3 Comments on “Bipolar ralies @ K-State: gay rights”

  1. @whit633 thank you for not taking my comment the wrong way. i will do my
    best to present the data. peace

  2. this is an observation: i have found that bipolarism and homosexuality goes
    hand and hand. you may think otherwise, but every study i did came back
    with the same results. homosexuality is a chemical imbalance and should be
    treated with medication. just as manic depression or any serious mental
    condition. do the observation urself and you will see. bipolar behavior and
    homosexuality are the same. and people who are bipolar are more likely to
    become gay. due to environment. there hiding something

  3. That’s an interesting perspective. You should post the methods and results
    of your studies, to back up your statements and stimulate discussion!

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