46 Comments on “Show your pride. Share your love. #ProudToLove”

  1. It’s funny how many people in the comments are using the bible as an excuse
    to be assholes.

  2. Love is such a beautiful thing, lets accept LGTB, so that in the 21th
    Century it should be no problem to master a life without any discrimination
    regardless from where you are and who you love.

  3. wow what an amazing video! i defiantly hope i can contribute to one of
    these in the future :)

  4. First gays, then polygamists, then incestous marriages, then zoophiles and
    pedophiles……Going all the way down

  5. The world is, was & always will be fucked up…
    no need making it worse by discriminating needlessly..

  6. Homosexuality is and will always be an abomination. Jesus Christ loves you
    which is why he went to the cross to die for your sins. Turn away from your
    sinful lifestle and put your faith in Christ today or the day you die you
    will go to hell and there is no second chance after that.

  7. I don’t get it. If you’re against homosexuality why are you wasting your
    time hating and hurting people just live your life and try to be a better
    human being like the bible says.

  8. It says in the bible that whoever shall believe in him shall not perish but
    have everlasting life. John 3:16 and that came straight from the bible now
    have a seat. 

  9. Gender should never be an issue if it is for true love. True love is true
    love. When you feel it, just go with the flow! <3

  10. wow when i looked at the comments i realized how stupid people can be.
    ”homosexuality is a sin”, ”it’s an abomination”, ”homos burn in
    hell”. how dare you people??

  11. So many homophobes using the bible as an excuse! since we’re using the
    bible for everything now, where can I go buy a slave? Where can I go and
    stone people who commit adultery? What’s the best way to tell my wife she
    has to stay at home all day? These are all things your precious bible

  12. “A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the
    wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed.”
    (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)

    You people may want to reconsider your position on the relevance of the
    Bible in regards to marriage laws.

  13. Homophobic people are just hatin’ because of ignorance.. Seriously, they
    should see what it feels like to be hated on at school, on the Internet,
    and in public EVERYDAY. It’s about time the LGBT gets heard!

  14. If you homophobic idiots are so against LGBT and those who support it WHY
    are you on youtube, youtube supports us, so clear off or stop moaning AND

  15. Guys, none of these haters are Homophobics, real Homophobics have a
    pathalogical tendency to get extremely scared/terrified when confronted
    with homosexuals or Homosexual ideas, they cant control it and it has
    nothing to do with veiws on the subject

  16. Because religion has no place in government’s policies, and government
    policies have no place in people’s rights, freedom, and happiness.

    If you have an agenda to interfere with what others do with their lives,
    you are the one with bigger problems than the ones you think others have.

  17. Fully suppory the LGBT community . Homophobics and over religious people
    needs to get a life . Before you go all over throwing Bible quotes on the
    LGBT community telling us its a sin . Look at what youre going to type on
    the keyboard. You sinned. A lot . So you should go to hell ? 

  18. I just watched the channel 4 documentary Hunted and I found it so
    distressing I had to remind myself that there are good people that aren’t
    full of hate and discriminate. This video reminded me 🙂 

  19. I want to show this video to my mother for coming out… I’m waiting the
    day I can do

  20. It sickens me that people can say such hurtful things about other people.
    People have made a lifestyle choice and unless this is anyway affecting
    your life (it isn’t) there is no reason to be mean. God said to love your
    neighbour as you love yourself so don’t use the bible to hate people.

  21. I hope some day…all people will be able to love whoever they want. I
    really REALLY hope that it will happen

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