8 Comments on “U.N. Gay Rights Protection Resolution Passes, Hailed As ‘Historic Moment’”

  1. You didn’t mention Iraq…. did you forget about the 100,000 dead women and
    children there. Would the rich Republicans running count as elite? How much
    do you have to have to be considered elite? Romney said he was unemployed
    too, does that put him on an equal level with you. You make a lot of bold
    general statements but I have noticed that is all you do. So who do you
    appeal to, looks like mostly the real right fringe….. get serious if you
    really want to get Obama out of office.

  2. @thepenrev Yes it is pure hypocrasy, they appear benevolent by upholding
    gay rights while bombing and killing. The UN along with powerful elites are
    at the heart of the beast.

  3. @FlyinSpaghettiMnstr7 i’m not against the rights of anyone….i’m just sick
    of BIG government…and all the stupid lAWS being made…

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