42 Comments on “Skeptically Speaking – Challenging the anti-buggery laws in Belize (pt 1 of 2)”

  1. Interesting view points which speaks to the ability to recognize the rights
    of all persons to choice in a respectful manner.

  2. Very good question Hilaire…I am curious what it the plan B since this
    case seems to be the benchmark for other Islands….

  3. Ms. Martin is sweet and a nice person but she cannot be a Christian or a
    bible follower interpreting her own view of God, she can’t be a christian
    and should step out of that silly system, as she is a good person and
    really doesn’t need Christianity to wrap her decent self in.
    Humanitarianism does not go hand in hand with Religion, religion is

  4. I agree with Mary that it is ok to be gay and be a successful christian.

  5. Until it reaches their door steps they may choose to realize that even
    Jesus when he walked on this earth allowed for freedom of expression
    whether he agreed with it or not.

  6. Question Comment: Do you think that just maybe in hindsight we should have

  7. However Hilaire was it not too that the black and white churches were using
    the same book called the bible? Just asking…

  8. Man wanna holding wunna own here and tearing it up. Ms. Martin is trying to
    wiggle out of the fact that the church is to blame for these. And the young
    man is correct, religion creates and exploits the ignorance! Love this forum

  9. The bible was written in a specific era it also speaks to evolution;
    therefore evolution also take splace in human sexuality. My point is that
    the bible is not obsolete/final.

  10. LOL! I see the news clippings of the Vatican positions on this matter and
    its very clear. Yet the churches here seem to either have selective hearing
    or they just no get da memo yet. They continue to do the exact opposite of
    the Vatican advice and counsel.

  11. And was it not too that they too were also taught how to interpret the same
    book by the whites???

  12. That same tolerance for “white Americans” “allies of the ‘people of god'”,
    is what happens in JA. When Nancy Wilson -MCC- came to Jamaica there was a
    big problem but LCF had Paul Diamond & that was ok

  13. I still think someone can be gay and Christian. I was going on good until
    Mr. Sobers found me 🙂

  14. Fabian it was principally a matter of drawing on those who were available.
    We do plan to include Caleb not only in this programme, but in our upcoming
    radio show – Yardie Skeptics.

  15. Iit is such a norm for some if not most fundamental christians to speak
    about religious freedom but when views are not in line with theirs they
    become restrictive and discriminatory in practice.

  16. It’s quite astounding Kelvin. But such is the power of religio–culturally
    charged homophobia. I see that a RC bishop in Dominica has followed the
    Vatican position though.

  17. more Caribbean Islands challenging the law in the same manner that Belize
    has done. So that way they would be running parallel to each other.

  18. LGBT are represented in all races and class structures in Belize. Lines are
    not as distinct as it sounds in Jamaica.

  19. Religionists (usually- and certainly in Jamaica) say, yes there are rights,
    and they love to use the right to freedom of religion as examples, yet when
    it comes to orientation the rights stop.

  20. Depends on who you are personally. Some of us are daring enough to be as
    gay as we wanna be were ever we are. I’ve done some pretty daring things in
    Belize City in public. LOL

  21. On behalf of us both – a big thank you to all the viewers who posted
    comments and questions during the show! Will try to respond individually to
    as many as I can.

  22. The bible has been used to beat up on individuals for a long time and
    personally for me the bible was written and left to individual
    interpretation. My thoughts

  23. Comment: But in a society where religious freedome is allowed to be
    expressed by constitution you also find it that “they know their place”

  24. This was a great discussion and thanks for inviting me. It was worth my

  25. If the challenge fails, then we would be compelled to lobby government. No
    other choice.

  26. QuestionI am not certain of therelationshipsamong different religious
    groups in Belize; however how do you see the coming togetherof religions as
    well as gay groupsarguing for theirrespective rights?

  27. The RC says homosexuality shouldn’t be criminalised, maybe, because it
    conflicts is why they have decided to sleep with the Evangelical bun fiah

  28. How have Catholics in Belize responded to the Vatican’s 2008 statement,
    which was repeated by the Bishop of Roseau, which calls for
    decriminalization of sexual acts by consenting adults?

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