Concussion-gate projection: Media politicize Clinton’s illness, feign outrage!/rkylesmith/status/285567993688236032

Bingo! As Twitchy reported, upon news of Hillary Clinton’s blood clot, liberals were quick to rail against conservatives for daring to be skeptical about her concussion. Evidently, that is cause for outrageous outrage.

Goody! @exjon joins me at the top of the 10am ET hour to discuss the new thought crime of daring to be skeptical of the regime, & more!

— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) December 31, 2012

The sane understand that it is not beyond the realm of reason to doubt a politician, for cripes sake.

When to start questioning the veracity of a career politician? Right after he didn’t have sexual relations w that woman…

— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) December 31, 2012

When to start questioning the veracity of a career politician? While he’s assuring us he’s “not a crook.”

— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) December 31, 2012

I don’t blame anyone for questioning a Clinton’s truthfulness, ever. But if anything I suspect Hillary’s been more ill than she’s let on.

— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) December 31, 2012

But, of course, members of the media were quick to do the very thing they are pretending to rail against: They are now politicizing Hillary Clinton’s illness as a shameless and shameful way to attempt to slam conservatives. Never let a crisis, or a blood clot, go to waste!

The Daily Caller’s @jtlol ran an article claiming Clinton’s concussion was fake.…

— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) December 31, 2012

Some conservatives like @richardgrenell argued Clinton faked her concussion to avoid testifying.……

— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) December 31, 2012

Charles @krauthammer called Clinton’s concussion “acute Benghazi allergy.”

— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) December 31, 2012

8 People Who Thought Hillary Clinton Was Faking Her Concussion… via @buzzfeedpol

— Ben Smith (@BuzzFeedBen) December 31, 2012

The people who suggested that Hillary Clinton was faking it

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) December 31, 2012

Here are Fox News “journalists” suggesting that Hillary Clinton’s concussion was faked:…

— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) December 31, 2012

I wish conservatives wld have shown as much ‘skepticism’ about WMDs as they are about Hillary’s health issues.I’m being serious.

— kirsten powers (@kirstenpowers10) December 31, 2012

Serious, yes. Seriously politicizing a woman’s illness.

Mother Jones bloggers joined in as well.

Looking forward to all of the #concussiongate theorists suffering absolutely no professional consequences.

— Tim Murphy (@timothypmurphy) December 31, 2012

If you’re wondering whether the “concussiongate” crowd feels appropriately terrible yet, the answer is probably no.

— AdamSerwer (@AdamSerwer) December 31, 2012

Serwer then retweeted a bunch of hashtag jokes as “evidence” of oh-so-evil conservatives. Then, he blamed Twitchy. For reporting a hashtag game. Excuse us while we go twirl our old-timey villain mustaches, all evil-like!

Okay so I couldn’t resist a few more. I leave you with this:…

— AdamSerwer (@AdamSerwer) December 31, 2012

Bless your heart. Ah, the pitiful route of false equivalence! Being skeptical and acknowledging that the administration is perpetuating a cover-up over what happened in Benghazi is not the same as, say, wishing death on an ailing George H.W. Bush. Or popping champagne upon the death of Judge Bork.

Happy warriors refuse to allow the media to shamefully politicize Secretary Clinton’s illness, nor will they allow the media to falsely accuse conservatives. Want to know what a liberal is doing? Look at what he or she accuses others of doing.

@kirstenpowers10 I know you are, and it’s sad. Makes you seem a lot less serious.

— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) December 31, 2012

@kirstenpowers10 You just RT’d something from well before we knew about the clot. That wasn’t honest

— Gary Eaton (@garysteveneaton) December 31, 2012

@kirstenpowers10 Are you talking about the WMD in Iraq.. that were moved to Syria?

