8 Comments on “One Young World Human Rights Plenary – LGBT Highlights”

  1. Millions… perhaps billions of people in the world, do not care for
    homosexuality to be a part or our society, nor for it to influence the
    world their children grow up in. Their right is EQUALLY AS IMPORTANT. [ 1
    of ? continues ]

  2. It is mind blowing what the human capricious will of those that are
    unchallenged can achieve for themselves even when their agenda is
    completely self absorbed. Obviously human civilization has not found a
    simple way of knowledgeably talking about the phenomena of its social or
    individual homosexuality. [ 2 of ?3 continues ]

  3. …the rage of this unsettled lack of understanding that lines the
    arguments of those who speak the loudest and draw invented constructs of
    value out of their magic hat or whatever is necessary to keep disguised
    their profound asking for someone to give them an answer, showing only a
    need to assert themselves and be heard… still prevails. [ 4 o 4 ]

  4. Yes we need to be tolerant to other people, but also we do not need to let
    destroy our familys. People are born of man and woman. If we destroy it, we
    are doomed Simple as that 🙂

  5. Scholars and professionals do hold a lot of its knowledge in the fields of
    human sciences; but disdain, indignant aversion, shyness and the
    confrontational misinformation in the world, let’s it come out less and
    less with each passing year, and so … [ 3 of 4 ]

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