9 Comments on “Gay-Rights and Insurance Reform.AVI”

  1. Very well said. Unfortunately, we are sending troops too fast for my
    thinking. My 20 year old nephew deploys to Afghanistan in April. 🙁

  2. I went to a doctor appointment today and couldn’t see the doctor. The
    sliding-scale fee they said I qualified for over the phone turned out that
    I didn’t qualify. I couldn’t afford their full fee which was $200.00 but
    had I been able to be married to my boyfriend and be on his insurance, my
    copay would have been only $50. I live in West Virginia. Had I lived
    somewhere like Maryland, it may have been different and I could have seen
    the doctor.

  3. Is an innocent babys life worth protecting, when exactly is it ok to burn &
    break apart whilst still alive the most innocent member of society. A
    womans right to choose to have her own baby murdered. You people love to
    talk about equality but only when it benifits you and your favourite
    sections of society. How about the rights of the poor defenceless baby.
    Have a look @ the video the “silent scream” you may change ur mind just as
    director of planned parent hood when she viewed an abortion

  4. Thanks Janonda great video. I have never understood how health care isnt a
    Christian cause.

  5. hi sheri – nice vid as usual….aaargh, I get so frustrated myself….Im
    tired of being in a bad mood…and winter coming doesn’t help…. Peace rex
    ….I really don’t understand America…

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