— Sam Thiessen (@SamThiessen) December 31, 2012

Seriously, @kirstenpowers10: Did Hillary show much ‘skepticism’ about WMD before her votes to authorize & fund the Iraq war? ~ #Jesuitical

— Adam Baldwin (@adamsbaldwin) December 31, 2012

@buzzfeedandrew Q: So are you saying any skepticism toward her was inherently outrageous? Seems like that’s where you’re coming from.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) December 31, 2012

@jackthecat11 @buzzfeedandrew that she’s the former First Lady doesn’t enter into it.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) December 31, 2012

FWIW, I was a *little* skeptical about Hillary’s concussion. I wish her nothing but a speedy recovery.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) December 31, 2012

@dandrezner @buzzfeedandrew Warranted? Maybe not. But not self-evidently outrageous either.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) December 31, 2012

@jackthecat11 @buzzfeedandrew I’m happy to re-litigate her record of truthfulness. But not when she’s in the hospital.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) December 31, 2012

And there is the difference right there. See what happens when one actually has a moral compass with which to guide him?

@jackthecat11 @buzzfeedandrew meh. There’s nothing petty about my position. All I’ve been is honest. Wish her a speedy and full recovery.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) December 31, 2012

The Daily Caller’s Jim Treacher was singled out by the hacktastic BuzzFeed. And his response is beautiful, as are the responses of other happy warriors who joined in to support him, and to call out media hacks.

The same folks who wished me dead when a @statedept SUV made an illegal left turn and hit me are angry that I doubted the word of a Clinton.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

Question authority… unless the authority is a Democrat. Right, @buzzfeedandrew?

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

@kirstenpowers10 I wish liberals showed as much outrage over Hillary’s lies about Benghazi as they are about her health issues. Seriously.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

Indeed. And looky here:

RT @buzzfeedandrew Yep. RT @martharaddatz: Really seems we should be told more about the condition or our secstate.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

Huh. Going to include yourself on your outrageous outrage list, Andrew?

@jfgroves It’s different when @martharaddatz says it, because she’s never hurt @buzzfeedandrew‘s feelings.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

@sarainitaly I wonder how @buzzfeedandrew will respond? Presumably he doesn’t have a grudge against THAT guy…

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

@sarainitaly That’s not @buzzfeedandrew‘s job. His job is to tell us what’s NOT news.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

When I showed skepticism about Hillary Clinton’s health, I was relying on the best intelligence available at the time.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

@jc10034 Or maybe we won’t shut up about things you want us to shut up about. I encourage you to keep complaining, though.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

I apologize for blaming Hillary Clinton’s blood clot on a YouTube video.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

Zing! Oh, Treacher, never change. Other happy warriors answer the call to push back against media false narratives.

@buzzfeedandrew Are we going to get a rundown off all the reporters who repeated Reid’s fantasy about Romney not paying taxes?

— DrewM (@DrewMTips) December 31, 2012

Don’t know if @jtlol was claiming it was fake as much as asking for proof or medical report. Shouldn’t we expect that?…

— Kate Braddock (@fatekisminy) December 31, 2012

@drewmtips @buzzfeedandrew Or how about going back to the slew of anti-Bush conspiracy theories?

— Jay Caruso (@jaycaruso) December 31, 2012

@rbpundit @johnjharwood @buzzfeedandrew Of course the “Romney hid money offshore” theories were totally legit.

— Jay Caruso (@jaycaruso) December 31, 2012

Not quite. Be a better reader. RT @buzzfeedandrewThe Daily Caller’s @jtlol ran an article claiming Clinton’s concussion was fake.

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 31, 2012

Actually, @jtlol was asking for evidence, exactly like Andrew now claiming he supports on twitter. Bit dishonest. @buzzfeedben @buzzfeedpol

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 31, 2012

@buzzfeedandrew Title of piece: “8 People Who Thought Hillary Clinton Was Faking Her Concussion”

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 31, 2012

Honesty has never been BuzzFeed’s strong suit.

@buzzfeedandrew And it was meant to shame, which is fine. But you are now expressing the same opinion as @jtlol on Twitter

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 31, 2012

@buzzfeedandrew @jtlol Here you say reporters should be natural skeptics…

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 31, 2012

Well, not when the politician is a Democrat, duh!

