47 Comments on “Obama’s Inauguration Speech: If Only He Lives Up to His Rhetoric…”

  1. Well he would have got everything he wanted done if the majority of this
    country did not stupidly listen to the likes of Ed Schultz and stay home
    during the 2010 Elections just to teach him a “lesson”.

  2. Because of Seocial Security, senior poverty is no longer the norm. Because
    of Medicare, seniors have access to life-saving healthcare. Because of
    Medicaid the poor are not turned away at the hospital door. These programs
    work and their are more affordable than the private versions. That’s
    success. And the existence of the programs hasn’t in any way prevented the
    rich from becoming fabulously wealthy.

  3. All talk no do because the America goverment leaders are sell outs. That
    America is # 3 now because the rich do not have to play be the rules.

  4. I think Obama has been asking for that all along he practically states it
    in every speech “we the people” “work as one nation” is not just rhetorical
    flourish, he is perfect at playing off a groundswell of popular support,
    but is rubbish when there is none.

  5. Social programs are important in this country. The problem with Obama is
    that he is overreaching in those programs and if his ideas actually go
    through at least in the state level it will destroy our country. Having
    that balance of having social programs in this country and forcing people
    to become independent and productive is what we need which is why we need
    both republicans and democrats. Obama is a liberal, he is radical and him
    pulling our country to far left will hurt us in many ways.

  6. He said nothing to me about my civil right to pursue a happy
    reefer,homosexually rights are a human rights issue.

  7. LOL.Sam u r kidding right ? Obama live up to any of his speeches ? that’s a
    good one… why does he say all this stuff is beyond me.. we all know he
    will do everything the republicans want ..he doesn’t care about the people
    that elected him since he has proven to be the water boy for the bankers &
    the corporations…the senate has already failed to do fillabuster reform..
    the republicans r going to be rigging the elects to get all republicans in
    office from now on like they r doing in Virginia

  8. Same can be said about liberal propagandists. Look, all they did was call
    the right a bunch of racist and sexist rich white men even though they
    possess people like Mia Love in their party. Democrats are ahead right now
    because they are selling their product easier with simpleminded language by
    saying simply republicans don’t support women rights, education, science,
    etc. which is all not true. Their approach to those issues are just
    different and in some ways more complex.

  9. How is Obama going to do whatever the republicans want when he passed a
    health care bill without any republican support? Also, why would he support
    republicans when all he has done since all he has done since he has been in
    office is blame republicans and calls them stupid? Obama is a terrible
    president. Sorry that the truth hurts.

  10. No reputable economist ever uses it???!!! The mere fact that you ignore the
    ample use of the Gini coefficient does not make it irrelevant. On the
    contrary, it only shows that you are a fucking ignorant class-A bona fide
    certified moron!

  11. u r kidding me right ? do u think with all the shit they have been doing
    they couldn’t keep the ACA from being approved ?? it was their plan in 1994
    it was Romney’s plan…u must watch FOX fake terrorist news the propaganda
    network of the right wing elite..Obama has been kidding the republicans
    asses since he got into office ..it’s all an act…they work for the same
    people ..u can’t keep the country in chaos if u r buddy buddy with ur

  12. What left wingers are for late term abortions? Also, aren’t most of you
    right wing christian fascists completely fine with the death penalty?

  13. If liberals would actually stand up and hold his feet to the fire, they
    might actually see some decent results. As long as the majority of people
    believe our 2 broken, corrupt major political parties are working for them,
    and thus should be blindly followed, nothing will happen. Stop thinking
    you’re the “good guys” and the other party is your mortal enemy. Think for
    yourself! These parties are polarizing people into lunacy, and they both
    claim the opposite party is led by Snowball or O’Brien.

  14. The instruments of darkness tell us truths,Win us with honest trifles, to
    betray usIn deepest consequence. Macbeth. Act I. Sc. 3. L. 124.

  15. So much for Reagan’s, “…Government is the problem…” Now we need people
    like Occupy and progressives to light a butane torch under his ass and get
    shit done son!

