49 Comments on “White Separatist: ‘Gay’ Created by Jews to Oppress White People”

  1. Romans and Egyptians were incest practicers and apparently no one gives a
    shit. If you look at Chinese history, there’s documented gay practices but
    they didn’t say anything about hating them. There you go.

  2. You know someone doesn’t have a proper argument for his completely idiotic
    hatred and bigotry for other races when he can’t answer a question
    directly. I’m sorry but the words racist or gay was not developed to
    oppress white people. I myself am White and I’m not a “race traitor” there
    is no actual genetic differences between a jewish person and a white
    person. We are identical! There is no fucking difference. There may be a
    difference between whites and blacks but that’s a 0.00001% difference
    that’s completely down to a chemical that changes the colour of our skin
    and it also changes the colour of our eyes by the way. EVERY SINGLE Human
    being on this planet has evolved from Kenyan Africans and we all turned out
    almost identically the same with very, very small physical differences that
    happened due to our environment.

  3. Wow…this dude really seems to have a problem with staying “on point”
    and/or speaking in cohesive sentences. I suspect that if he were
    better-able to express his ideas, then he might have instead said that
    “politically-correct NewSpeak” is something that is being imposed on
    society-at-large by radical liberals, a disproportionate number of whom
    just happen to be Jews. And using the term “gay” could be said to reflect
    notions of “political correctness” through attempting to make “the
    homosexual lifestyle” seem more-positive. (NOTE: I do not agree with any
    of these ideas; I’m only guessing at what his thought processes might be,
    given that he doesn’t seem to be able to directly express his ideas in a
    coherent manner.) BTW, I am pretty-sure that “gay” is a term that
    homosexuals have always used to describe themselves, and that the Jews and
    political correctness had nothing whatsoever to do with it. For “whatever”
    reasons, it somehow managed to gain traction with the general public.

    But he does bring up one point with which I agree (although, again, he had
    trouble directly answering the question, instead electing to tangent all
    over the place): I do not like the commonly-used term “anti-Semitic,”
    either (although I certainly understand why such a term would originate in

    The ridiculousness of this term was made clear to me decades ago, when my
    grandmother became upset that Vanessa Redgrave would be playing a famous
    Holocaust survivor in “Playing for Time,” because Redgrave sympathized with
    the Palestinians; she called her an “anti-Semite” for favoring one group of
    Semites over another.

    I would like to be able to suggest alternate phrases, but I haven’t been
    able to come up with any that I think would gain traction. I sometimes use
    phrases like “Jew baiting” or “Jew bashing,” but I’d prefer to come up with
    something better.

  4. this was shit journalism.

    how can you try to discus this in 8 minutes.
    you cant have been serious about it, if you only use 8 minutes.
    very shallow journalism, with an aura of integrity that is pointless.

  5. This right wing revisionist doesn’t deal in reality at all. New words and
    meaning are created all the time. This guy is smart, but he’s deliberately
    self deceiving.
    Even the Oxford Dictionary disagrees with him.

    Definition of anti-Semitism in English:
    Line breaks: anti-Semitism
    Pronunciation: /antiˈsɛmətɪzəm /

    Hostility to or prejudice against Jews.

    Indeed, I am sure she would not hesitate a minute in condemning both racism
    and anti-Semitism in the highest terms.
    In Europe in the nineteenth century this religious anti-Semitism turned
    Classical anti-Semitism denies the equal right of Jews as citizens within


    After the first world war, he was, not surprisingly, the target of abuse
    from right-wing nationalists and anti-Semites, was forced to cancel public
    lecturers, and went in fear for his life.
    He is known to be a promoter of conspiracy theories and has frequently been
    accused of being a fascist and an anti-Semite – claims he has denied.
    Appeaser of Hitler, anti-Semite, all round good guy in short.

    He makes remarks that a lot of people think are racist, anti-Semitic and
    These are not merely anti-Semitic images; these are classically
    anti-Semitic images.
    A second notorious classic of anti-Semitic literature was also available.

  6. The reality of racism will soon be archaic and be replaced
    by classism, if not already. We all have our roots from Afrika
    -end of story.

  7. You can thank Ronald Reagan for destroying mental health care in the U.S.
    This guy is a result of a failed mental health care system. I do like his
    shirt though, but I wish he wouldn’t co-opt my ancestors runes for his
    narrow minded racism. They Vikings didn’t hate Jews or Black or any colour,
    they killed and pillaged everyone equally. OK I know that’s a stereotype,
    they also had huge trade routes all the way to the middle east and Asia as
    archaeology has shown.
    These white supremacists suffer from inferiority complexes and cognitive
    You can’t talk sensibly with them because they’re like brainwashed