@buzzfeedandrew @jtlol And here you agree that State Department was being too secretive:…

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 31, 2012

@buzzfeedandrew @jtlol But wouldn’t a natural skeptic do that?

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 31, 2012

@buzzfeedandrew @jtlol I am not an expert of Jim’s tweets. I am just pointing to the evidence you relied on originally and in your piece

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 31, 2012

@buzzfeedandrew conservative humorist pointing out liberals would be asking the same if situation reversed, not finger pointing

— Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 31, 2012

@buzzfeedandrew I look forward to your “Can Hillary be President with this poor health” stories.

— S.M (@redsteeze) December 31, 2012

@rbpundit @johnjharwood @buzzfeedandrew It’s not like she lied about sniper fire in Bosnia or used 4 flag draped coffins to lie

— DC Dude (D) (@DCDude1776) December 31, 2012

Remember how @buzzfeedandrew gets upset when people call him a hack and then he acts like a hack?

— RB (@RBPundit) December 31, 2012

@jtlol @rbpundit @buzzfeedandrew What a journalistic warrior.

— Landon(@OrwellForce) December 31, 2012

And a reminder about actual hate and vicious wishes for death.

Tammy EVIL for expecting BS from Clintons. Liberals? 50 soulless degenerates who can’t wait for H.W. Bush to die…

— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) December 31, 2012

Here are a few more, media, and this only scratches the disgusting surface. Surely you will report on noxious stuff like this now, right?

Moral bankruptcy in all its glory.

But from happy warriors on the right? This was the norm after the news was reported.

Best wishes for a swift recovery. MT @breakingnews: SecState Hillary Clinton admitted to hospital with blood clot following concussion

— John Hayward (@Doc_0) December 31, 2012

Huh. How evil! We’ll leave the media hacks with a little something else.

4th in line for US presidential succession has been incapacitated for 3 weeks, yet we don’t even know her doctor’s name. Thanx media!

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) December 31, 2012

Good lapdoggies! There will be extra kibble in your bowls from your Democrat masters, we’re sure.

* * *


The Daily Beast’s Andrew Sullivan calls the very suggestion that Clinton didn’t have a concussion “perverse.”

When someone is admitted to hospital with blood clot, the idea that she didn’t have a concussion at all seems perverse:…

— Andrew Sullivan (@sullydish) December 31, 2012

Greg Gutfeld was quick to remind Sullivan that he’s not a doctor; he only plays one when it’s politically expedient. Sullivan knows “perverse” — he was, after all, at the vanguard of the “Trig Trutherism” movement, asking for evidence to prove that Sarah Palin was indeed the biological mother of her youngest son, Trig.

Could anyone be more blind to his own hypocrisy than Sullivan, who luridly obsessed over Palin’s pregnancy?…

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) December 31, 2012

* * *


BuzzFeed is standing by its assertion that Treacher claimed Clinton had faked her concussion, though the supplied link only shows him saying: “If she has a concussion, let’s see the medical report. Let’s see some proof that she’s not just stonewalling. If it’s true, then we can all wish her a speedy recovery.” But … feelings.

This post of 8 people who claimed Hillary faked her concussion appears to have hurt quite a few people’s feelings.…

— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) December 31, 2012

You’re apologizing for lying about me? RT @buzzfeedandrew Stand by for the most amazing post of all time.

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) December 31, 2012

* * *


Anti-gun activist Michael Moore has finally found a reason to be concerned about Benghazi.

Doctors confirm blood clot is in brain. Waiting for: “Hillary’s definitely clotting her blood on purpose 2 avoid testifying about Benghazi!”

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 31, 2012

Oh, Michael, will getting the facts right ever matter to you?

@mmflint Clinton’s clot not in brain, in head behind ear between skull and brain.Big difference!

— Sharon Flanagan (@RagingFem) January 1, 2013

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