26 Comments on “Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni: ‘Gays Are Disgusting’”

  1. Good man. Uganda is miles ahead of any other African nation. May the Lord
    bless them for keeping out fag diseases.

  2. If we don’t care about your heterosexuality and you religion, then why care
    about us? If you want this world to be a better place, stop calling us
    disgusting, because we will actually try and talk to you. We don’t put
    weight on you shoulders do we? No. So do the same for us.

  3. It’s good to know there are still some humane people that realize
    homosexuality is discusting and a mental illness 

  4. Uganda and other nations in Africa except South Africa DO have this over
    the United States and other Western nations. They do NOT tolerate
    homosexual behavior. One thing that will bring the United States down is
    that IT DOES.

  5. yes they are really disgusting and EVIL uffffff uffff damn what a crazy
    evil people are in Europe we are not like you guys we obey our LORD and
    accepted his message no gay at all in Africa no way shit evils

  6. Two men cannot reproduce. Homosexuality is unnatural and repulsive. God
    created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!

  7. Should we have respected German sovereignty when Hitler ordered the
    transportation of Jews to concentration camps, too? The whole idea of
    ‘sovereignty’ is such a joke that only a complete dunce could take it
    seriously. Bashar is killing thousands of Sunni babies and he has the same
    line: ‘Respect Syrian sovereignty.’ When Serbs were ethnically cleansing
    Bosnians, they had the same line, too. So fuck you and your stupid country,
    which still has yet to capture the stupid jungle-dweller Kony, who has done
    100x as much damage to your stupid country than homosexuality.

  8. The majority of the comments make me sick. There is NOTHING wrong with
    being gay and it certainly isn’t disgusting.

  9. Thank you, President Museveni, for speaking the straight-up truth, without
    any sugar-coating! The truth is everything.

  10. *”Respect African societies and their values.*
    *If you don’t agree, you just keep quiet, this is [unintelligible] society,
    then we will see.* *If we are wrong we shall find out by ourselves.* *Just
    the way that we don’t interfere with yours.”*
    – Yoweri Museveni

    Oh, you mean how the western world “interferes” with your country with
    financial and medical aid, that kind of interference? Or is that considered
    acceptable interference?
    Drop the bill and then drop dead.

  11. Really sad how politics and religion can interfere so deeply and violently
    with the individual’s most natural self. 

  12. I don’t understand why the west tries to bully other countries to create a
    society like theirs…..In all main religions homosexuality is a big sin,
    They try to establish a fact that homosexuality is a normal thing with
    absolutely no scientific evidence . 

  13. Love this guy. I wish the world has many Musevenis. Being gay is evil and
    disgusting. Just b’cuz de west do it doesnt mean everything is right. Noooo

  14. Even though I don’t like him being anti-Catholic, but he speaks the truth
    about gays being disgusting, used by the American Empire and western powers
    who believe they belong in society but threatened Christianity, threatened
    the Catholic Church to become weaker and weaker, because of homosexuality,
    capitalism and Ws rights, as tools against God and Christ, for they are the
    tools of Satanism. If I was sovereign of my birth country, I’d ban gay
    people and ban Ws rights, because the economy cannot move healthy, because
    some fools threaten business and threaten society and threaten my church
    for fun. Uganda did the right thing to ban homosexuals and something I’ll
    learn from my country to ban as well as W rights

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