Appearing on CNN’s The Situation Room, and speaking before Arizona governor Jan Brewer vetoed SB 1062 which would have effectively legalized discrimination b…
27 Comments on “The Most Embarrassing Anti-Gay Argument?”
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The Conservative Republican argument you must be tolerant of people’s
intolerance toward certain people, otherwise you are intolerant. LMFAO!
I exercise my right to not serve black people, polish, jews, italians,
women, short people, homosexuals, and brunettes. What? I can’t do that?
She is a disgusting twat.
What fucking sides? You want the right to discriminate because you believe
in the spaghetti monster or something…
Bachmann Logic; ‘if I repeat the same nonsense enough times, it will make
ah the ole ‘we don’t take kindly to people who don’t take kindly around
here…’ argument
You know what would end this “we need to protect religious freedom” shit
real quick? If a group of Muslims open a Mosque or a business in and try
to enforce their beliefs on others. You see what happened when they tried
to build a Mosque near ground zero. Those republicans were outraged.
Bachmann knows her husband may need a meal in Arizona at some point.
Fuck your religious sensibilities and fuck your religion. Shove your
religion straight up your ass and leave it the fuck out of my life. Your
religion does not apply to me. ~My message to every Christian that needs a
foot up their ass.
I have a sincerely-held religious belief that god wants me to punch most
politicians (especially republicans ones) in the throat because it’ll make
them stop talking and therefore the world would be a better place. I saw it
written in a book somewhere so I know it’s true. I wonder if Bachmann would
tolerate my religion and allow me to throat punch her if I ever see her in
person. If she doesn’t I’m going to cry that she’s discriminating against
my politician-throat-punching religion.
She’s gotta have brain damage. This is when you can tell that people are
completely uncomfortable with themselves and whatever they’re talking
about. Since when does the modern day GOP teach tolerance? Oh yeah…when
they’re losing the battle of public opinion.
These guys don’t understand the words coming out of their mouths. How in
the hell did they pass the BAR Exam?!
“Sincerely-held religious beliefs” – so by that standard, surely we should
tolerate Islamic jihadists? They sincerely believe that their god wants
them to murder infidels. Oh, of course. They’re not Christians so they
don’t count. Christian theocracy is the goal here, not religious freedom.
Besides, if your sincerely-held religious beliefs are fucking stupid (as
nearly all are), you can take it back to the stone age where it belongs
because I do *not* want that crap written into the law. Keep your lunacy in
the church and the home.
She’s not being tolerant of my intolerance of her intolerance. ;-)
I’m going to get my ass kicked for this but I’m. for some reason, attracted
to conservative women.
Yes I’d fuck the shit out of Bachmann. (Shoulder shrug)
people who try discrimination laws are vile. But apologists for this hate
are FAR worse
Michelle Bachmann is on the wrong side of reality!
Wait, isn’t there a “haters gonna hate” defense?
Bachmann is one creepy dangerous God deluded idiot. The fact that folks
voted for this clown is a big concern.
Personal religious beliefs are not rational therefore can not be imposed on
the rest of society.
That’s exactly why the founding fathers built the wall of separation.
Theists need to get used to the fact that their fantasy beliefs have zero
bearing on reality therefore keep their sky daddy delusions to themselves
and respect the wishes of those who cherish fairness, reality, reason,
logic and facts for the whole of society not just them.
No, not have equal tolerance you dumb cunt. One is real and one is fake,
can’t you tell the difference? F god, Thank Science
You know the BS is heavy when even Wolf Blitzer is calling you out on it.
Ok that’s enough of her bullshit. Trying to justify discrimination by
claiming that religious people are discriminated against is stupid. Even if
they are discriminated against that does not justify writing a law that
allows them to discriminate against gays or any other person. And what
happened to separation of church and state? Laws shouldn’t be written based
on religious beliefs.
She is such an ignorant bitch!
Christians are going nuts. Get over it Christians, your fairy tale is
coming to an end.
Good Ol’ Wolf B. playing the “devil’s advocate.” He actually sounded like
a reasonable person after that…
Kyle I love the way you present you’re stories when you become a major
political internet news channel like tyt promise you’ll remain the same.
Tu quoque is the final straw grasp of a dying ideology.
The biggest mistake in the world was for secularists to use the word
“tolerance” to describe how we should treat these bigoted views. I’m
definitely intolerant of religion. I’m definitely intolerant of denying
people service based on ethnic group, gender, sexual orientation, or any
other reason.