41 Comments on “2014 Olympics brings test on gay rights”

  1. I’d love to come to Russia, but we were really afraid. Our group is made up
    from some opposite sex couples as well as same sex with own and foster
    children. Especially Thomas and Mark where afraid that there could be
    something done to them or their 3 foster children. But I’m happy to know we
    were wrong about that.

  2. Russians are not barbarians LOL It’s true that there are some incidents now
    and then. But mostly they occur when gay activists protest somewhere, which
    is prohibited because is considered a gay propaganda. All other protests
    are allowed and just looked over by Police so there is no violence. No
    rubber sticks, no pepper sprays like in US. All those videos you see,
    filmed on outskirts of cities and showed as gays are beaten up right in the
    center. Don’t provoke anyone and you are alright.

  3. Just today i saw a guy in underground wearing makeup and very girly
    clothes. Nobody touched him at all. What the media says is absolute bull
    crap! If you dont run around with a rainbow flag around or wear only a
    thong, most likely nobody will even notice you. Moscow is a huge city.
    Believe me, people have much more things to do instead of walking around
    looking for gays to beat up. You can come to Moscow, but the weather is
    pretty crap here at the moment. Better come in winter! LOL

  4. Well I don’t see a mistake in people wanting their rights even though they
    were born different, but I know many countries are not there yet. Good to
    know that we can go there. May I ask what is provoking? I mean we all are
    not stereotypical, neither the straights, nor the gays or the bis(are there
    bi stereotypes?) we have no ‘female’ men or ‘male’ women nor violent
    machos. Is there anything we should keep in mind?

    Faithful KAZAKOV fag BURN

  6. Most pedophiles are straight. Does the truth give heterosexuality a bad

  7. The problem here is the freedom of speech. You are not allowed to express
    your honest opinion if minors are present and your opinion of homosexuality
    is not negative. That’s wrong. You should have a right to express your
    opinion about anything, including about homosexuality.

  8. Gay rights????? What gay rights.How about gay nights instead;-) Fuck your
    a-holes 24/7 and stop complaining…..I rest my case.

  9. lets not forget that the same bible also says that women who get pregnant
    before marriage should be stoned to death – why pick and choose what’s
    convenient for us?

  10. this made me laugh – yeah what if some girl will make out with me out of
    the blue ?

  11. Your words are really a relief. I must have misunderstood the law then. I
    understood it that showing affection is also forbidden on the streets and
    as if that is only true for same-sex couples. Then I can visit Russia with
    my girlfriend and our group. Some of the children of our befriended couples
    wanted to see it and since they may go back to their genitors
    soon(hopefully not) we would need to go there soon.

  12. Valerie, that is jus narrow minded stuff you just posted. If you ever visit
    Russia, you will see, it’s nothing like Fox or CNN shows it… Parents dont
    oppress their children and we don’t have KGB, bears and alcoholics running
    around the streets. The anti gay law bans the perversion to be taken to the
    streets. If a child is gay, he/she will know it without other peoples’ help.

  13. пидор заткнись . пока я сам тебя не подрезал

  14. Anyone else see the gay version of the Elysium trailer today? Matt Damon
    getting sexy! <3 /watch?v=Jk9pr-F7MoM

  15. I live in America, and I am pissed because the sodomites are attacking my
    right to live in a moral country.

  16. Забавный маленький русский мальчик. Fags никогда не заткнуться. У вас есть
    чему поучиться.

  17. There’s a lot muslims in Russia so if your a sick twisted lgbt I wouldn’t
    trust going over there. You sickies won’t that protected…..!

  18. What a Dumbass. You want Howdy Doody Obama to get Putin to change a law 88%
    of the Russian people agree with? 37 states in our union have laws that
    only recognize marriage as being between a man and a woman. Why is it a
    minority that makes up less than 5% of our population has had so much
    influence and increased presence in our media, film, government? A minority
    that likes to compare their issues to that of the blacks and jews? 90% of
    said blacks, jews would not agree with the correlation

  19. It’s sad what Russians are doing to their kids. I mean i’m used to parents
    telling their kids how they should hate themselves and not wanting children
    to have a happy home, but that is just plain wrong. But then again, it just
    adds another country to my list in which I will never go. Maybe when they
    mentally reached our millenia I will think about it.

  20. Im straight and i wouldnt go there. What if some guy next to me does
    something that is considered gay and they assume we are together? I give
    huge bravery credit to any openly gay athletes who go there. I would
    suggest you all make out a will before getting on the plane.

  21. Yup people should be more concern about niggers and Mexicans invading

  22. I suggest I come to your house, cut off your head with a butter knife and
    take a shit down your neck.

  23. I don’t make it anyone else’s issue that I like pussy so why do they have
    to let us know they like the cock? Keep your preferences to yourself maybe?
    We should keep political matters out of the Olympics. Boycotting Russia
    goes against the spirit of the games.

  24. The US: a bunch of illegal wars (millions killed so far), economic crises,
    NSA spying, poor public education, unaffordable healthcare, $17 trln
    national debt, crap instead of food, drones, racism, crimes, diseases,
    guantanamo, death penalty, largest enprisoned population, corruption,
    inflation, unemployment, human trafficking, exploiting, homeless,
    foodstamps, lowest IQ among industrialized countries, brain washing etc.
    And we are still discussing this crap. Really?

  25. Enough with this gay shit just let them do what they want CNN spends more
    time talking about gay rights then war and real important issues

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