41 Comments on “Stern on Bachmann, Santorum and Gay Rights”

  1. Howard, I, along with many other gay boys, love you to death. Now the
    Lesbians don’t really get you but their sense of humor is…different. When
    Howard was on terrestrial radio in the late 90’s here in Boston, I listened
    to him with a passion; he was the only media personality saying nice things
    about gay people back then (that I remember anyway) and he really helped
    this gay boy feel better about himself & he also made me able to laugh at
    myself. Love you Howard and I’ll always be grateful!

  2. you can add Sara Palin her husband is gay too, the wife of Sen Craig from
    Idaho also with her closeted husband

  3. let s(he) who has not sinned, cast the first stone. In other words, STFU!
    These people (Santorum, Bachman) dare call themselves Christians. BS. They
    are the ones being led astray from true Christianity.

  4. What point? That was nothing but a Reductio ad Hitlerum fallacy. Does your
    position on consequence apply to Stern as well? Should he be thrown off the
    air for all of the offensive and hateful things he says? Odd how you reject
    the Bible but then say might does not make right. What does make right then
    if not God or power? It’s one or the other. Which conservatives are trying
    to shut anyone else up? We aren’t trying to silence Stern, Mahr, Dawkins,
    or anyone else.

  5. okay with the overwhelming facts of evolution why are people still
    religious? because they choose to be in spite of the facts. why do
    religious(some) people come to science. leaving their religion with a heavy
    heart? because of the facts of science. they made a choice. every action
    you committ to is a choice. i dont know why we are argueing over this
    simple thing? you see science like everyone sees gravity, like it can not
    be disobeyed. people have a choice to go with science, not gravity.

  6. Change your username, it’s an insult to the people who strap on a uniform
    every morning.

  7. people will be choosing science over religion. it is a choice. so what were
    you saying about abolishment?

  8. im not upset and im not religious i was just asking you a question. i
    thought it was going well. i did not mean to upset you. im not trying to be
    a jerk, just was trying to talk to you.

  9. hating them because they belive in the bible is ignorant as well, as long
    as they dont preach violence against gays, i dont see a problem, freedom of

  10. Well whatever Howard and Robin consider Rick and Michele’s statements to
    be, it was their opinions, and it was that which Howard disagreed with and
    used as examples for why they should be drummed out of the country. That’s
    hypocritical and it’s against free speech. Something Howard should cherish,
    as without it he wouldn’t be allowed on radio. Christians are first to
    admit they don’t read their Bible? Do you proof read anything you write?
    You think you know the Bible, but you don’t.

  11. howard stern is an amazing individual and to say how it is without having
    to justify himself is amazing. realisticly i dont give two shits what any
    republican fat white child fucking republican has to say about me and my

  12. I have a TOTAL NEW FOUND RESPECT for Howard Stern and want to personally
    thank him for his words. He has so many listeners and no doubt, he made
    many of them re-think their hatred. What he said, I grew up being told I
    was “sick” a “fruit” and because of that, I got married to a women, had a
    kid, and by the time I was twenty-six, I finally couldn’t take anymore and
    left her for a man and therefore, destroyed them too. How dare these FAKE
    Christians poison their kids.

  13. Stop promoting Gayness as if it means something to normality. If they need
    something up their arse then keep it to yourselves ya sick pricks. I Do
    want us to praise Gay people for their weird conduct. I do not want to know
    they even exist…Do not care one bit for them. So they can fuck them
    selves.in Private of course. They can do whatever they want in private just
    keep it off of my TV.

  14. I guess there is always gonna be extremist that hijack a religion with
    radical views, that is what Muslims deal with. There is this saying, What
    would Jesus do? Well I do know he wouldn’t preach and condone hate speech
    like Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum, I wanna vomit when I hear them

  15. Howard has been saying this for as long as I have listened to him. He’s
    always been a huge supporter of gay rights and has always spoken out about

  16. Don’t you mean look at HIS husband, Michelle Bachman is the worst tranny
    I’ve ever seen.

  17. OOOOH SINNER! SINNER! Go burn in hell you old sinner. GOD WEEPS ON YOU!
    Thankfully you’re close to dying and the world won’t miss you or your
    pathetic hypocrisy.

  18. Heheh, I love that saying. If we were to follow that, I think only babies
    would be able to cast that stone.

  19. For some reason, people being discriminatory towards gays really pisses me
    off. Everyone should have the right to love who they want, and live their
    life in the way that makes them happiest. I’m Catholic, and I have those
    views, why can’t other so called religious people?

  20. I don’t know what good any religions have ever brought, all I can see from
    it is wars, killing in the name of religion, nonsense, false hope, lies,
    brutality and much more! I don’t discriminate against just a few religions
    but ALL religion is complete lunacy along with belief in any heaven or
    hell, god or devil as well. NONSENSE all of it. It is in the same category
    as the tooth fairy or santa and flying reindeer.

  21. See I take offense to paint all Christians with a broad brush, that is like
    saying all Muslims are for terrorizing acts. I’m a Christian, and I have no
    issue with gay people and what they want to do with their lives, i’m
    against discrimination of any kind, these extremist, do not speak for the
    rest of us that our Christians, not at all, wish more people would
    understand that.

  22. “because it’s your spiritual duty to purge out homosexuality” that is me if
    I were as “Christian” as Rick Santorum, however, despite not going to
    church in the past decade, and working on the Sabbath, I’m more Christian
    than another person who claims to be “Christian” and pro-war, anti-gay.
    it’s those people who give religion a bad rap. Hypothetically, if you are
    gay, I couldn’t care any more than if you are straight, and would fight for
    your right, to marry your same-sex partner.

  23. So then you agree with me that Stern, Santorum, and Bachmann were not
    trying to rule the country. Good.

  24. do you notice that you keep jumping around from subject to subject? why
    cant you concentrate. im going to let you go. it’s been nice chating i got
    some chores to do. do me and yourself a favor, go to the library and get a
    book on socratic logic and learn it by heart. and lay off the weed. peace
    my friend. have a good one.

  25. when you get over your new found racism and your stupid fucking bible
    qoutes and ready to think as an individual then you should speak your mind
    but when its shit that all the other biggots have said shut your fucking

  26. You let a punk ass Faggot throw you in a garbage can. Who’s the Bitch Now!
    LOL, You were amused because you sexually enjoyed it. Leviticus 20:13
    applies to you too. In the words of the late great Richard Pryor. Have a
    Coke and a smile shut the F_ _ K UP!!

  27. It is all because of the dumb ass religions why they care so much what
    other people’s sexuality is, like those couple of lunatics! Christianity =
    ignorance….. All religion = ignorance, for the weak minds! Howard is
    great! I am a straight married person too, I don’t care what anybody else
    likes or doesn’t like in their personal life it doesn’t hurt me or anyone
    else so why should I care!

  28. you’re probably a closet homosexual, and that’s ok. I’m not gay and i would
    destroy you in a fight just for fun. ultimately, i wish the best for you
    and that you have peace and understanding inside you so you don’t have to
    suffer from ignorance. but i guess we all have are opinions, so mine is
    fuck off and have fun sucking cock you closet cross dressing queer.

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