United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the second day of his visit to Zambia met with the country’s former President Kenneth Kaunda and pushed the m…

19 Comments on “ZAMBIA / BAN GAY RIGHTS and KK”

  1. Excuse me! you don’t know me for you to call me an idiot! Grow up and have
    some respect for other people. And btw, it was my opinion. And booboo,..
    try a bible!

  2. ALL i can say is fuck `ban` and his demonz stay tha fuck away from
    africa…………..u are an ugly demon `ban` go 2hell u know its yo
    destination freak/jerk;-)

  3. homosexuality is not choice you idiot if was a choice i would be gay myself
    bat i am stright because i was born like that i did not chose to be that
    way i was born like that .

  4. You mean to tell me that the human rights say people should be gay? What a
    load of BS. You should do better stoping the wars you’re fighting to steal
    other people’s resources. You white people are evil, period. Look around
    you! What good have you brought, wherever you go it’s just misery one after
    the other.

  5. i understand you where you from the human right are horrible and you cant
    condemned homosexuality it may be in where your from bat homosexual is
    right and its here to stay

  6. what about south africa? it has a better gay rights record than any country
    in europe.

  7. Don’t show everybody that your brain is already washed and indoctrinated.
    There is no evidence of genetic influence of homosexuality. Read a research
    of Bremner and Bruckner 2002. It’s just an abnormal behaviour and has to be

  8. Thank you Zambians for banning this shit on our continent. This secretary
    has the audacity to lecture us about adopting white people’s culture. We
    have our own Black culture don’t we? Let us not have the UN telling us what
    to do, who are they? Just a toothless organisation. What is it they have
    done for humanity when big powers can roam the earth like hungry lions
    looking for pray. I don’t see why Africa needs the UN when they dont have a
    single person representing them in the security council.

  9. what are you talking about homosexuality is not a decease its what people
    are they born like that and you cant stop homosexuality it will always be

  10. Not all white people are evil. I am white but I hate homosexuality and
    fight against it. It’s not about white. It’s american and european
    capitalism who steal your and our resources and wants to dissolve our
    souls. Let’s stand togethter. Let us stop this homosexual madness in our


  12. Bullshit. Fags have no rights to be married or to walk on parade. It just
    politics gave them too much freedom, because they want to turn all people
    in the world into flock of sexually concerned animals.

  13. You are a disgrace to the human race, all of you who thinks that peaple
    with alternative sexualitys should’nt have the same rights as the rest of
    us. And yes he shound lecture you mostly due to the enormus amounts of
    money and aid afcrica gets from the UN and all of the western countries.
    This is nog a cultural dilemma its part of the human rights and everyone on
    this planet hase to follow it and should be forced to do so, becous they
    are the basics of rights that every human shound have.

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