17 Comments on “Kenyan MPs back President Museveni on anti-gay bill”

  1. What an Idiot. These guy is an Idiot!! He is clearly speaking for himself!!

  2. Being gay is not a choice..but bigotry and hate mongering

  3. Good job for Uganda. It’s about time they realize western Imperialism comes
    with social & cultural changes. Nature & the bible disapproves of
    homosexuality. Take your Aid money & policies somewhere else.

  4. As far as I am concerned, Africa is about love and protection, that is our
    traditions. it is not in our traditions to restraint one’s own being. it is
    not in our tradition oppress others. religious heritages was brought by
    whites and arabs, so it was never part of African. monarch has nothing bad
    for those country. being gay does not hurt any other human being. these MPS
    should focus on the children dying on the streets of Nairobi, kampara and
    other cities around African continent. these children needs a law that can
    protect them. gay has nothing bad for the country in terms of economy or
    human race. 

  5. Thank you for saving our childrens Asses to be plain….just imagine.

  6. I. Feel so sorry for the kids in Africa. Having all this hate thrust apon
    them. And did you know that the computer was develiped by a guy called
    Babbage who was an openly gay man!

  7. Moreover,
    the homo filth is CLEARLY the “jew”-Germanic (“white”) dEVILS’
    disease/device. Look at all the promoters, most if not all are “white”
    people or “white” people’s agents or instruments. Then look at the South
    Africa where their fellow GERManics (“whites”) the Dutch committed
    apartheid, genocides, etc. they “whites” voted & legitimized the HOMO thru
    their “constitution” because for the Caucasoid demons like themselves the
    homo filth is a NATURAL behavior. They PRETEND to be hueman like you or
    huemane, but they have no culture, which in place of, they practice
    genocides, promoting themselves, their ways & ideologies while trashing
    others & those of other peoples, for their own survival alone (because they
    can’t survive in nature). That is why you can speak/write in English even
    better than an English person but the English cannot speak/write in YOUR
    mother-tongue = the colonization which is compulsory for them but
    detrimental and abomination to the people they colonize(d) or do/did evil
    to. Never ever believe their arguments, they have agents paid for
    continuously arguing for them, which is what many of their schools are
    there for, to say the least.

  8. A GOOD GAY IS THE ONE WHO IS DEAD!!!! Big up Museveni. One people one

  9. They hunted down and Killed Colonel Muammar Gadhafii on trumped up charges
    while in essence they were after his oil after he refused to cave in to
    their demands and sent the Italys’ marine packing for hovering his
    shoreline, then then flogged Charles Taylor on offences his own countrymen
    were unaware on, thirdly they hunted down Bashir who showed them what being
    a Man really meant, they engineered (well almost) the trooping off of our
    Prezzo elect and his deputy to tyhe hague so they can plant their own
    clown to power to worship the ground they shit on….Uhuruto showed them
    dust…..and now they want to circumvent OUR SOVEREIGNTY to advance their
    sick agenda and destroy our social fabric? The Brits had to leave
    eventually in 1961 rather unwillingly, but they just did …Let them keep
    their dollar which has lost almost all value, we don’t it,…let them
    (homos) use the legal means to change laws,…and let the NYAKERU mind his
    own myriad problems, and let them keep Obama too for good,…coz you see
    circumcision in the African tradition is what distinguishes a man from the

  10. Bravoooooooooooooooooooooo! This is a new era ,no one should tell us how we
    will live our lives .We all behind you .Leaders of African rise up .let
    them do what they want in their own countries and just leave us alone.

  11. Long life UGANDA GOD will be with you.You take a step forward not backward
    for not allowing that sickness to continue in your country.I hope more
    African country will follow.

  12. Shame on Uganda for introducing this law. After the years of dictatorship
    experienced by the people of Uganda and the final journey into freedom and
    democracy. To oppress one group of people in a democracy is to damage that
    democracy for everyone. No one is safe in a democracy where the majority
    can take away the rights of of a minority. Shame on you Uganda.

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