37 Comments on “The New Black Official Trailer”

  1. Equality = equality = equality = equality. How can we as a people quantify
    equality. Equal for some? FOr me, but not you? For you but not me? Again,
    we have chosen the worse possible values of european culture to assimilate
    into our community. The values of segregation, inequity and hate. 

  2. Disgusting. People arnt born sodomites. No such thing as a Gay races. Just
    men liveing in perversion.

  3. 1.) Everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, should be allowed to get
    married under the law.

    2.) Benefits and Rights for married couples should be earned by length of

    3.) Religious practices should have no influence on legal actions. 

  4. It was a really good documentary that shows both sides of the issue
    equally. Brought up really good points and arguments. A must see for sure.

  5. Some people are commenting on the title of the documentary. I saw it and I
    took the title to mean our own personal struggle going forward in the 21st
    century….times are changing and we are evolving as a people, hence the
    new Black. Probably a poorly chosen title but I get how they were trying to
    incorporate it.

  6. It’s a shame black people can’t move on with their lives. For six months, I
    walked through an arch dedicated to a Confederate general reading his
    quote, “You may be whatever you resolve to be.” For six months. A black
    female at a school known for fighting its own Civil War battle. A school
    situated in the South where Confederate flags still wave. I know it is up
    to me to make change for myself, not others. The day the black community
    unites to live beyond stereotypes and the lies fed to them will be the day
    they move on with their lives. Our ancestors fought for us, but what do the
    black youth do to keep that memory alive? They squander it and step on it,
    as if what our ancestors endured was not noble. It is almost sad talking to
    some black youth. It makes me wonder what goes through their minds, what
    are their parents teaching them. So many opportunities, wasted. 

  7. I had a chance to watch the film last night at Aperture in Winston Salem.
    It was very well done and well received. I was left with an unanswered
    question (it might have been in the documentary and I missed it) and wonder
    if someone knows the answer: Was the vote in Maryland decided by a
    significant change in the black population and more specifically in the
    black church population (i.e. from opposed to gay marriage to in favor of
    gay marriage) or was the vote decided by other parts of the population in
    MD (whites, asians, latinos, etc.)? I know that the media can slice/dice
    voting results every which way (they love to do so) so it would have been
    informative to show the breakdown of the voting by specific segments of the
    population to make this point crystal clear. If the black churches were
    not moved to vote in a different way, then I’m wondering if they are simply
    left “upset” with what they see happening across 19 other states in the
    country. One scenario is full of hope, the other, not so much. 

  8. Would love to include this in our annual Black LGBT Film & Cultural Fest or
    through our on-going collaborative efforts thru the GSA at TSU.

  9. I haven’t read all the comments, but has anybody addressed the affects of
    religion itself on these human rights issues? Black people are so tied to
    the church (mostly to non-progressive, highly conservative denominations).
    So is it any wonder that homosexuality is “taboo” or heavily judged as
    “wrong”? I have yet to meet a black atheist from the U.S., but I’ve met
    more than my share of holy rollers. Many white liberals turn a blind eye
    when it comes to black, religious-based homophobia, but they are the first
    ones to hollar whenever a white evangelical “Christian” starts spewing
    bigotry or “Christian principles” against homosexuality. That’s politically
    correct bullsh*t in action, right there. Homophobia is homophobia, but
    reality reveals to us over and over again that it is more prevalent in
    black Americans than in other minority groups (except maybe Muslims). And
    that is primarily because of black churches and their stronghold on black
    people, both church-going and non-church-going alike. Once a source of
    strength for civil rights back in the day, now a source of shame and
    bigotry. The problem starts with black churches! 

  10. We’re proud to support The New Black, a documentary on race and LGBT
    equality, for their Los Angeles theatrical run from 11/1 – 11/7 at Laemmle
    Music Hall 3. Save the date to open the dialogue around marriage equality
    and civil rights.

    WATCH TRAILER & visit bit.ly/newblackLA for more information.

    If not in LA, keep an eye out for it in your city.

  11. Yoruba Richen, director of “The New Black” joins us tonight in “The War
    Room” to discuss her documentary, which spotlights how the African-American
    community is grappling with LGBT rights. It starts at 6E/3P, only on
    Current TV.

    WATCH the trailer: http://youtu.be/GX4XiTSuuF0

  12. This film is a must see for the African American community. I remember
    being a Morehouse student and seeing the film “Tongues Untied”. We cease to
    be human when we deny the genius and orientation of heroes such as Audrey
    Lorde, James Baldwin, Baynard Rustin and others. Equality cannot be
    selective or prejudicial.

  13. These issues are not equal. They are certainly intertwined and stem from
    the same tree of White patriarchy but equating them does both the study of
    racism and homophobia a disservice.

  14. Gay people don’t consider themselves the “New Black”… You have been
    tricked. What gay people will tell you, however, is that the same people
    who are oppressing gay people today could have easily hopped in a time
    machine from 50 years ago. I can almost guarantee you that Rick Santorum,
    Rick Perry, and the rest of their ilk, would be against full equality of
    Black people if they had lived a half a century ago. How do I know? They
    display the same sadistic, scapegoating behavior.

  15. So who will stone them? And how will you determine the people who will
    stone us? How will you make sure no more gays are born? Will you sterlize
    all straight people since gays are born to straight people? Where does it
    being and end?

  16. The joy of the black community is that it is composed of multiple parts. No
    one can speak for the entire black experience, but we can all add on the
    anthology that is being black in America.

  17. “I don’t know any gay people who call themselves “The New Black” The video
    (and others on youtube/other media) speaks for itself. This slogan is quite
    popular unfortunately. “……but why should they hide it?” They shouldn’t
    have to hide. But in times of life or death the option to hide is there.
    History has shown that people of almost every background have been coerced
    in some way or another.

  18. So, if gay people were equally persecuted and had an equal amount of
    evidence of that persecution … then we’d qualify for ‘New Blackness’? And
    what about Black gay folk? Would we then be ‘Double Black’? Trying to make
    this the Persecution Olympics completely misses the point.

  19. Yes, discrimination is discrimination, but let’s not forget that many white
    LGBT folk still access and take full advantage of their white privilege.
    The question “Is Gay The New Black?” reflects that privilege. Who’s asking
    the question and who would benefit from the answer?

  20. ” I’m tired of this rhetoric that the Black community is overtly
    homophobic.” It’s not rhetoric. It’s Hypocrisy on a GRAND scale.

  21. Unfortunately, all of these differences in us homo sapiens (race, religion,
    sexual orientation, even gender) trigger instinctive reactions in us all.
    That is because when we were evolving for all those thousands of years, it
    wasn’t safe to trust anyone different from yourself – and so it became
    instinctive for us not to. While that helped us survive then, it is an
    instinct that is nearly lethal now in the crowded societies we all live in
    today. Nothing will change if we don’t understand that.

  22. First breathe please. Secondly, I’m for equal rights for all. Those who are
    oppressed under sexism, racism, ableism, post-colonialism, classism,
    cis-genderism, ageism, nativism (to name a few) can’t be freed from their
    particular form of oppression while another group continues to be
    oppressed. That is why I support equality for all. Homosexuality is White?
    I’m pretty sure it crosses color barriers. You stating that “Ignorance does
    the study of history a disservice” is pretty ironic.

  23. “Gay people don’t consider themselves the “New Black”… You have been
    tricked” In that case you are suggesting, as I’ve been doing, that this
    slogan (and video trailer) is a lie. Glad we’re on the same page. The issue
    then is not with me because I’m trying to disprove the “trick”. There’s no
    argument at this point.

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