46 Comments on “Celebrities In The “Glass Closet””

  1. Especially for those who are already supportive of the community, isn’t it
    a bit of a precipitous notion to say that of you are gay you must therefore
    publicly and actively fight for a certain set of gay rights by being out?
    It’s a sad position to be in where your position of being gay is attacked
    and then to have your choice to be apolitical then also attacked. It may be
    a shame to miss out for the community, but to have that thrust upon someone
    who’s life is already an internal struggle to come out privately, to then
    be told you must come out publicly? That’s tough. 

  2. From personal experience I learned that in spite of the tolerant facade
    companies have, if you are gay it’s not a matter of a glass closet, but a
    concrete vault. Through all of my corporate work history I did my best to
    assimilate, keep a low profile and avoid mentioning my private life.
    Still, I found out some years later that every company I worked for knew I
    was gay because they, especially the huge corporations I worked for, make a
    point of quietly inquiring about the private lives of their employees. So
    keeping yourself in the closet is an exercise in self deception and self

    I found that I had to out perform my fellow employees just to get a good
    performance review while straight employees that were total goof offs might
    not get good reviews but still got nice raises and promotions. I never
    received a promotion. In fact, after I left one job, in spite of lots of
    great performance reviews I found out that I was the one making the least
    amount of money in the department.

    Companies in recent years have been getting more sophisticated in their
    discrimination, like one company I was at in the early 1990s brought in
    this guy from some right wing think tank for a seminar to tell us how to be
    good employees. He told us that things like sexual orientation, political
    and religious views, etc. were all fluid, that a good employee should be
    willing to be socially engineered to be in line with corporate views. Sort
    of, since the company pays your salary they own your complete ass.
    Companies have also redefined diversity. A manager at a one of the last
    contract jobs I had told me that diversity means that gay people should be
    open to turning straight. She wanted all her employees to be romantic
    straight couples because I guess in that way they wouldn’t notice they were
    being paid sh*t and didn’t have any benefits. Lots of laughs with that.

    I’ve been out for a number of years now and the whole b.s. of maintaining a
    closet is just that – b.s.

  3. George Clooney, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Queen Latifah,

  4. If you don’t put that list up I’m going to adopt a cat from a no kill
    shelter and put it to sleep.

  5. Be gay… cool. However, why do the majority of gay men sound lispy with
    high pitched voices and are flaming. Why don’t you guys sound like men? Be
    gay, but be manly about it, not feminine. This is why I truly believe the
    vaccinations given at birth actually injected you with estrogen to make you
    gay. I don’t believe you were born that way, you were made that way.
    Granted not all men have had the same injections. I believe some injections
    had it and some had other diseases in them made to come about later in life
    causing sickness, i.e. cancer and other illnesses like autism. You can do
    the research like Eustace Mullins book “Murder by Injection”, just to name
    one source. But, there are many others like this.

  6. I was thinking Harry Styles…. Kristen Stewart. They aren’t even trying to
    hide it anymore tbh. 

  7. I think its sad that it even matters. Who cares what sexual preferences a
    person has, its their personal life and you have no business one way or
    another to meddle in stated personal life. Live and let live or in this
    case love and let love!

  8. You people probably may be better off ,living and letting live, I say
    before you all become a new kind of American bullying class, I’m just
    saying “

  9. Coming out or not coming out shouldn’t be an issue, simply put.
    Treating homosexuality as something that defines you is not the right way
    to go about it imo.
    I have gay friends, and usually they bring it up, but they do so to be open
    and avoid bullshit down the road.
    When we reach a place where there ARE no consequences, there will be no
    need to “come out” because it wont matter and that will be a good thing.

    Think of it like this:
    Coming out in pageantry and with a fanfare is annoying, even to gay folks
    in the media.
    Nonchalantly saying it on social media, without treating it like a big
    deal, is much stronger (and TYT has discussed that very thing)

    I absolutely understand the frustration, but I think a person has no
    obligation to participate in a social movement, no matter how personally
    effected by it.

  10. The only people in this position I truly despise are GOTP gays who actively
    work for the wrong-wing in spite of who and what they are. Here’s a
    politician: David Dreier, who left Congress in 2013, but was an appalling
    POS while he was still in, even while living with his male Chief of Staff.

  11. Dave, you really should just have named the people on your list or not
    mentioned it at all. It’s kinda annoying that you had a list, talked about
    the list and showed it to your guests but not us. We, the most important
    people for your shows success, are left in the dark. Not very nice!

  12. It’s not required of them, never was and never will be, but if one day we
    find out, I think it’s only natural to say well, he kept his privileged ass
    in the closet while I got kicked in the teeth for being only half as much
    of a cocksucker as he is, thanks a fucking lot brother, now go ahead and
    hate me if I suddenly don’t like you as much any more.

