our troops. This false
president is very cunning, what he will due in the near future will be to
take down the biggest military leaders in the country systematically step
by step, they will have allegiance to this evil president’s revolutionary
agenda. He will purge our military of all opponents that are contrary to
his agenda. Many generals and admirals will be removed in the coming weeks
and months. They will be replaced by either sodomite or pro-sodomite pagan
godless commanders loyal only to false president obama. This will be so
subtle and by stealth you may not even hear any of it on the media. I am so
grateful my husband a retired Marine Officer had the wise vision and
foresight when his option to re-enlist came up declined because he knew
this false evil president would ruin the military.
This false president has the spirit of the antichrist has already speeded
up the growth of moral erosion in our public school system as you can see
in this video.
These children in this particular have been morally brainwashed by the
media and pop culture since kindergarten so now in high school they think
its absolutely normal for a psychologically impaired boy to wear high heels
to school under the canard that he is “expressing his sexuality” nothing
can be farther from the truth! Since when has a public school become a lab
experiment for “sexuality” school is for learning, reading, writing,
English, grammar, math, science, geography history. It is not a test tube
for immoral sexual deviancy! Are they serious? This student Morgan Rogers a
right to express his sexuality? What right, where is it in the
Constitution? Now they set rules Mondays everyone wears high heels? Tuesday
cross dressing? Wednesday girls wear blue and boys pink? This is complete
insanity. Where are the parents in all this?
Many of this generation of citizens may not realize that until 1973
homosexuality was classified as a mental illness, and correctly so. In
1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a
mental disorder from the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental
Below you can read the truth of what has been covered up by the liberal
What Really Happened?
Dr. Bayer says that the first attack by homosexual activists against the
APA began in 1970 when this organization held its convention in San
Francisco. Homosexual activists decided to disrupt the conference by
interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who
viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, homosexual activist
Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate
against the APA’s convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the
microphone and yelled, “Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has
waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a
declaration of war against you.”
Homosexuals forged APA credentials and gained access to exhibit areas in
the conference. They threatened anyone who claimed that homosexuals needed
to be cured.
Kameny had found an ally inside of the APA named Kent Robinson who helped
the homosexual activist present his demand that homosexuality be removed
from the DSM. At the 1972 convention, homosexual activists were permitted
to set up a display booth, entitled “Gay, Proud and Healthy.”
Kameny was then permitted to be part of a panel of psychiatrists who were
to discuss homosexuality. The effort to remove homosexuality as a mental
disorder from the DSM was the result of power politics, threats, and
intimidation, not scientific discoveries.
Prior to the APA’s 1973 convention, several psychiatrists attempted to
organize opposition to the efforts of homosexuals to remove homosexual
behavior from the DSM. Organizing this effort were Drs. Irving Bieber and
Charles Socarides who formed the Ad Hoc Committee Against the Deletion of
Homosexuality from DSM-II.
The DSM-II listed homosexuality as an abnormal behavior under section “302.
Sexual Deviations.” It was the first deviation listed.
After much political pressure, a committee of the APA met behind closed
doors in 1973 and voted to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from
the DSM-II. Opponents of this effort were given 15 minutes to protest this
change, according to Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, in Homosexuality and the
Politics of Truth. Satinover writes that after this vote was taken, the
decision was to be voted on by the entire APA membership. The National Gay
Task Force purchased the APA’s mailing list and sent out a letter to the
APA members urging them to vote to remove homosexuality as a disorder. No
APA member was informed that the mailing had been funded by this homosexual
activist group.
According to Satinover, “How much the 1973 APA decision was motivated by
politics is only becoming clear even now. While attending a conference in
England in 1994, I met a man who told me an account that he had told no one
else. He had been in the gay life for years but had left the lifestyle. He
recounted how after the 1973 APA decision, he and his lover, along with a
certain very highly placed officer of the APA Board of Trustees and his
lover, all sat around the officer’s apartment celebrating their victory.
For among the gay activists placed high in the APA who maneuvered to ensure
a victory was this man-suborning from the top what was presented to both
the membership and the public as a disinterested search for truth.”
Dr. Socarides Speaks Out
Dr. Satinover shows how APA’s policies were influcenced by closeted
homosexual APA leaders.
Dr. Charles Socarides has set the record straight on how homosexuals inside
and outside of the APA forced this organization to remove homosexuality as
a mental disorder. This was done without any valid scientific evidence to
prove that homosexuality is not a disordered behavior.
Dr. Socarides, writing in Sexual Politics and Scientific Logic: The Issue
of Homosexuality writes: “To declare a condition a ‘non-condition,’ a group
of practitioners had removed it from our list of serious psychosexual
disorders. The action was all the more remarkable when one considers that
it involved an out-of-hand and peremptory disregard and dismissal not only
of hundreds of psychiatric and psychoanalytic research papers and reports,
but also a number of other serious studies by groups of psychiatrists,
psychologists, and educators over the past seventy years…”
Socarides continued: “For the next 18 years, the APA decision served as a
Trojan horse, opening the gates to widespread psychological and social
change in sexual customs and mores. The decision was to be used on numerous
occasions for numerous purposes with the goal of normalizing homosexuality
and elevating it to an esteemed status.
