Laowai Not:My Gay Marriage

我16岁就出柜了I came out when I was 16, 但是我从小就知道我是同志but I always knew I was gay.

我叫史正杰My name is Jack Smith.

我来自英国约克郡I am from York in the United Kingdom.

在一个国庆节假期We were on holiday in New York 我们一起去纽约度假during the Chinese National holidays.

晚上我俩去剧院We went to a theater at midnight, 我带他去到洛克菲勒的顶层I took him to the top of Rockefeller Center 这是纽约的最高处which is one of the tallest buildings in New York City.

我跪下来I go down on one knee, 向我丈夫求婚I ask my husband to marry me.

他答应了He says yes.

我问他你确定吗I ask him again to make sure.

他说非常确定He says yes again.

我站起来I stand up.

我们拥抱接吻We hug, we kiss.

每个经历过婚礼的人都会告诉你Anyone who has gotten married will tell you 结婚这天时间太快了the day just disappears.

你觉得这一天会非常长而且累You think it's going to be this long tiring day, 实际上it just goes like: 你一起来没干什么you get up in the morning 忽然之间这一天就过完了and suddenly it's the end of the day.

最让我开心的是The most amazing thing for me 他的父母还有堂兄参加了婚礼was his mom and dad, his cousin were there 来支持我们and supporting him.

我很幸运我丈夫的家庭I am very fortunate that my husband's family 接受了我们know about us.

如果他们I think if my husband's family 不接受我们didn't know about us, 这会是我们结婚面临的大难题it will be a really big problem.

我们也有同志朋友We have gay friends 他们去美国who have gone to the US, 去欧洲they have gone to Europe, 结婚they got married 他们的父母都不知道自己的孩子结婚了but their parents don't know that their child is married.

我理解他们I understand why 为什么不想告诉他们的父母you wouldn't want to tell your parents you are marrying.

男人和男人结婚A man marring a man.

女人和女人结婚A woman marring a woman.

我挺为此感到伤心I still find it heartbreaking 因为我认为每一个父母都应该见证because I think every parent should know that 自己孩子的婚礼their child is married.

我父亲告诉我My dad told me he'd always known, 他一直知道我是同志he'd always felt that I was gay.

他也没觉得这是个问题It was not a problem for him.

但是我的母亲知道时But my mum had no idea and 她挺纠结的she struggled a lot, 特别是一开始especially in the beginning to accept it.

很多人觉得同志关系A lot of people think that there is 比较特殊something special and unique about gay relationships.

我不这么觉得I don't believe there is and 我觉得任何关系都是一样的I think they are exactly the same as all relationships.

我们是2009年认识的We met in 2009, 那时候他还在英国读书at that time he was studying in the United Kingdom.

他回国探望父母He came back to China to visit his parents.

机缘巧合我们就见了一面It was a completely random chance that we decided to meet up.

我们一起吃了晚饭When we met and we went for dinner together 聊着聊着and we were talking, 我就觉得这个人I realized that he was completely different 和我以前约会的对象不一样from everyone that I've ever been on a date before.

我觉得Because first of all, 他在我面前不会装I felt he wasn't putting on a performance for me.

不会刻意装成He wasn't trying to be someone 要我喜欢的样子he thought I wanted him to be.

他很真实He was just himself.

我们交谈很愉快We had a really interesting conversation.

我不相信一见钟情I don't believe in love at first sight, 但是当我们吃完饭分开的时候but there were certainly a lot there already.

我觉得我已经对他很有好感了When I said goodbye the end of that night.

我觉得他就是我要找得那个人I felt he was the right person.

当我第一次来中国的时候When I first came to China, 没有人谈论同性恋I heard almost nobody talking about gay people.

同性恋不是人们日常生活的谈论话题It just wasn't something people discussed in everyday life.

但是现在所有人都谈论同性恋Now everyone is talking about it.

中国对同性恋群体很友好There's so much support from China.

这和我七年前来得那个中国完全不一样It's completely a different country to the place I came.

实际上In fact, I found, generally, 中国对同志群体的包容程度China is a more tolerant place than most of 甚至高于很多西方国家western countries that I've lived in.

直人和同志Straight people will meet gay people 没有什么不一样and have nothing in common with.

我们需要多元化It's diverse.

因为只要有人类生活在地球上Because wherever there are people on earth, 就肯定有同性恋人群存在there are gay people.

只要社会存在Wherever there's a society, 同志人群就存在there are gay people.

我在媒体工作I work in news media and 我也是《Time Out》杂志北京版I am also a freelance writer for Timeout Beijing.

同性恋 双性恋 跨性别专栏的自由撰稿人I write the LGBT column.

我之所以做这份工作My whole reason for doing the job I do 就是要鼓励同性恋的人敢于走出来is to make gay people visible.

因为我觉得只要所有人都知道有同性恋存在Because I think if everyone on earth knows a gay person, 人们就不会恐同there will be no homophobia.

如果所有同志都走出来If every gay person is open, 都在公众场合表明自己的身份every gay person is public, 勇于做自己every gay person is who they are, 人们对同志群体会改观it will change people's minds.

美国和欧洲也是这么走过来的That's all this made the difference in America and Europe.

50年前Because 50 years ago, 同性恋在美国和欧洲都是违法的it was illegal to be gay in Europe and America.

现在同志可以在美国和欧洲结婚了Now we have gay marriage.

仅仅50年的时间50 years, you think how long it took? 正式因为同志人群敢于走出来That's because brave people have come out 他们不再躲藏and said that I am not gonna hide.

这就是我想告诉社会公众同志也可以That's what I want people to feel they can do: 走出来做自己come out, be who you are, don't hide.

人们的观念会改变That will change people, 整个社会的观念也会改变that will change society.

Source: Youtube