13 Comments on “Sunrise – Queen supports gay rights”

  1. I just gave the slag a short lesson in the benefits of constitutional

  2. You believe everyone one but you and the Westboro Cult Child Abusers are
    cursed. Get out of your dream world, Elizabeth Cunt. Have a nice day.

  3. The Queen has a lot in common with Fred Phelps, since they are both very
    old queens!

  4. No she didn’t. She never mentioned it in the charter. It just says ‘other

  5. You’re just burning with envy because YOU are a nobody and our gracious
    Queen is loved by hundreds of millions of Commonwealth people. Her Majesty
    cursed? She is BLESSED with a devoted husband of 66 years, good health and
    long life, plus the respect of millions around the world. In her 61 year
    reign, she has never put a foot wrong and has remained steadfast to her
    coronation oath. YOU on the other hand, only have presidents, most of them
    arseholes, too. Go and fuck yourself, Yank skank!

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