34 Comments on “Stephen Fry confronts Vitaly Milonov over Russian law banning ‘gay propaganda’ – BBC Two”

  1. why do ignorant people like Milonov exist?

    it’s fucking 2014. surprise surprise, everybody is different.

  2. And again at the core foundation of these terrible beliefs lies religion.
    Surprise surprise. 

  3. Why did BBC cut off the last bit of this interview? That’s the best bit!
    Not always a fan of Stephen Fry but have huge respect for him for doing

  4. Whats wrong with Russians these days? Why don’t they do what our western
    gay celebs and homocentric leaders want them to do?

  5. I’m not sure when this was recorded, maybe recently because I hadn’t heard
    of it. Stephen Fry certainly convinces me that Russia is on a very
    dangerous slippery slope to becoming the kind of state that should haunt

  6. Before anyone responds to my comment below – it’s puerile & infantile. I
    can’t apologise sincerely because Milanov is a dangerous species that would
    have progressed rapidly in Hitler’s regime. There is a noticeable swing to
    the Right in todays global politics & too many people are putting out the
    fire with gasoline.

  7. *Stephen Fry* meets politician Vitaly Milonov who introduced anti-gay
    legislation in Russia. From the BBC series ‘Stephen Fry: Out There.’

  8. The problem is you can’t debate with these kind of people, because they
    live in their own little world disconnected from reality.

  9. Some people are so ignorant it just hurts. I can’t believe Stephen Fry is
    keeping so (relatively) calm. I’m shocked that people like HIM make laws in
    #Russia !

  10. Ignorant people baffle me. To have facts that are plain to see, easy to
    understand and unshakable in their truth and then to simply deny there
    existence and believe backward contrary views that have no validity. Just
    how? Why? And these are people in power and who’s actions effect the lives
    of thousands, millions even. Really find it quite extraordinary. 

  11. “An inadequate and unhappy individual” is a perfect description of Milonov.

  12. I need an ice pick to get some of the frost off my face. Just got blasted
    in the face with Stephen Fry’s icy disapproval and I loved it.

    #equality #fuckrussia #noh8 

  13. My Jaw dropped when I heard that guy speak.He sounds like the grandson of
    Fred Phelps from the Westboro Baptist Church.
    He’s the one controlling Russian affairs? And the fact he came up with the
    bill supported by 80% Russians(A 60% rise from 2006) is quite telling.
    I never disliked Russia at all whenever I heard of it.But day after day I
    lose respect for it.Makes me grateful I live here :)

  14. Ohhhhhhhh Stephen Fry!!!!
    I want to be your friend.What a calm civilized man! Hope I be as patient as

  15. Stephen Fry at his best!
    But who is this ill-informed sidshow-bob? Someone frozen in the last

  16. Milonow moron, like many policy makers in the Russian laws. As for the law
    First – The law itself prohibits gay propaganda among minors in the media.
    Second – Homophobia and radicalism is everywhere, only to stop their
    activities challenge the police.

  17. obviously this is heavily edited. the reporter is trying to refute fry’s
    ideas by cutting his arguments.

  18. Wow just wow, does this guy really exist?, well done Stephen for keeping so
    calm and eloquent as usual. I’m honestly shocked this guys a politician 

  19. He’s talking about flying angels and invisible forces?

    This man should get his head checked. I wonder if he hear voices in his
    head aswell? Obviously not mentally well.

  20. Putin would not have these insane people at his side without the support of
    the Church, that not since the age of the Czar has had this much power in
    Russia. Pity Stalin never finished the job and didn’t manage to execute all
    of those medievalist peices of shit.

  21. Love how the English ans Americans are all like “ahhh anti-gay russian are
    so against human rights” .. fucking lol … the two countries that have a
    global spy network and invade countries under false pretence, hold people
    without trial in torture camp. What hippocrates. 

  22. Fry graciously advices the man to stop when he starts to melt down into a
    babbling wreck. So very awkward to watch.

  23. thanks so much Mr Fry for this – it’s so hard to believe that such
    ignorance can be so high up at power

  24. I love Stephen Fry. He and the late Hitchens are my favorite humans.
    Everyone else is a shitstain on the silk of their humanity.

  25. Feel sorry for people living in Russian such a sick and backwards country

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