39 Comments on “Stephen Fry: Gay solidarity needed at Russian winter Olympics”

  1. pmsl What a load of tosh… Statistically Russia is more liberal towards
    the LBGT community than the US by a long shot… that’s the word from pro
    LBGT rights groups who have actually done the studies… What a load of
    political bull-shit propaganda. Russia’s new law says NOTHING about the
    LBGT community only attempts to stop sexual propaganda being presented to
    children, of whom the media stand to lose out the most in fines exactly
    because of their gross sexualizing of children. This is utter bull shit
    from beginning to end and I for one, as an English man who has nothing to
    do with Russian politics, am absolutely sick of some of the gay community
    screaming on about this and the media thrusting “gay rights” in my face
    constantly. Stop it ffs. Conduct your sexual choices in private and at
    least talk with SOME bearing on the facts. We’re not fooled by your utter

  2. No matter how many laws are brought out, no matter how many times Hollywood
    or TV soaps push the gay agenda and no matter how many gay or lesbian
    couples are married and are allowed to foster children … Homosexuality
    will NEVER be accepted as normal. This current
    worldwide Socialist/Communist instigated attempt to break up the fabric of
    “family life” with the constant promotion of homosexuality, abortion,
    divorce together with poor education standards and forced multi-cultural
    societies, will one day backfire with a vengeance. Mr Putin has every right
    to protect the Russian minors from degenerate parades of loud mouth males
    dressed in pink skirts and make up. Homosexuals and lesbians have and
    always will be around. They are a freak of nature. The sight of men kissing
    on screen in UK soaps or Hollywood movies, will always be repulsive to the
    majority of the human race. I suggest you stop whining Mr Fry this will
    never be worth going to war over. 

  3. Why should the athletes that disagree with the western homosexual agenda
    cross their arms Mr. Fry? 

  4. there’s something wrong with the world when people have such hate for
    someone based purely on there gender, what are these people seeing in
    homosexuals that they can describe as “destructive”, granted iv only known
    a few gay people in my life but iv never seen anything of concern in there
    relationships or attitude to life and there’s no scientific evidence of
    homosexuality having a negative impact on….anything that I know of so
    what’s the problem, one more reason I don’t understand people I guess.

  5. I’m not saying its right. what I am saying is that how can he justify doing
    this because of the olympics are being held there, does it not seem

  6. 1) What are you on about? Why would he want to boycott the games just
    because one Saudi was coming to the UK? 2) No one’s disregarding the
    discrimination of homosexuals in Saudi Arabia. However, the Olympics – an
    event with values such as peace, equality and fairness – are being held in
    Russia. The recent “gay propaganda” laws in Russia hardly fit in with the
    Olympic concept. That’s why there is so much attention surrounding it. If
    the winter games were in Saudi, the same would be happening.

  7. It’s quite possible that you’re right, but it’s not difficult to pick up on
    the obvious homophobia in the Russian government, and how much of a risk
    that puts on Russia’s LGBT population.

  8. we can not afford to present homosexuality as heterosexuality and combine
    it into a single unit.The consequences will be disastrous..

  9. Where was Mr. Fry when his queen invited in London king of Saudi Arabia
    like friend of family? Anybody wanted to boycott London’s Olympic Games?
    Russian law punish gay propaganda for children with ridiculous fine of 130
    USD. Why no one speak about America’s ally Saudi Arabia where being gay
    punished with death and everyone speak about Russia where being gay is
    completely legal (it was decriminalized 10 years before US did it)? I think
    it is just russophobian propaganda. Some type of xenophobia.

  10. Rich Carter-100 percent homosexual nobody!!! good luck with your terrible
    life… your gonna need it, you waste of space! bye bye mr. nobody 🙂

  11. The question is: what is ‘gay propaganda’ in Russia? Will they be arrested
    just for the gesture Stephen Fry proposed? As in my country 70 years ago
    people were arrested and tortured for denying the ‘hitler-gruß’? Fact is:
    Everything is possible in a state where girls are arrested for 2 years just
    because of singing a song!

  12. I haven’t read the original Russian, no. But the wording of a legislation
    becomes less relevant when the authorities use it as an excuse to arrest
    two men simply for kissing in public.

