30 Comments on “It Gets Better: Coming Out As Pro Divestment”

  1. BDS wants to see Israel destroyed and replaced by Palestine. If you want to
    see the ONLY jewish country wiped off the map, perhaps jews should consider
    supporting legislation against gay marriage in response. Gay racism against
    Jews is abhorrent. Where is the divestment against ANY other country that
    can be accused of far worse human rights abuses?

  2. dear homos for hamas

    good job making light of the actual “it gets better” campaign

    it is sad that people as ignorant as you somehow got into ucla

    why dont you actually open a book and see how gay people are treated in the
    arab and muslim world

    pink washing? would you prefer israel do to gays what iran does?

    you disgust me

  3. Idiots ! If you truly support BDS, move to Gaza for one year.

    The first and foremost university in the world, Oxford, voted almost
    unanimously against BDS. One must wonder what do these highly intelligent
    people know that you don’t… MOVE TO GAZA, see how long you’ll last there.

  4. The lie of rape and genocide is an overblown propaganda ploy to garner
    support for the Muslim agenda. Their goal is to conquer and oppress any
    dissenting Islamic view. Jews had to take land in 48 because the Arabs
    vowed destruction based on Hitler’s design. There is no denying that Hitler
    had treaties and other dealings with Islamic states. This fueled the Jew
    hate and still manifests strongly in the ME. Jews arent laying down to die
    this time. Deal with it. 

  5. We have to look at the situation clearly. Israel can’t maintain the status
    quo of controlling a large Arab population ruled by a terrorist
    organization. Israel can’t annex the West Bank and absorb the large Arab
    population without threatening it’s existence or turning into another
    Lebanon. Finally, Israel can’t withdraw without leaving its major
    population centers open to rocket attack. There is only one logical
    solution: Israel should offer a generous financial compensation package for
    Palestinians to leave the West Bank while simultaneously cutting the
    revenue to the PA and forcing its collapse. It’s the best of several bad

  6. ahhahahahahahaha.. do you really think you would be welcome in to ANY
    Muslim country??!!! you would be beheaded in a second! Israel is the ONLY
    country in the middle east who would welcome you. FOOLS!

  7. We have SO much work to do in Palestine – don’t worry about the tens of
    thousands being massacred in Arab countries – they don’t really matter, or
    at least it’s hard to really FEEL anything about them. Like you I just
    don’t really care. But on Israel I just want to scream until my throat

    You two would probably be murdered by a mob if you were ‘out’ in Gaza but
    at least you’d be killed by lovely brown skinned people so it wouldn’t be
    as bad as being killed by evil white imperialists.

  8. Israel is the only country in the middle east that you can be openly gay
    and alive.Israel is the only country in the middle east that has gay pride
    parades. Countries like Iran and Saudia have Sharia law, that permits the
    killing of homosexuals. They call these sodomy laws. 

  9. It is SHOCKINGLY shameful that ANY gay could be SO STUPID as to be
    pro-terrorist! The very people whose lies they are swallowing &
    regurgitating would be the VERY FIRST to KILL them if they could get their
    hands on them! To make it even clearer: if a group is sick & twisted enough
    to want to MURDER you ever LIES they believe/tell about YOU, WHY would you
    EVER believe they are even capable of telling the truth about Israel?

  10. Hi queers divest. Please, please, please, use your courageous stand to be
    open about your sexuality in Gaza. Stand in solidarity with them. They need
    your help to prove once and for all that they, like you, are victims of
    their society. 

  11. “…which violate human rights in Palestinian occupied territories.”
    What are you talking about? Israel’s not occupying any part of Jordan.

  12. Interesting you site “the manipulative co-opting of queer minds and bodies
    to excuse and justify blatant human rights abuses” as rational to divest
    from Israel. Israel is one of the few countries in the region which does
    not constrict LGBT rights. 11 of 13 (of the major) Islamic countries have a
    penalty of prison or death for homosexuality.

    While many in the divestment movement have a valid arguments, do not try to
    condition your sexual preference as rational for your views… This video
    is a cut to the LGBT community.

  13. pro-Palestinian? you do realize that they would hang you from a crane until
    your leg stopped twitching simply for being gay? 

  14. Guys don’t let all these haters talk you out of all the great work you have
    been doing! Now you need to get your fabulous selves down to Gaza ASAP, OMG
    they love all LGBT people there! You wear your pink triangles with pride,
    hold hands in public and dance in the street to the ABBA soundtrack. They
    have the best LGBT center and pride parade in the entire middle east right
    there! Just make sure you post all your pictures on FB so we can all see
    and celebrate with you! You guys are the best and I even read down below
    that you even have Jewish friends, that is so cool!

  15. Dear Queers,

    Your ignorance is beyond amazing.

    First of all, Israel is the only country in the Middle East where you could
    live without persecution. For many Muslims the punishment for being gay is
    death. So there’s that.

    If you do any actual research, you would realize that Israeli Arabs live in
    peace with equal rights – more rights than they have in any other country
    in the Middle East. They even serve in parliament. Why are the
    Palestinians different? Because they are not under the jurisdiction of
    Israel – they are captives of their own corrupt govt who uses them as

    Show me the neighboring Arab country who has offered them asylum while they
    work out their differences with Israel through diplomatic means. Oh that’s
    right, no one has. Perhaps that is another example of how the Arabs
    disapprove of the State of Israel far more than they care about the
    Palestinian people trapped in the middle.

  16. I respect the fact that you two want to do something “good”, but you really
    should do your own research. Don’t just listen to the loudest propaganda.
    You can hate Israel all you want, but I guarantee you, if you were dumped
    in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Gaza, the West Bank, or any other country that
    murders people for being different, you would be begging to be let into
    Israel. And the truth is Israel would be there to help you – as it’s always
    done for persecuted minorities. 

  17. the irony. as openly gay men, israel is the only country in the middle east
    where you would be able to live without being persecuted.

  18. Guys, I just wanted to remind you how brave you are doing something that
    thousands of other mindless Israel critics and anti-Israel activists (if
    you’re deluded, “pro-Palestinian activists”) do on a daily basis. Truly

  19. not only are you mocking a very serious issue in a way that can only been
    seen as outrageously making light of a subject that claims many lives and
    causes great hurt all around the world, you also fail to realize, though
    Israel is in no ways perfect, it is the only bastion of freedom in the
    middle east from persecution of those with different sexual orientations or
    religious beliefs. Yes due to the historic and ongoing hostilities of every
    nation bordering it, Israel is very heavy handed in its attempts to ensure
    its survival and protection of both all its citizens. How about you visit
    both places for a month each, see how it truly is and then maybe announce
    your “queer” and see which place throws the stones.

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