44 Comments on “Portia De Rossi on Coming Out”

  1. The right minded can only keep their fingers crossed, and hope something
    horrific happens to her

  2. I don’t particularly like the idea of being gay but I don’t think people
    should down grade gays, I think it’s their choice, we shouldn’t try to
    bring them down.
    If you don’t like gays, fine. Don’t make it your goal to bring them down

  3. I don’t flash anything out of my private life and I don’t think anyone
    should either (Publicly). My privacy is mine and theirs should be private
    too. I am sure that this was going on way back but no one said anything.
    Not saying anything is best. Whether media, military.. whatever. I don’t
    air so I expect people not to “AIR” and why do some think so? 

  4. I am ashamed to be living on the same planet of the people who are
    commenting badly about gays. Especially the people whom are wishing
    something bad happens to them. The only person that will have something bad
    happen to them is the ones wishing bad onto others.
    Shame that we can’t all realize that we are not to be fighting one another,
    that we all shall be loving each other no matter what.

  5. So Portia why did you not support Ellen when she first came out and needed
    friends and support. Hello, no Portia. Yet here you are not. Shame on

  6. I was reading her bio and she was married in the mid 90s to a man for three
    years and it said initially part of a plan to get his green card, but she
    didn’t go through with it. How did she not go through with it if she was
    married to him for 3 yrs??

  7. If you’re going to be a homophobic shitstain, at least SPELL IT CORRECTLY.
    It’s DYKE, not DIKE.

  8. I have so much respect for Portia; not only is she one of my favorite
    actresses but I personally feel like I can relate to her coming out in the
    sense that the problem wasnt so much how others would react but because
    deep down she wasn’t okay with it; she’s truly an inspiring woman

  9. Wow, when people speak from the heart it’s such a beautiful thing. Thank
    you Portia – what you say is so inspiring. I am straight but we can all
    gain from what you said. Peace. <3

  10. Reading these post, I can’t believe haters would be so concerned with the
    private, consensual sex lives of others. Many gay people you wouldn’t even
    know you’ve spoken to because most people don’t walk around with ‘GAY’ or
    ‘STRAIGHT’ labelled on them. Someone you probably got along with is
    homosexual and you liked them for who they were. Do they become an abnormal
    monster just for coming out of the closet? No, they are the same person
    they were before you knew. If you find it disgusting, thank heavens no one
    is asking you to be gay or support it. They are asking you however to keep
    your hate to yourself. The person saying it is perverted and as bad as a
    rapist etc, No YOU ARE WRONG! The difference in simple terms you may
    understand is, if you are gay, be gay, the person next to you isn’t, they
    don’t need to be; It DOESN’T RUIN the Hetro’s life, but if you rape
    someone…you just affected a life regardless of your sexual orientation.
    If you can’t see the difference between the two, you need to go find a new
    hobby and stop thinking about the mechanics in someone else’s sex life. If
    you think its abnormal to be gay, do you go around hating on kids born with
    abnormalities that aren’t of a sexual nature? If you believe your loving
    God will be judging in favour of Homophobia…you need to take that
    preaching sh*t and read the part where only God can judge. I don’t see why
    Gay couples would want to get married in the eyes of a lord who can over
    look the vast majority of straight married couples having kinky sex but
    doesn’t look within the heart of two people in love, sharing companionship.
    Oh that’s right it’s not God overlooking that, it’s people. Stop hating and
    be proud that the message here is, being with another person in a
    sanctified union made someone happy. Marriage has brought two people
    together to make a statement of love and if that’s abnormal to you, be even
    happier that two abnormals found each other. If it makes you unhappy
    clearly your day wasn’t busy enough.

  11. “Do remember…that sometimes the people you oppress become mightier than
    you would like.”

    Like it or not, gay people have an immense amount of strength to stand in
    the face of hateful oppressors and still be themselves.
    We all fight for two main things in life, to have love and to have
    happiness. We all need to go about finding these things in different ways…

    Why try to tear someone down just because they are on a different journey
    than you? To make yourself feel better? I can tell you one thing, if you
    truly love yourself there is absolutely no reason to want to do that to
    another human being.
    We all know deep down that is wrong.

    I think it’s sad that many people still feel the need to spew hatred… But
    that’s all it is, sad. I am lucky enough to have an amazing person by my
    side who gives me so much more happiness and love than I could’ve ever
    imagined. So to all of you who think that’s wrong of me, I say this: I hope
    the same thing comes to you someday, so that you’ll finally understand.

  12. To put out that there are animals that are homosexual, I have to add on
    that there actually is a species of lizard that is only female, and they
    have fake “sex” and the one who would have been the female in the case
    actually becomes pregnant with her own little clones. I also must put out
    that this type of lizard is in no way endangered.

  13. Free will & all that.If you want to live you’re life in a certain life
    style,go ahead,but forcing the rest of us to accept it is another thing and
    comparing your self to heteros either is all wrong which is what these gays
    are trying to do.Why do gays want to marry in church when the bible goes
    against that life style,why do they want to impose their life style and to
    be allowed to be gay ministers etc the bible does not hide on its stance
    when it comes to this life style.

  14. Homosexuality isn’t an error it’s a development made by evolution…
    Sisters or brothers of homosexuals have more children than people without a
    homosexual brother/sister –> so if the parents die, what very often
    happens in nature, the children will be brought up by their homosexual
    uncle/aunt. So it works in nature. Btw. Homosexuality only exists in birds
    and mammals (these are the only vertebrates which living in families) sorry
    for my english…

  15. Hey where was Portia when Ellen needed support. She ran to the hills. She
    only wanted anything to do with Ellen when she was successfull Read the
    history. Sad as it is that is what Portia did. Poor Ellen was ALONE, Portia
    was no where to be seen supporting her. She should be ashamed of herself.
    Poor Ellen loves her so much she is hiding what she did

  16. Not the bible. This is the Torah. You are showing your ignorance. The bible
    came AD. The Torah BC Guess ignorance is bliss. You sure advertise it with
    this comment

  17. ”Homosexuality is found in over 400 species of animals,” – nobody can
    claim that this is not a biological error without having a biological

  18. the differance between jesus and being gay is being gay is real ! there
    really are gay men and women ! its a fact ! jesus and the bible are not
    real ! jesus and the bible are a fairy tale ! and not even a good fairy
    tale ! it must be great to sell a product that you cant see it you cant
    touch it and the owners manual is 2 thousand years old and make billions
    and billions of dollars ! iam so sick of christians evil lies ! facts not
    faith !

  19. Love in her eyes would have been more true had she shown this when Ellen
    was dropped. No where was Portia to be seen. Come on guys check the truth
    out. Portia ran to the hills. She admitted it on Oprah

  20. I am not a christian so cannot answer some of your questions. Can I please
    suggest you go to so someone in authority not amateurs on the net. A person
    of knowledge would put you on the right track. All the best. Please go to
    someone of knowledge.. Again all the best.

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