38 Comments on “Chris Kluwe Talks Gay Marriage on TYT!”

  1. Cenk you should have asked him about JRPGs You got to look up the article
    Kotaku did with him about JRPGs. Its fucking awesome

  2. Wow, I love this guy. He is now my favorite “guy who knows a lot of
    football players, but, let’s face it, isn’t really one himself.” 🙂

  3. Chris Kluwe is now my favorite punter…not that my previous favorite
    punter list was all that long.

  4. If shes not then she needs to get some professional help. He sounds like he
    might be on the DL. The reason many NFL and NBA players are cool with gay
    marriage these days is because some of them are on the DL and are too
    cowardly to come out the closet. They hide behind their macho images or
    they get married and lead some dumb woman on just to protect their public
    image. Please….Chris is only fooling those who wants to be fooled. This
    is why i can’t respect these types. Why so much shame?

  5. There are just two weeks left to help out the state groups fighting for
    marriage equality. Look them up on Google: Minnesotans United For All
    Families Mainers United For Marriage Marylanders For Marriage Equality
    -and- Equal Rights Washington At their websites, one can contribute to help
    them win equality this election.

  6. @Graham6762 umm You can’t like men unless your already gay/bi? are you
    hiding something? it’s ok if your gay… 😛

  7. This dude is awesome!! lol Great interview. On a totally unrelated note,
    Cenk please do the Joe Rogan Podcast.

  8. Chris Kluwe is not just a great football player. He is a man who speaks out
    for justice and the truth. He is on the right side of history by supporting
    human rights for all Americans.

  9. Chris Kluwe is a great guy. But it is a little bit telling that this has
    been the only Vikings story of the week. Several stories about Kluwe, and
    no coverage of Winfield playing on Sunday the week his brother was
    murdered. Coverage of the Vikings is just plain disrespectful. However,
    Kluwe is a great guy. Thanks for covering this, TYTSports.

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