3 Comments on “Pressure increases on gay community after EU court ruling”

  1. The EU’s top court has ruled that homosexuals from Sierra Leone, Uganda and
    Senegal who fear imprisonment in their home country have grounds for asylum
    in EU member states.CCTV’s Desire Kanon reports on the reaction from
    Senegal’s gay rights campaigners and religious leaders. http://ow.ly/qV0hL

  2. Subversion and Social Engineering to distroy the fabric and values of
    Africa and African society. While the problems of Africa are manyfold, Gay
    and Gay sex should not be one of them, Africans now that there is
    something like homosexuals, but they will NEVER accept the normalization of
    this lifestyle, they will never publicly tolerate. If you are African and
    gay, just keep it in the closet and no one will bother you.

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