  13. Every human being should have acceptance if they aren’t harming anyone.
    Being in a consenting adult relationship is not harming anyone. People are
    being tortured and killed because of the mindset you hold. And yes people
    do care what consenting adults do, otherwise it would already be accepted.
    People would not be killed, tortured or jailed for it. /watch?v=5iXA_0MED98

  14. Главный пидр пудельленда чего то там вякает. Иди нахуй пидр гнойный

  15. It doesn’t. We don’t have to tolerate pederasts and zoophiles because you
    do so.

  16. OUR Queen? Oh dear God, please don’t tell me you share the same country as
    I do. Though of course your logic is completely ridiculous. There is no
    monarchy in America and besides, as if the monarchy in modern times has any
    rule anyway.

  17. How do you work that one out? Our queen is sovereign over Canad, America,
    Australia, New Zealand & lots of other countries – and there’s no
    imperialism? Go back to sleep.

  18. Gay marriage isn’t just illegal in Russia, holding kind of demonstrations
    about LGBTIQ issues is illegal and there are neo-nazi gangs kidnapping
    people torturing, a gay man was raped with beer bottles recently. It’s not
    fucking equivalent.

  19. Of course there is. You can watch the research “New Family Structures
    Study” of Witherspoon Institute but I think it is not unique. The problem
    is that in modern society it is very difficult to make some research like
    this (like other researches that concern the rules of political
    correctness). You see how is difficult to say in public that homosexuality
    is a deviation although it is so obviously.

  20. LGBT activism does not provoke the homophobia, it is the other way around.
    If people weren’t so homophobic, there would be no need for LGBT people to
    protest the discrimination they face. There’s no excuse for homophobia,
    “provocation” included.

  21. You’re a genius. I would be proud if I was gay like your brother and your

  22. U have an Ava, that I really adore (btw.: have ever seen the movie?) and
    therefore I don’t understand UR point: in which way should/could the worse
    treatment of homosexuals in other countries help against the really bad
    LBGT-treatment in Russia? Is it this stupid
    ‘Shut-your-mouth-till-EVERYTHING-is-allright’-thing? U can’t change
    anything, if U don’t start somewhere (f.Ex. in a so-called ‘democracy’).

  23. Yeah I’m sick of the sh*t that people throw at Russia. The establishment
    don’t give a damn about this, they hate Russia because they’re standing up
    to US imperialism and offering asylum to Snowden and providing us with the
    truth through RT.

  24. Contempt for Russia with regard to the gay propaganda laws etc. is born
    more out of frustration and disappointment than xenophobia. In my mind a
    nation like Russia should be well beyond scapegoating homosexuals.
    Homosexuals are punished horribly throughout a number of predominantly
    Muslim countries and changing that fact will require considerable time,
    effort, education and reform. Major nations leading by example and not
    condemning homosexuality is a necessary ingredient for that change.

  25. You are harming yourself and the society by normalizing perversions, and
    it’s not your right to be allowed that. None cares what you do at home or
    in rainbow bars as long as you keep it there and to yourself.

  26. I am very excited for the olympic mixed sex athletes. A new sport could be
    anything in bondage, or maaybe the limp-wristed pole toss. My grammar is
    awesome. Where is the stoner olympics. Sayz smoking coyote.

  27. How does “gay propaganda” law fit in with the Olympic concept? Nobody said
    that gays will not be allowed to participate in competitions. Nobody
    prohibits gays to arrive in Russia. What is the problem? I suppose your
    athletes don’t want to use the Games for make the gay propaganda (it is
    prohibited by Olympic rules – only sport, no politic). So they are welcome.

  28. This is more U.S propaganda. The U.S Government is trying to get back at
    Russian Government for giving asylum to Edward Snowden

  29. How can you know that this people was arrested simply for kissing? Maybe
    you have seen only part of video or know the opinion of only one side. The
    propaganda is always made by methods like this.

  30. Let me know for me and my friends. I know what I feel about it and I don’t
    need your theoretical knowledge. I am rather indifferent for gays but LGBT
    activists exasperate me.

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