“To some American psychiatrists, this action remains a chilling reminder
that if scientific principles are not fought for, they can be lost-a
disillusioning warning that unless we make no exceptions to science, we are
subject to the snares of political factionalism and the propagation of
untruths to an unsuspecting and uninformed public, to the rest of the
medical profession, and to the behavioral sciences.” Dr. Socarides’ report
is available from the National Association for Research and Therapy of
Homosexuality: http://www.narth.com.
The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is the most
widely used diagnostic reference book utilized by mental health
professionals in the United States.
It’s a manual by which all diagnostic codes are derived for diagnosis and
treatment – every single physician (an estimated 850,000*) in the United
States refers to this book in order to code for a diagnosis. In plain
English, what does this mean? It means that for over 30 years physicians
have been prevented from properly diagnosing homosexuality as an aberrant
behavior and thus, cannot, recommend a course of treatment for these
Prior to that time, homosexuality had been treated as a mental disorder
under section “302. Sexual Deviations” in the DSM-II. Section 302 said, in
part: “This category is for individuals whose sexual interests are directed
primarily toward objects other than people of the opposite sex, toward
sexual acts … performed under bizarre circumstances. … Even though many
find their practices distasteful, they remain unable to substitute normal
sexual behavior for them.” Homosexuality was listed as the first sexual
deviation under 302. Once that diagnostic code for homosexuality was
removed, physicians, including psychiatrists, have been prevented from
diagnosing homosexuality as a mental disorder for more than three decades.
As you can plainly see from above this false president, the son of
perdition is promoting a behavior that is mental disorder and calling it
Finally I want to point out that many of the serial murderers on death row
some already executed were or had sodomite experiences, Ted Bundy, Jeffery
Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy etc. Bundy spoke of his latent repressed sodomite
tendencies in an interview with Dr James Dobson, which partially caused his
anger against women. In a separate interview Dahmer spoke of his sodomite
tendencies. None of this gets reported by the evil left wing media, they
serve as no more than a conspirator and advocacy group for the depraved
immoral gay lobby.
And for those that think Republicans are a safe haven and oasis from sodomy
think again! They are as supportive of the sodomite lobby as the democrat
party ever was! Former Republican National Committee chair Ken Mehlman is
now building. Mehlman Launches Project To Build Conservative Support For
Marriage Equality, talk about a contradiction in terms! Read more here
Unless true core Christian Constitutional Conservatives start getting
active and protesting this sodomite sickness infecting the country we are
not going to have a country! We will have the wrath of God coming down on
America in torrents. Wake up, speak out boldly, go to town hall meetings
and proudly declare homosexuality an abomination tell these politicians
they will be held accountable. Go there armed with papers, documents
notarized showing the health risks and dangers of sodomy! I have and will
continue to do so Fear not the consequences, rather, fear The Lord God! Do
what is right in your hearts and consciences. If you need inspiration read
the book of Maccabees. It’s far better to serve God than man! In closing I
just want to say that when a politician like Sally Kerns has the moral
courage to speak out support her and all those like her, they take a lot of
abuse from the liberal media and can use every bit of support we can give
As Always May God Bless You All
So theocratic.
She doesn’t realize that it is not a lifestyle that destroys. Look at most
European nations today! Even though there are financial crises, life, in
terms of social fiber, is still good. Things are still going strong.
@Texemosis Yeah, it’ll doom us just like that evil socialized medicine. Its
just a matter of time, just you wait. lol I hate to admit it, but I know
people who think like that.
We need to have equality for all except those who commit sinful acts. How
about lying and dissimulation? Is your god, going to commit those who lie
to your version of hell? This is an abominable and sinful act that you are
perpetrating on the American people. Don’t think that your god doesn’t
judge lying as well.
May be wishful thinking, but I hope she does not seek higher office.
OMG this is biggest piece of hate I have listened to in a while…… For
someone who claims to be of God to call for your people to rise up against
an enemy. Hmmmm who does this sound like. Sounds like someone is trying a
Jihad against someone who is different. Do not be so callous and
disrespectufl to others. And just for fun lets figure out who gets arrested
for sexual perversions “straights” or the “LGBT” community I gurantee the
“straights” win in this category!
@0:17 “…America was founded upon, uh, freedom and equality, and so
they’ve highjacked that.” How is wanting freedom and equality “highjacking”
the freedom and equality the country was founded on? That’s like saying
saying we have freedom of speech, but we’d better not use it. @0:31 “…but
there should not be freedom and equality for sinful actions.” “Sin” is a
religious concept with no basis in reality. The U.S., a secular nation,
cannot constitutionally pass laws based on religion.
It’s diarrhea of the mouth! That’s all this is!
Forget gay people destroying America with their perversions. I say we get
rid of the toe suckers! They’re the real enemy!!