  8. Never understood the white-power people of USA. They’re less legit on
    American continent than Native’s blood.

  9. What is wrong with you Americans? You all type on a keyboard in a comment
    box, your not speaking in front of one another, no voice! Typing words,
    self righteous, divided, alone, sheep, cowards, false, enemies, weak, bark
    with no bite! Fuck what you say, think, feel, love, hate, you’re 1 person
    that is currently protected by walls and locked doors. You’re typing shit
    that you would not speak of outside of your security blanket. Your so
    delusional you think your above the rest. One of you parasites actually
    thinks you have the power to tell people that their going to Hell,
    judgemental fool! With your (intelligent) “opinions” and insults toward
    Americans, we keep moving backwards not forward. Unity, you high IQ,
    Fucking geniuses. Stop disrespecting one another we’re all on the same
    team. If the time comes when we need to fight an enemy, I would want to
    fight with all Americans citizens, we fail alone. The brother that made the
    racist comment that white people didn’t want you moving into our
    neighbourhood, shut the fuck up! Just like we would not let a black man in
    the whitehouse? Your screaming racism, ha! The black community has taken
    over on racism. I look around and I see white letting you in with open
    arms, race card playing, excuse making, finger pointing, blame it on the
    white hating, black American

  10. How do you run out of time? He’s the celebrity (even if in this case for
    bad reasons). Can’t you just keep going? :-P

  11. This host is such a fucking puppet. Jews always dodge the facts and jump
    straight to muh antisemitism and muh emotions. Fuck this faggot.

  12. It’s interesting how he ran out of time on youtube, which doesn’t make much
    sense to me. Also there already are black and white enclaves in every city
    in america. How else could the terms black neighborhood and white
    neighborhood exist. In my opinion we already are separate , this guy is
    just trying to make it official. Granted I don’t particularly share his
    views, But I don’t oppress his views either.

  13. Not long enough segment and to fragmented—let you guest talk!!!!!!!!
    It’s just you interrupting your guest. 

  14. News Flash— you’re not white Cobbs, you’re a mutt, you’re an impure
    bred you are not purely white because u have 14% nigga in ya. Go sit 14%
    towards the back of the bus. Now, onto a real important video now, that’s
    worth really watching. Good BYE

  15. I don’t know too much about this Cobb guy but this “David Pakman” just
    comes across as a mediocre no talent tool. He obviously isn’t going to go
    very far. not that there’s anything wrong with that. I am not racist
    against mediocre no talent crappy low grade talk show hosts, or anything.
    Oh, I’m not homophobic, either… but I think Mr. Pakman may have a… dare
    I say “loose sphincter”

  16. I cant blame this guy for wanting to be with his own people.. its a fact a
    small white town is tons more safe then a huge city full of blacks. I’m
    sorry but its a fact blacks tend to destroy the values of every city they
    move into these are facts. I’m only talking about America. I have no info
    on other countries. But facts are facts.

  17. Jews fear and oppress whites because we are the only people with the
    intellectual and creative ability to prevent total global slavery. The
    clearly documented goal of the Jew cult. The actual expressed intentions
    of the Third Reich was the elimination of organized crime cults, especially
    the Jew.

    BTW it was JEWS who forced slavery into America. Read the actual history
    of the blood wealthy Jew family Roosevelt. Many prominent white Americans
    wrote prolifically about the Jewish threat and a final solution.

  18. Just an afterthought Criag. When you buy that land in North Pole, Don’t
    drill for oil. That’s BLACK gold!

  19. more successful Socioeconomic background who tend to do
    better…White privilege ? Jewish privilege

  20. They teach kids to have flaccid sphincters??? Where? I guess en erect
    sphincter engorged with blood is less gay? Why would a straight man want
    his sphincter erect?

  21. How fucking retard this guy is?! LOL!!!
    His followers are a bunch of low IQ inbred racist losers.
    As if David lives his life according to his “ashkenazi” jewish roots.
    The level of retardation is off the chart!

  22. Why don’t you buy land in North Pole.You could have all the WHITE land you
    want then. No morning DEW (Jew). Frozen like your heart. Who do you like?
    Entitled to talk but not to be taken seriously. 

  23. Would you like to know if this schmuck pakman is lying? Just wait til his
    lips move! Rofdlmao

  24. Dec. 13, 2013, An Olive complected skin color, so called White
    or Caucasion they have the Perfect Rights to form a community
    where they want only White persons to live there….and No other
    races and NO Negroes especially and No Homosexuals or Immoral

  25. This guy is beyond stupid. Did he ever hear of Sodom and Gomorrah?. The
    Hebrews first encounter with white, pagan bi and homosexuals. 

  26. Well it is an established fact now that white people are actually a
    minority in traditionally “white countries”

  27. Today is the hour of the misanthrope. Never before has he been so able and
    welcome in his fantastically self-defeating grudges; and this man’s
    apparent sophistication belies the basic fact of life that he’s encouraging
    us to defy: You have to accept many things that you don’t like, in order to
    live contentedly. We simply cannot control everyone else, only ourselves,
    and to divide the world into things acceptable and things unacceptable to
    ourselves, and spend our energy arranging for those divisions, gets us old,
    and dead, very quickly.

    The only thing that has ever worked to alleviate all of this misery? Give.
    Give, and then give again. Be useful, help others, and you will be content
    no matter what happens around you.

    But we, we are fighters! We love to fight, to argue, and we cannot see.
    Generosity and love are the only answers.

  28. we relly need to brek free from this jew lie that jewish is a race it is
    NOT put a jew next to a white guy then try to tell the difference! They
    just want to think that they are a race so they can claim that they are
    superior to all others when realy they are just either white or arabic
    buuuuutt noooo they think they are better thgan whites and arabic they are
    jews for christ sake! gimmie a break

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