36 Comments on “Worlds Apart: Sextreme FEMENism”

  1. That was painful to watch. Putin’s world-wide mouthpiece, the FOX news
    equivalent, Russia Today, turned out to be Shevchenko’s better and tore her
    a new arsehole.

  2. The irony is in the fact that their leader is a man.. So what they are
    struggling against?..) Puppets simply.. 

  3. NWO FAKES and just another Rothschild creation…

    All Activist groups are NWO controlled! YOU try ‘demonstrating’ something
    truly anti-nwo… or chainsawing down a public crucifix… and see if you
    ‘walk away free’.

    Just a handful of them in a handful of countries, but permitted because
    their nwo and Antichrist revolution ethos… INVERTED CRUCIFIX SYMBOL while
    their ‘artist’ member talks on ‘Femen:Exposed’ RT documentary… also in
    same documentary they shout “ABORTION IS SACRED” ..ie they claim to be
    ‘protesting a Church’ that uses the same INVERTED symbology when
    communicating to their insiders. (google Pope inverted crucifix)

    lol Probably what witchy Abby Martin on breakingtheset wishes she was out

  4. Peter Lavell’s Crosstalk and and Oksana’s Worlds Apart are almost comical
    to me in how they dismissed Russia’s newest expansion in such a dismissive
    light while simultaniosly blaming NATO for it’s encroachment of Russian

  5. they are a real shame for the Ukraine, completely stupid arguments,she
    looks like clown with her arguments,too agressive

  6. ☢☢☢ is that you LillyofParis
    ~ can’t tell; not because Inna has her shirt on but picture size on your
    YouTube channel & my inability to recognized faces 🙂
    = anywho : I find much value & understanding in attempts to normalize
    female mammary glands as a important emancipation step, as whole notion of
    creating scarcity (of tits) was really a societal turning point as far as
    the origin of lies, cheat & gain go, carry on with social sexual shock
    therapy, peace out

  7. Here a FACT for you The biggest serial killer in Britain was a WOMAN AMELIA
    DYER killed over 400 babies(at a conservative estimate) its probably way
    more -some were aborted, some thrown alive in sacks in River Thames,some
    delivered & starved to death whilst she charged their mothers for ‘looking
    after them’ -she also sold children into almost certain servitude All this
    has been CONCEALED by a Media DOMINATED by feminazis & eunuch males
    -because women are just so sweet & are all victims ,eh ?

  8. “The system left us nothing but the naked bodies”. No, you give the system
    nothing but your naked bodies.

  9. I wonder if these activists also agree with men who feel oppressed taking
    off their pants and flashing their penises to women and children in the

  10. All I hear is blah, blah, I have small brain, blah, blah, blah…Feminism
    is dumb, blah, blah, blah… LOL

  11. Yet the male/female ratio of borderline personality disorder is actually
    closer to 50/50, than the 25/75. Because most people in prison have
    borderline, or are anti-social. Men are more aggressive, because that is
    what female mammals want. When two bucks go off head to head. Who do you
    think is in power? The Doe.

  12. No it absolutely doesn’t discredit me; because the feminist/humanist
    delivery; recognizes, that this lethal technology; nuclear, is going to end
    the lives of millions; if not billions of women and children; who are far
    more susceptible and vulnerable to it’s lethality.

  13. why do women need to look good – for finding a male husband FEMEN: this is
    bad, female oppression! why do women need to show boobs – for attracting
    male attention FEMEN: this is good, against oppression! am I the only one
    who finds a logical fallacy here?

  14. humans by creed colour and gender by the establishment so that we dont
    notice the evil THEY are up to We are not CITIZENS in UK we are SUBJECTS
    and have virtually no rights , no constitution going back centuries Men are
    MORE opressed in UK than women especially in family matters I DELIBERATELY
    use the word CUNT because modern women regularly call men dicks pricks etc
    and seem to think that is ok -so back atcha girl – after all its only fair

  15. Some of the eastern religions; believe in samsara, where the soul goes
    through a continuous cycle of rebirths, experiencing all the aspects of
    humanity; until it learns, spiritual law; born into wealth and poverty;
    male and female; race to race; a cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth;
    based on karma. So maybe some of the brute males in their next lives, will
    reincarnate as women…only then, will reality and truth fully impress them.

  16. Women need men; who will allow women to reach their full human potential;
    and that divine human potential is not isolated to tits, ass, and babies.
    Evolved men; need women who will support their full human potential; which
    also entails acknowledging their feminine side, which is empathetic,
    compassionate, cries; grieves; suffers, fears. It’s time to consciously use
    evolutionary biology, and force evolution. If that’s Nazism so be it.

  17. Actually, no it is not women, who are the safest demographic, try children.
    You know children who are also attacked by cowardly, inadequate men and
    women. My ex is safer today as a woman, than when she was a kid when she
    was sexually interrupted by four of her extended family members.

  18. What people understand of feminism today; comes from the subversive media,
    and degenerate popular culture. Few if any, will ever in their lives,
    actually read the founders of feminism. People, who don’t know; listen to
    other people who also, don’t know; the blind following the blind; then All
    pretend they do know; and utterly revise history; and subvert feminism.
    Real feminism, aids women and men in their development, encouraging the
    full expression and development of their human potential.

  19. Women do not rape as a weapon of war; and women rapists are an anomaly;
    according to stats; whereas male rape is almost a norm, globally.

  20. Chuckie…sorry, but I have to move on. You need to be in therapy; and any
    woman whose silly enough to consort with you, an abusive self loathing
    personality, will soon learn her error. Heal yourself. When you approach
    death, feminism will not be what fills your mind; but rather, how you
    treated your fellow man; and we know that from documented cases of people
    who experienced clinical death; and were resuscitated…and God loves
    feminists, by the way.

  21. By making life less shitty. Stress + testosterone = violence (In an ideal
    environment where women choose their mate this would male on male violence,
    like you see among most mammal species).

  22. Further, being across the pond; I’ve never seen reports, of British men
    petitioning their government to correct the perceived injustice in the
    retirement system. Don’t be appalled by me asking, why is their seemingly
    no activism, on the part of British men; to your complaint of gender
    injustice; or is calling British women cunts your form of activism ?

  23. Russians talking about morality? :))) We all know you all go to some porn
    tube each night and masturbate, so how can you possibly talk about morality
    and what’s sacred? :)) Fuckin retarded earthlings 🙂

  24. Ever consider males were put into those positions just like the Jews were
    in the middle ages when it came to usury? Just like men take on all the
    dangerous and dirty trades. As for ELE, women do not want power for the
    masses so they can go and do their things. How about the countless women
    who go around and drive large trucks and SUVs they will never fully
    utilize? Your brain is broken. It can only think is a simple dichotomy.
    Black and white. Men and women. You are sad.

  25. Women aren’t just raped because they’re young and ignorant; because old
    women; who have wisdom and intelligence are raped as well;; and we know men
    are raped in prison, by other men. Rape is an expression of control,
    dominance, and aggression; less about sex; as sexual activity is now
    accessible to ALL; yet rape is still prevalent. Yes all women should be
    trained in martial arts and firearms as children.

  26. cont: ..burnt alive in their own kitchens by their men; because her family
    cannot produce any more dowry money; that she has the power, as she goes up
    in flames; sadly doesn’t alter her fate. Most women have no idea, that they
    have any evolutionary power; and for sure; the average man, wants to
    maintain that misperception; hence the attack on feminism.

  27. It seems like you just need a boogey”man” to blame your own failures on.
    It’s a victim mentality: a common delusion of those suffering from feminist

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