36 Comments on “O’Reilly Slam of Sean Penn on Gay Marriage Factually False (Twice)?”

  1. I think the funniest part is how Billo had to interrupt his guest to make
    sure he knew he said it first (then HIS viewer called Dennis). What a
    douche. Billo couldn’t care less about facts anyway so his opinions just
    don’t matter. 

  2. +Trampadoo you have common sense. Americans unfortunately appear to be
    losing touch of reality . It’s so sad to me !

  3. This show and channel is such a laughing stock in Europe. People usually
    protect their mind and soul by telling themselves it is a comedy show
    because no intelligent being can face the sad reality that it is supposed
    to be a real news show.

  4. @bombkangaroo So a female can marry a male, but a man cannot, & you don’t
    see how that is gender discrimination?

  5. @angelcitydarkroom Obama, at the time, was against “gay marriage”. He
    wouldn’t vote against gay peoplesrights to marry though because he also
    doesn’t believe in imposing his beliefs on others. He has the intelligence
    to be able to have his beliefs without the arrogance of thinking other
    people need to live their lives according to his beliefs.

  6. At fox news shit floats to the top. O’reilly is just Rupert Murdoch’s penis
    extension. He is a spineless, shallow shell of a man with not much
    intelligence, integrity or compassion. Lets face it though news in general
    in America is not about truth but rather a paid advertisement for it’s
    corporate leaders, there is no laws or support for keeping journalists
    honest. In fact if they were honest and don’t sell out, they would be
    fired. But yes, O’reilly is an exceptionally slimy piece of shit.

  7. @bombkangaroo The ‘people’ pay the taxes. All the people, not just the
    specific (usually religious) groups who disagree with gay marriage.

  8. Obama is a clever guy he knows the pace of change and he knows how fast he
    can move things along – he may not think for him gay marriage is something
    hes entirely comfortable with but as the leader he must meet the needs of
    his people and from an equal right view hes going to go with it – its
    called proffessionlism – Bill do da is a nobody

  9. because o’reilly has a very, very small penis. this has made him angry for
    most of his life, and mixed with basing a lot of his general ideas and
    ideologies on the bible… what and ass hole

  10. @JackBNimbleify I hate Fox News and O’Reilly with a passion, but what I
    think is ironic is that confused people always look at Obama as some sort
    of mascot of gay rights when in fact his position on gay marriage is
    EXACTLY the same as most Republican candidates. He just plays it down with
    softer words.

  11. Would I agree…..no, but does that give me the right to tell them they
    can’t?? NO, it doesn’t……MARRIAGE doesn’t mean sex, babies, or anything
    else…..it’s simply a piece of paper that should profess the “love” you
    have for another person. It’s more than likely these people want to get
    married to prove that point, but that’s my opinion. Do you believe you have
    a right to keep people from being happy with whomever they choose?

  12. @Mrparrot73 The facts don’t support your statement at all. Watch the clip
    again. You could be right, but still… it’s NOT what has been said by Sean
    Penn. Typical Fox News argumentation; No Facts, just assumptions and lies.

  13. @bombkangaroo I didn’t say anything about what the black civil rights
    movement was about. YOU said what YOU thought racial segregation was about,
    & I pointed out the parallels with the anti-gay marriage brigade. But if
    you don’t want to address that, and would rather resort to an ‘Emperor’s
    new clothes’ tactic, thats just your right as the superior debator you
    think you are, I guess.

  14. This argumemt was half a dud on your part, LiberalViewer. Even when you’re
    right about Fox News in this part, it is still pretty ironic Sean Penn
    supports gay marriage strongly and calls President Obama “elegant” while
    Obama is against gay marriage. Mickey Rourke should have won!

  15. When someone’s telling the truth about gays the say that the person is
    homophobic or in the closet..but wrong you all can stand the truth so burn
    in hell!!!

  16. @andylee8907 Tell that to the parents, friends, siblings, and children of
    these gay people. You tell a parent of a gay child that their child is
    worth less than yours.

  17. @PrettyMurky No, it’s not discriminating on Gender. I’ve done the semantics
    dance before, it goes nowhere. Nice try, but no, not because I said so,
    it’s because that is what society generally agrees on, because it provides
    the best return (most couples producing children in ideal conditions) on
    their investment (costly benefits afforded to marries couples).

  18. You people believe that everybody is entitled to everything because its
    America…No everybody is not entitled to everything you have to work for
    it…this country is full of people that complain complain complain that
    they have so hard and they don’t to go to work so they sit on their asses
    all day and get paid by the government for doing nothing and its because of
    the “liberals” that they get that…its sick

  19. 0:46 wait what? and people don’t do that to the LGBT community? I love when
    people say, I don’t care what people do in private but don’t bring it into
    my home or try and change my values… but in turn they’re pushing for
    legislation to put their values and morals into the homes of others.

  20. @PrettyMurky You compared the desire of homosexuals today to change the
    definition of marriage to advantage themselves, to the struggle of Blacks
    to overcome laws designed to maintain an apartheid society for the purposes
    of keeping them politically and economically disadvantaged when you brought
    up the race segregation laws and when you compared the laughable concept of
    “heterosexual supremacy” to the white supremacy of the past. There are no

  21. The dem. party created the KKK. Read history. The Republican party gave
    freedom to slaves. Martin Luther King Jr. AND Sr. were Republicans. Obama
    is a member of the KKK. Prove it wrong.

  22. @PrettyMurky I’ve had no trouble so far. Obviously not, since racial
    segregation was a system designed to maintain racial supremacy, a situation
    utterly incomparable to the issue of same-sex marriage.

  23. If this makes me an evil person then I’m sorry, but I almost wish Bill
    O’Reilly would die in a fiery one car accident. I mean I typically don’t
    wish harm to people, but he in my opinion is the worst kind of person. But
    because of who he is, I don’t think there is any way to silence his message
    of hate unless he dies. Extreme…maybe, necessary…I hope not, but that
    is a discussion for another time.

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