  13. The glass closet is where they keep the spare parts for the school to
    prison pipeline. It’s in a secret location, somewhere out in the middle of
    the food desert.

  14. I’ve been watching Dave for years on TYT and only just read now that he’s
    gay! Shocked ha.

  15. Some people are more private about parts of there lives then others.

    the baseball player Mike Piazza, is one of those straight people who
    doesn’t talk about that part of his life, Some people accused him of being
    gay, at first he didn’t comment because he didn’t care too but it was so
    exciting to get the find that first gay athlete that he finally held a
    press conference to say he was straight, but he didn’t care if there was a
    gay player on his team.

    James Randy never came out partially because no one asked him, But when
    is it the right time to say. “Hello everybody I just like to mention I am
    straight? (or gay)”

    I get that there is discrimination against gay people and the best way to
    fight that discrimination is to be out, but being out is most effective to
    friends and family,

  16. Who sits around obsessing over other people’s sexuality other than some gay
    men? I don’t understand people who bitch and about an issue they seem to
    create themselves. I don’t give a rats ass who this or that celebrity is in
    a relationship with. That knowledge doesn’t change my world so who cares.
    This BS about people coming out to “support the cause” is so much crap.
    When people say they want someone to come out publicly what they are really
    saying is “I made a big deal out of my sexuality and got shit for it so you
    should have to also.” It has nothing to do with helping kids or supporting
    any cause. It’s about someone else who is pissed you didn’t go the same
    route as they did. Most of the gay men I know are living their lives and
    not concerned with the nonsense some in the gay community try to make
    people believe they are.

  17. Considering Dave Rubin publicly derided the entire gay media for NOT outing
    Florida Gov. Charlie Crist … I don’t know what to make of this

    Is Rubin a political activist who feels alleged “hypocrites” should be
    outed, or that he is an ethical news figure who understands that
    celebrities need to come out on their own terms, or is he unable to express
    his full thoughts because he and TYT might face expensive lawsuits and
    public condemnation?

    I do appreciate the conversation, and the two guests seem more measured in
    their understanding of the situations that might be facing “the four names
    on this piece of paper.”

    Perhaps, Rubin might not want to share his criticisms of others’ efforts
    when he cannot bring himself to report on the speculation, rumors, loose
    facts and suppositions that he himself won’t disclose. If anyone has
    displayed a lack of support for other gay people … refrain from throwing
    stones in glass closets, Rubin, please.

  18. Totally agree with the dude in the glasses. As long as you’re not being a
    hypocritical asshole, like Ted Haggard, then who cares if you’re gay?

  19. Fan of the Show but not a fan of this video. I’m gay myself but I do not
    like when Straight People use terms like “Closeted” when discussing someone
    who prefers the same sex just because they do not broadcast to the world
    their personal business. I especially get annoyed when fellow Gays promote
    that idiotic notation that was obviously handed down by the Straight
    Normative Society. Absolutely no one has the right to know anyone’s sexual
    preference as it is personal to each individual. Some people actually
    prefer the public to focus on who they are as a person and their character
    rather than who they choose to sleep with in the privacy of their bedrooms.
    Sexuality is only a small part of who we all are and not everyone chooses
    to wear it on their sleeves. It’s not always about hiding or being scared
    to come out and that is a very sad belief brought forth by society. Only
    thing I agree with is the “Hypocrisy” statements. As long as someone
    doesn’t deny who they are to themselves and is honest with themselves, I am
    totally fine with them keeping their preferences to themselves. And I feel
    like its an unrecognized bully tactic for people to tell their personal
    business. Being “in the closet” is used as a derogatory term for people
    who choose not to discuss their sexual preference to the public for
    whatever personal reason. It is used in a way to shame those who do not
    comply with the “Straight World Societal Rules” or the “Gay Movements”
    because keeping personal business isn’t helping satisfying either. I cant
    say it enough [No one has the right to know anyone’s personal business or
    sexual preference so stop demonizing those who choose to keep their
    business to themselves.]

  20. I hope the news one isn’t Anderson Cooper because he came out like half a
    year ago.

    But I bet Dave doesn’t know that, so I bet it was Anderson Cooper.

  21. This is the worst segment ever. It wouldn’t have been outing them by
    discussing. If you didn’t want to give the names you should have done a
    different topic or presented it differently. Other than that I love your

  22. Why does absolutely everyone have to be open? Can’t some people be more
    open than others, express themselves but then some people don’t feel the
    need to put that out there. I know there are repercussions to being open
    about your sexuality, especially if it’s not a traditional one. But do we
    need repercussions for people who think it’s their business but not ours?
    You should embrace your sexuality and gender identity but not everyone
    NEEDS to know about it if you don’t want to

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