28 Comments on “San Antonio Adopts Disputed Gay Rights Measure”

  1. So I should be allowed to say “HOMOSEXUALITY IS WRONG” in public without
    legal repercussion?

  2. Silencing people is anti-democratic. There’s a little something called the
    first amendment, and this ordinance ignores it. To bar someone from running
    because of their beliefs is absurd. If the people don’t want someone who
    opposes homosexuality they won’t elect someone who opposes homosexuality.
    Making it a crime to express your opinion is anti-american and

  3. You do not seem to be intelligent enough to understand that under certain
    circumstances incest can be perfectly consensual, as long as it doesn’t
    involve underage participants. I can only hope you understand that I really
    advocate NONE of these practices. Polygamy hurts no one. If proper
    permanent surgical contraceptive measures are taken, incest hurts no one.
    If we are to allow gay marriage, we must logically allow marriages in these
    above examples as well. Are you really so blind to see it?

  4. I think you may be a lot smarter than you allowed yourselves to be. Your
    parent will always be your parent regardless of your age. While your DNA
    make up defines the majority of your personal characteristics, environment
    and nurture are responsible in fine tuning those characteristics. So just
    because you may decided to leave them behind it does not mean that they are
    no longer part of you. You may think that you have a freedom to make your
    decisions but you don’t. Ps: ‘Desperate” ha

  5. I hate to interject but I guess being an atheist myself I felt like I need
    to respond to you dmitriy40 Incest, polygamy, rape( for cry out loud!),
    bestiality are all have one thing in common . The one key issue that would
    deny them the same support of the so called gay marriage. that is the
    inequality within these relationships. It was puzzled me when you put rape
    and gay marriage in one sentence. I don’t rape my love ones and I thought
    it was a normal response

  6. I am not saying that all incestuous relationship are the same and if ,in
    your case, a mature women with great experiences with men decided that her
    dad is the only man that can float her boat, i say all power to her.
    Question for the law maker is how can they protect the weak from abuse
    without treating people like her unfairly. I don’t have the answer to that.

  7. bullshit news we are about to help out al qaeda and start ww3 and we get
    this bullshit

  8. your dismissal of my argument is illogical. what “position of power”? what
    abuse? how old are you? if you are 35, what position of power does your
    parent has over you? what are you, a “mama’s boy”? your reasoning against
    these practices (none of which I seriously advocate, of course) is the same
    reasoning used by “religious right” against gay marriage. you are
    desperately trying to find excuses.

  9. Equality for all, period. Those against the ordinance are based on
    ignorance and discrimination. Councilwoman Elisa Chan’s anti-gay rant is
    case in point. Not long ago, she could be discriminated against in so many
    different ways merely for being minority and a woman. She voted against the
    LGBT community and the veterans? Unbelievable. This woman is such a

  10. I am so happy that the people of San Antonio have equality and fir
    protections for all its citizens based on religion, race, color, gender and
    now sexual orientation and gender identity. All needs to be protected
    without singling out others. The mentality of im better than you is no way
    to go through life. People who hate others for living their life need to
    grow up and realize we are all equal in this world and dividing us will not
    push towards progress

  11. I think you may be a lot smarter than you allowed yourselves to be. Your
    parent will always be your parent regardless of your age. While your DNA
    make up defines the majority of your personal characteristics, environment
    and nurture are responsible in fine tuning those characteristics. So just
    because you may decided to leave them behind it does not mean that they are
    no longer part of you. You may think that you have a freedom to make your
    decisions but you don’t. Ps: ‘Desperate” ha

  12. I am an atheist, why do idiots assume any objection to glorifying gay
    agenda is based on religious fundamentalism?

  13. 2 of 2. This isn’t fair to the child, I’m not gay but I know several people
    that are from friends to family members and I’ve talked to these kids after
    hearing them make remarks from well, you get the picture. I’ve always
    argued about children in gay relationships, in my humble opinion it’s just
    not right or healthy. If your gay, you gay, enjoy your partner, be happy
    and life goes on, even in Texas.

  14. I am perfectly able to make a distinction, but I still do not understand
    why one is legal and the other is not. Feel free to shut the fuck up
    yourself until you can explain that. Also, you retarded douchebag, my
    original comment was a response to some idiot proclaiming that all biases
    are wrong. My comment was a reply to that specific statement. I ironically
    suggested that since we got rid of anti-homosexuality bias, why not other
    biases? You make no contribution to that question, shithead.

  15. I don’t understand: why only 2 consenting adults, why not 10? Why not allow
    incestual marriages between a 45 year old father and his 23 year old
    daughter, if they are both consenting? Why faggot marriages are OK with
    you, but my examples above are not OK? Obviously, I am just giving you
    hypothetical exaggerated examples, I do not really advocate this behaviour,
    but I am also against gay marriage. If you are for it, why not polygamy or
    incest? And who’s to say that chickens aren’t consenting? )))

  16. Well, disrespectful tone aside. “Why not incest and polygamy?” is actually
    a legitimate question. There are cultures, throughout history, that have
    practiced both. This indicates that, to a certain extent, it is an
    arbitrary moray. However, incest results in a high chance of birth defects
    in children. Polygamy can result in incidents where very insular
    communities force women into marriage. Same sex marriage doesn’t result in
    either. It’s hard to see where there is a moral equivalent?

  17. You make no sense at all. Why do you mention offspring in a conversation
    about gay agenda? Gay sex does not produce children, you know that, right?
    So you support incestual marriages, as long as there are no offspring, do I
    understand you correctly? That was the ironic point I was making: support,
    promotion, and celebration of gay agenda MUST LOGICALLY LEAD to support of
    ALL consensual sex practices, and ALL variations of marriages. I swear, my
    chickens look and act like they are consenting! ))

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