  16. The mere fact that you completely ignore all criticism of the Gini
    coefficient doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. By the way, when you look at per
    capita income, we’re always number seven or number six. The only countries
    that are higher than us are the oil rich countries or the playgrounds for
    the rich like Brunei and Luxembourg. But as Margaret Thatcher said, you all
    would have us all poorer if we ended up at a more equal level.

  17. Liberalism in america has been mauled beyond recognition unfortunately and
    has never really recovered it started with the communist witch hunts that
    went after any social liberal regardless of their politics. I think this
    speech was important in telling people that being a liberal isn’t a joke
    and desensitising the hysteria that conservatives have been playing up for
    decades, we need a lot more speeches like this.

  18. Conservative propagandists (politicians and radio talkshow hosts) express
    their views in very simpleminded language. That makes them seem
    simpleminded but what happens is that it’s easy for even very non-political
    people to understand and memorize the slogans. Then the slogans spread by
    word-of-mouth when listeners debate people. Democrats have to remember to
    express themselves in similar simple language so that voters have the
    arguments at hand when they debate each other.

  19. This was a very significant and timely speech. Pres. Obama has done that
    most important of things, which is to teach and, as Sam correctly noted, to
    define. He explained what it means to be a liberal. JFK also gave a
    beautiful and inspired explanation (to some Republican of the day who had
    “accused” him of being a liberal) of the actual meaning of the word. The
    President may or may not succeed against the money and the right-wing
    agitprop, but these words have once again been spoken.

  20. Is that why your third world socialist utopias in Latin America have the
    worst inequality and mobility in the world?

  21. The baby can feel pain within eighteen weeks. It’s hilarious how you
    leftists deify vegetarians for minimizing the suffering of animals, yet
    goose-step in support of late-term abortion. It just shows that it’s not
    about your recognition of women’s rights, but your hatred for humanity.

  22. SS is solvent up till 2036, and by then it’ll still pay out 77% of
    benefits. The program can be made solvent by simply increasing the cap on
    the payroll tax somewhat. Thom Hartman also proposed that we lower the
    retirement age by 5 years to open up more of the market to younger
    individuals. Medicare does contribute to the deficit, but it can be fixed
    by allowing it to negotiate with big pharma and lowering eligibility . The
    program saves money from having to pay less for prescription medicine.

  23. Excuse me, but I sure as hell hope you don’t mean a “free” copy of Ayn
    Rand. That isn’t liberty, that is socialism! <- To be read in a sarcastic tone.

  24. The same Gini coefficient that no reputable economist ever uses? What made
    you hate your own country so much? Were you punked in the locker room by a
    much bigger boy who had an American flag t-shirt in high school?

  25. Women have too much power. For us to get true equality, we need artificial
    wombs to take the power of reproduction away from them. We also need more
    and better birth control for men. No Mans life should not be contingent on
    the whims of women. Rolling back our civil rights such that people saying
    you committed a crime results in conviction is not equality – it’s tyranny.

  26. Are you talking about the Gini coefficient, the one that places Murrika in
    39th in the inequality ranking, 1 position BELOW Cameroon and 1 position
    above Uruguay?

  27. Programs like that are needed in this country along with many other social
    programs. We are a very forgiving country but also a very aggressive
    country that promotes being independent and productive. Finding that
    balance is hard and a problem right now is that we are going to far left.
    In doing that the rich will always be rich but now the middle class
    suffers. The problem isn’t social programs, it is too much social programs

  28. He’s not pondering on whether Obama will do anything he said in his
    inauguration. Most of us know that Obama can’t walk-the-walk. What Sam is
    analyzing is the context of the speech and how it may help in swaying the
    publics mindset on the values of collectivism and how social programs (be
    it healthcare or education) or important to the public’s social mobility.

  29. EVERYONE at majorityfm is worth listening to. Sam you have a great group of
    people around you. Keep it going guys

  30. The best thing about that speech was the nightmares it gave all the
    Republicans. It was white people mourning Romney all over again!

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