29 Comments on “Sarah Palin- Joe Biden vice-presidential debate:gay rights”

  1. And if you vote for the republican party instead of democratic (concerning
    this topic) then you’re screwed even more.

  2. If stability is in the “strong family networks of one man and one woman”,
    then why is there STILL spousal abuse? Why is there still sexual abuse
    between parents and their children? Tell me something, is that stability?
    Is that the norm? Also: no one who is gay is forced to get married. They
    want to get married because, just like straight people, they love each
    other. Love is not black and white.

  3. I just don’t understand how someone who isn’t gay can determine what’s
    right for gay people?? Like really!

  4. I support gay marriage as well so I agree with you. But I don’t think Sarah
    Palin meant that people “choose” to be gay by that comment. I know she used
    the word choosing (at 1:14) but it doesn’t sound to me like it should be
    taken that way. As far as civil unions go, fuck that. We need marriage, but
    I wasn’t expecting a conservative like Palin to even come out in favor of
    civil unions let alone marriage. 🙂

  5. Why is Sarah palin the only one being bitched about, Joe biden agrees with
    her 100%

  6. @Sansiara Straight people will never be extinct. Being gay is not a trend.
    Many people in the past have been born gay but were just to afraid to come
    out of the closet. When there are so many other issues in the world, like
    hunger, thirst, genocide, etc., are you really worried about what gay
    people are doing?

  7. What gay people need is a legal union that would ensure all rights and
    benefits as with straight couples and relationships. It is not important
    that this gay relationship be called “marriage”. Why not just create a new
    term for it? What’s so special about the word “marriage”? Accept that you
    are different, have a different term with all the same rights, and then
    everyone should be happy.

  8. I care because someone has too. marriage is a sacred thing. and no i will
    not ‘shut my mouth’. I have a right to my opinion just like you do and this
    country has gotten as screwed up as it has because more people with a
    different opinion wont speak up for fear of being outside the popular crowd.

  9. marriage in america is not sacred at all..americans have the highest
    divorce cases in the world and have second marriages.how could they protect
    marriage then? prop 8 is BS..it’s discrimination..there’s a lot of
    heterosexual prisoners in jail accounted to 99% or more than gay people in
    jail..BS …prop 8 is discrimination…they think they are better than gay
    people than can be pure to their marriage and stay together forever..the
    fact that others are whoring around…

  10. As long as there are inbred morons like you wasting the air, there will be

  11. what did she that makes you think she needs to research. Saying she’s not
    apposed to civil unions?

  12. Yeah, I know what you mean I think she’s using the wrong word really, she’s
    even said that she choose not to be gay, but, there has been research done
    that people do not choose to be gay, they are born that way, and that a
    persons sexuality can not be changed. As for you “MrDetwaa”!!! I like you,
    wanna be friends? 🙂

  13. Contrary to what you say, it is of great symbolic importance for many
    people that their unions are marriages, and why shouldn’t they be? You
    could use the same argument you provided for denying mixed race couples
    marriage- i.e, why didn’t they create a new term for their legal unions?
    Before you say, that’s different, what is the relevant moral difference
    between a committing gay relationship and a mixed race relationship that
    would justify your argument?

  14. What the fuck is this stupid fuck talking!!! Sarah Palin is wasting oxygen!!

  15. redefining traditional, its tradation because for all have made it so, if
    since the begining of time, they made a tradition same for men get married
    with men and woman with women and man with woman we wouldnt have diz
    problem now, it would be as if natural becuase it is, Palin says shes
    tolerant but she knows if it were up to her, she wouldnt tolerate
    homosexuality period, shes equality ignorant as she is apalling dull, she
    doesnt understand that evry1 is equal gay bi or straight, evry1 is S.O.D

  16. the bible isnt prefect therefore its not made by GOD, noone knows the
    truth, the bible was made by man and man decives evryday, its our nature,
    how can they stand before evryone and dare to think they are worth more
    than us, cuz thats wut they have done to us, they have rights and we dont,
    we cant get married? why not, if i were to stay with my husband, cant get
    married cuz the law prohibits it, but i die and then i leave evrythin to
    him, how can after all those years he doesnt have the right

  17. ok, heres wat i think. im gay, ok? obviously, i support gay marriage, id
    like it 2 pass, but lets be real. as long as id hav the EXACT same civil
    rights & legal rights as a straight couple, i truly & honestly dont care
    whether its called “marriage” or not would i be thrilled if they deemed it
    “marriage?” absolutely. wud i be upset? not really, i mean its just the
    title, the name.

  18. I get what they’re saying. but the only reason they see it that way is
    because of religeous beliefs. its people conforming to a false view. But
    she also uses the word “Choose” a lot. they still don’t seem to get that’s
    it’s not a choice.

  19. I you want to be gay, I believe that’s your decision and perogative….but
    I dont believe that you deserve special rights and privileges just because
    you are. They insist we accept THEIR view point, THEIR way of thinking, and
    THEIR lifestyle, and cry BIGOT when we dont. Whose being intolerant here?
    If their entitled to their opinion then im entitled to mine and mine is
    marriage=man+woman. dont like it? move to europe and stop trying forcing
    the rest of us to see things your way.

  20. “I’m tolerant but they shouldn’t have the same rights” Does anyone else
    want to reach through the computer screen and punch this slut in the face?

  21. if marriage was so sacred, ppl wouldnt use it, they wouldnt need it, why
    should a piece of paper give power and authority, becuause it has done so
    since the bigining of the creation of it, but legal isnt so different than
    religion, the bible doesnt explain why homosexuality exist, look it up it
    does not, and i ask why not, cuz it was made by men not GOD himself,
    throught the ages of knowlege, n yet i see so much ignorance in pplz eyes,
    the fear of accepting something different, someone diferent

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