37 Comments on “Rush Limbaugh: American Healthcare System Is #1”

  1. Huh, so this is where that guy I was debating got the idea that liberals
    want Obamacare passed is so they can control us. Here I thought he was just
    a loon.

  2. I really hope Rush doesn’t seriously consider himself a ‘Christian’.
    Because I’m pretty sure that Jesus dude that founded his unquestionably
    true religion was a pretty big supporter of universal healthcare healing
    people for free. Instead of: “Hello beggar I would treat your leprosy but
    I’m sorry that’s a pre-existing condition, so I’m gonna have to charge you
    out of pocket.”

  3. What a dumbfuck, European countries send their citizens to Cuban Hospitals
    and recruit their doctors. Yes Cuba should have multiple party free
    elections and a more liberal economy but they do have one of the best
    healthcare systems.

  4. The genious of Limbaugh is that he loves telling people what he thinks they
    want to hear regardless of the truth. That has created a huge fanbase for
    his nonsense. Whats REALLY clever though, is he knows people who DO care
    about the truth, and have some kind of public forum, will always reference
    him for his misinformation. The net result is basically free, daily
    national publicity for Rush. Remember the old saying “any publicity is good
    publicity” ?. Rush has perfected that theory.

  5. I see how the healthcare system here works, it made me sick. so i made the
    decision to never get sick again 2 yrs ago and I havent.

  6. Why aren’t you a socialist? If you’re not rich, socialism’s great. War
    Communism, on the other hand… Fascism also sucks. America is a Fascist
    system, by the way.

  7. Universal health care introduced in following despotic run country’s New
    Zealand 1941, the United Kingdom 1948, Sweden 1955, Iceland 1956, Norway
    1956, Denmark 1961, South Korea 1989, Taiwan 1995, Israel 1995, 1970 to
    1990, the Western European countries of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany
    and Luxembourg expanded their social health insurance systems to provide
    universal or near-universal coverage, as did the Netherlands 1986 and 2006
    and Switzerland 1996.

  8. When you have to choose which toes to save because your insurance won’t
    cover saving them all…there’s something wrong with that. If you have to
    pay $50 per pill for a medication that is available in Cuba for $10, then
    there’s something wrong with that. There is no SUCH thing as a perfect
    system. We’ve never had one and we likely never will but doing nothing and
    pretending that there are no problems is a task for cowards.

  9. correlating socialized healthcare with totalitarianism is such a weak
    “intellectual” trick. There’s no way people can believe that, it’s just
    insane logic

  10. Couldn’t agree more, the fact that so many Americans are led to believe
    receiving something for free that will benefit you is evil. It’s soooo
    counter intuitive

  11. God damnit!Stop siting Canada as a great health care system.Ever hear the
    term,”medical refugee”?People from Canada come here to get med help

  12. The quality of Secular Talk has really improved since the last time I
    really watched it, especially now that the headset is gone.lol Subscribed.

  13. Only the right so called “Christians” wouldn’t want everyone to have access
    to health care. Only they would love to see more people die because they
    couldnt afford health care or didnt have a job to pay for it. Only they
    would feel entitled to the more important things in life like health care.
    And by they I mean the wealthier right who are the ones feeding this crap
    to the lower class right. Like the bable say, its the blind leading the

  14. It wouldn’t surprised me if one day, America got rid of socialised
    schooling, fire service etc.

  15. Once I got an ear infection on Christmas Day of all days. All doctors
    offices were closed so I went to the ER. Didnt have insurance, so I was
    expecting a big bill. Very few people were there that day and it seemed
    slow. Took them 1 hour to call me to a room and 2 more for the doctor to
    come in and check me out. Quick ear check and he left. 30 MINUTES later he
    comes back with 2 pills and a prescription. Checked out and got a HUGE $600
    bill for barely anything. Wish I had insurance at the time.

  16. …Of course everyone should have health care,thats isnt even debatable.If
    we turn out like Canada,and you get cancer/othed bad disease,your gonna be

  17. fat pork man saying the healthcare system here works. he obviously doesn’t
    care for his health personally.

  18. that is so absolute bs – I live in Austria, we have universal mandatory
    health insurance that actually covers everyone and guess what: no one is
    telling me to do anything. Things my insurance won’t pay for I can still
    get covered by private supplementary insurance. And last time I checked we
    still were a representative democracy with a pretty solid rule of law.

  19. Yep, it’s a visceral response, alright, and if there’s one guy with a lot
    of viscera, it’s Limbaugh…

  20. But it is true that Saudi Arabia has great universal health care, but
    women, even royal princesses, can be executed if their husbands say they
    burned the toast or some other minor infraction.

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