A few things, 1. It doesn’t matter whether she is Homosexual or Bisexual.
2. There are more important matters to discuss. 3. You are the stupid one
to speak for everyone. 🙂
Shut up religious faggot freak. No one cares.
@vechorik Well if I was gay or a lesbian I would say to hell with a country
that is not letting me get married. How does it affect Straight people?
what you see two guys or girls making out on the side of the street. I am
pretty sure when they see it from straight people it makes them feel the
same way you feel when you see them, well maybe not the same. Atleast yours
is not taboo… Unless you are a homosexual as well. I don’t know…
this seems like last week
You.cant bless God he.is already.holy, you WORSHIP him for he is.great
Our fucking laws revolve around christian beliefs, when christianity is NOT
the only religion and we need to accept that everyone is different.
christianity is just the richest religion
is she gay????
No she’s not gay.. would it matter if she was? Sheesh, people these days.
What does it matter who she is sleeping with?
she isnt gay *facepalm*
Bullshit. every dumb girl says that.
Pray for your cock
Sad, hate-filled lonely person. I will pray for you.
she is gay…
I’m female, but if you want to pray for cocks, then be my guest. I will add
you to my prayer list.
she is BI. 🙂
A few things, 1. It doesn’t matter whether she is Homosexual or Bisexual.
2. There are more important matters to discuss. 3. You are the stupid one
to speak for everyone. 🙂
Shut up religious faggot freak. No one cares.
@vechorik Well if I was gay or a lesbian I would say to hell with a country
that is not letting me get married. How does it affect Straight people?
what you see two guys or girls making out on the side of the street. I am
pretty sure when they see it from straight people it makes them feel the
same way you feel when you see them, well maybe not the same. Atleast yours
is not taboo… Unless you are a homosexual as well. I don’t know…
this seems like last week
You.cant bless God he.is already.holy, you WORSHIP him for he is.great
Our fucking laws revolve around christian beliefs, when christianity is NOT
the only religion and we need to accept that everyone is different.
christianity is just the richest religion
is she gay????
No she’s not gay.. would it matter if she was? Sheesh, people these days.
What does it matter who she is sleeping with?
she isnt gay *facepalm*
Bullshit. every dumb girl says that.
Pray for your cock
Sad, hate-filled lonely person. I will pray for you.
she is gay…
I’m female, but if you want to pray for cocks, then be my guest. I will add
you to my prayer list.
Stupid fag supporting twat.