27 Comments on “Gay Rights”

  1. There’s wanting rights and then there is going extreme with the gay thing.
    Want to change the definition of marriage.. no thanks, Its always been the
    natural since the creation with adam and eve. man and woman no other
    definition and it stays that way. Lets not embrace what the media wants
    society to want.

  2. Tumblr Blogger @thatjakeperson
    (one of our faves) talks Gay Rights and why it makes him angry!
    Gay Rights

  3. My friends and I were having this conversation yesterday. One of them is a
    Christian but she sees nothing wrong with gay rights. Separation of church
    and state is basically a myth.

  4. Just thank you for existing, no one in my life ever told me that liking the
    opposite sex is fine and I’m actually crying, fml

  5. But Jake I’m sitting here in the closet scared shitless because I fear for
    my physical safety. I’ve seen my own community members beat LGBTQA kids
    senseless, what would happen to me? My girlfriend is as scared as I am, and
    two little weak queer girls can’t do much to defend themselves now can

  6. 10/10 vid Jake! In The bible its says that for a man to lie with another
    man is an abomination (lev 18:22) and there are others of the similar sort!
    But I completely agree with you. Governments (in my case, American) are not
    Theocraciesm and the only reason it’s against the law is because old white
    men who have not changed their opinion since 1956, or even sought to find
    truth; are the majority in power. I’m just really proud of (most) of our
    generation at least changing and learning to be more accepting, and it may
    be far off; but at least change is coming you know?

  7. I’m a member of the LDS Religion, I am inactive though, and I am all for
    Gay Rights and people in my church try to change my mind and think I’m
    weird and I may be “confused” or may become homosexual. With all my
    respect, I don’t think I will ever turn and I am straight. But in the bible
    it ever says anything about God hating gays or people who love those of the
    same sex. What it does say is that God loves everyone no matter who they
    are, what they have done, or what they are doing. And for fuck sakes
    people, just because you don’t like others being gay doesn’t mean you blame
    it on your religion. I will admit there are more anti gay people who have
    religion *coming from someone who lives in Utah* and that and a lot of
    other reasons is why I left my religion. I absolutely am annoyed by people
    who are against gays or shun people when they come out. They are the same
    person they just love their same gender. Why would it matter to anyone? And
    here in Utah it is constantly going back and forth because we are the
    Mormon state and apparently cannot have gay right laws. thank you for
    making this thank you ugh

  8. i did a thing in english about this kinda thing today, like a speaking and
    listening task, and it was about homophobia within school and that kind of
    stuff, and this video pretty much sums up what i had said. also, im a
    christian, and there is a verse in the bible that says a man shall not have
    romantic or sexual relationships with another man, but when people quote
    this it is completely out of context. this particular chapter in the bible
    states rules that were followed in the biblical times by the priests and
    their followers, and *are not applied in todays society*. times have moved
    on since the bible was written, and i believe that the bible should be
    interprited and used in modern day situations. sorry this is like really
    long but i just wanted to say something so people know thier facts before
    they state things. but! of course, everyone is free to believe in whatever
    they like :3

  9. No please. Get started on women’s rights. I’d be interested to see what you

  10. The bible says that if two men sleep together they are going to hell (I
    think?) But it also says losing your virginity before marriage is the same
    thing so then why aren’t people making drama about it. And cheating is also
    a way to get your place in hell right so why are people always saying
    things about gay ((normal)) people but ignore the fact that losing your
    virginity and cheating in a relationship are considered completely normal
    things in life. Think about it. 

  11. Marry me. Your one of the most perfect humans in the whole entire world;
    universe. Jake your perfect and I Richard Wisker you so much x

  12. This, Jake, is why you’re my senpai. Thank you for this, you beautiful

  13. The bible also classes sloth (or being lazy) as one of the seven deadly
    sins, yet people seem less concerned about that one ;)

  14. Jake you’re amazing. Love is love and nobody should be able to tell anybody
    anything different. And please make a video on womens rights that would be

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