Lev 21:16 No cripples or anyone deformed in any way may worship. Deut 23:2
No bastards, even to the 10th generation, may worship. Ex 35:2 Anyone
working on Sunday shall be killed. Deut 21:18 Disobedient children shall be
stoned by their parents. Moses to the officers. Now therefore kill every
male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by
lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by
lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:1-18
What kind of world will you be giving to your children if we quiet
homophobic people like you? I’d say one with less hateful, deluded,
self-righteous bigots. It would be great.
she should be reminded that nobody is asking her church to accept gay
marriage. Her church does not get to dictate the government. Also she
should be reminded that not all christian denominations are against gay
You can’t legislate morality. And you can’t convince a bigot to stop being
an asshole.
Correct me if I’m wrong but according to Catholics it’s okay to be gay,
just not acting on it, correct? Assuming that’s correct. They also say you
can be married through the state but not until the pope signs the papers is
it approved by the church (the signing usually takes 6 months – 1 year). So
I fail to see a conflict here. That aside. Opposing gay marriage is okay in
my book. Everyone’s got their opinions. Doom the nation? Wasn’t there a
time when women were in this same position too?
People that still think like this are completely fucking insane
I really do pity people like Kern. To think she could see me cuddling up to
my boyfriend and honestly be thinking that he and I planned these
ludicrous, nefarious plots is sad. What a scary world she lives in. Do
people like her really think all I care about is corruption and having sex?
Some can be, but I am a romantic and want someone to cuddle up to, cook
for, care for, protect, and share myself fully with. Would they have me go
through my life lonely and miserable? How can anyone want that?
@SeththeWicked “God’s moral law the NEVER CHANGES…” in other words go
back to circa 300 B.C.—–what a positive option for this country. Sounds
just “peachy” doesn’t it ?
@LAWRIE1875 We should gather all evil bigots like you and burn every single
one of them at the stake. They are the real diseased that must be cleansed
from the earth by fire. Fuck bigots they all disgust me. I hate all of
@jeatcleave Hell no! But I just think the question should be posed more
God’s law never changes? Sally, do you believe we should be able to execute
disobedient children?
“Freedom and liberty should be total–except for stuff we don’t like.”
God’s moral law never changes? So it’s still okay to dash the children of
non-believers against the stones then?
@mlifeforlife Oh dear, get over yourself. Look up the word sarcastic. 1. I
too am a open gay man, single though (sad face) lol 2. Gay men however, do
account for 1/2 of new HIV infections and Syphilis infections. (There are
reasons for this such as secrecy, population size, moral berating etc. the
rate IS drastically decreasing though.) I have me research too. BESIDES
STIs ARE NOT GROUNDs FOR DENYING RIGHTS 3. You do not “suceed” you succeed.
@TMBrd89 you have very unintellignet logic? only gay people have std’s?!?!?
umm I’m a gay man and I have a partner and we don’t have std’s….I know
more than 1000 gay people that don’t have std’s…but a lot of straight
people I know have STD’s..do some fucking research…..Your opinion is the
reason why I’m going to suceed in this fucking biggoted country.
No freedom and equality of sinful actions. No rights for gays, women can’t
wear pants and can’t speak in church, bring back slavery, no wearing of
clothes with mixed fibers, no tattoos, no sex before marriage, no divorce
and nobody can eat pork or shellfish. Oh yeah and what’s up with not being
allowed to kill your kid for talking back? Stone his ass to death. Bible,
fuck yeah!
Why is she even speaking then? ….remain silent woman.
Sally Kern is a fucktard !!!
@aestevalis0 Yeah it never changes… so stone all doctors and other people
who worked on Saturday. and lets find out if that bitch worked on these
@AntiYourFacePhD Do you think Sally actually reads or studies the Bible?
Finally some people are starting to speak up.
Dear Sally, I’m going to rape you and then make you my wife by just paying
five dollars to your dad. And you will have my children all the time. God
told me to. Enjoy.
@Texemosis you, sir, have just made me smile on an otherwise crappy day.
“we do have an enemy that wants to destroy us. they are using sexual
perversions to destroy the future of america.” im straight. but your
insane, bitch.
If God’s moral judgement never changes then Sally Kern needs to give up her
position of authority over men, cover her hair, and shut-up! It seems like
political correctness is keeping us from putting her (and all women for
that matter) in their God-ordained places. Peter LaBarbera is as guilty as
she is for permitting her to speak on his program.
No freedom and equality of sinful actions?!? what about all these murders
and criminals? they seem to have more rights than gay people, but then
again there’s nothing worse than being gay. I’d much rather have my child
grow up to be a serial killer than gay. WTF?!?
The unfortunate thing is that there are many Fundamentalist Sheeple who
listen to this GARBAGE and swallow it like candy. Fundamentalism, not
homosexuality, is the biggest threat that America has.
God is punishing America because we do not stone to death our disobedient
children ( sarcasm ). After all there are more disobedient kids than there
are gays. This video shows us that bible believers are brainwashed idiots.
“Wise up and rise up”? Are you inciting violence against gays, madam
RIDE SALLY RIDE! lol seriously cause only gay people have STDs. Cause gay
people are infecting themselves with AIDS to kill America. Man menopause is