32 Comments on “RWW News: Fischer Says It’s ‘Inexcusable’ The US Doesn’t Have Russian-Style Anti-Gay Laws”

  1. This is PRECISELY what is wrong with Putin’s law: it prohibits people from
    saying anything non-negative about homosexuality under penalty of law by
    classifying such statements as “propaganda”. Thus, the only permissible
    statements about homosexuality are negative ones, which creates a breeding
    ground for misconceptions and lies about homosexuality that people are not
    even allowed to address. The end result is invariably demonization and
    shaming of gay people from ignorance, and throws the entire LGBT rights
    movement back sixty years while preventing any progress from being made by
    eliminating any right to free speech.

  2. You CANNOT be “indoctrinated” or “brainwashed” into homosexuality. Either
    you’re gay or you’re not. And being given facts is not the same as being
    “propagandized”. Bryan Fischer, fuck you. I pray we NEVER have laws like
    those in Russia or Uganda or Nigeria and the fact that you want them here
    means you are a sociopath whose hatred for gays has swallowed up any
    humanity you may have once possessed. Once again, fuck you.

  3. What is *inexcusable* is the mere suggestion of something like this. It
    saddens me greatly that some people think this way.

  4. The problem with the above sentiment is that homosexuality’s negative place
    in the human condition has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. For
    me, a non-literal reader of Hebrew Torah, I cannot say that it is
    undeniably a sin though the functionality of sex-correlative reproductive
    systems suggests, to say the least, that it wasn’t a part of the blueprint
    of procreating species. Sure, some do it but that hardly suffices as proof.
    Are we to mimic all ape behavior or just pick and choose behaviors to suit
    whatever self-righteous argument we aim to posit? 

  5. Apparently the Constitution that you’re standing in front of means nothing
    to you…

  6. Lucky for Fischer we don’t have laws against being a homophobic hate
    mongering buffoon.

  7. Fischer, you in the closet self hating cunt! Stop broadcasting/projecting
    your struggles with your own sexuality to the world cos we don’t care about
    how much you love cock you cunt! 

  8. 30 years ago, Bryan used to happily scream at liberals, *(…altogether

  9. So we went from ” if you don’t like it, go to Russia” to “why can’t we be
    more like Russia”

  10. Fischer should look to Saudi Arabia, whose habit of executing homosexuals
    has done little to break up what Barack Obama has called the “long history
    of friendship” between Washington and Riyadh. This, of course, is the same
    Obama who has “no patience” for Russia’s gay propaganda law.
    Oh yeah, wrong color, wrong religion. 

  11. It will be interesting to see if this reduces the number of homosexuals in

  12. “Brainwashed, indoctrinated, propagandized” and other words Christians
    don’t know the meaning of.

  13. Seems the Christo-fascist right-wing is hell-bent on destroying irony in
    America forever. First, it was falling all over themselves to praise how
    admirable communist countries like China are for the way they ruthlessly
    exploit workers and treat them like disposable garbage (unlike spoiled,
    lazy American deabeats) and manage to get things expediently done without
    bothersome “democracy” or pesky regulations getting in the way and bogging
    things down… Now, they’re all lining up to suck Putin’s dick for being a
    ruthless, dictatorial “strongman” that takes whatever he wants – oh and
    cracks down on the evil gays. These however are the same delusional
    fuckwits that prattle on endlessly about liberty, freedom, etc. 

  14. OK, I pledge that if elected POTUS I will enact Putin style propaganda
    laws. They’ll be Christian propaganda laws by the way, see how Fischer and
    the rest of the American Taliban like it. 

  15. Fischer exists to make Glen Beck look sane. And lets face it, he’s doing a
    bang up job.

  16. Strange how the right wing hated Russia back in the 1950’s and now they
    want to be Bosom Buddies with them now.

  17. Very True Mr. Fischer!
    Why do leftists put perverts before children? sickening! 

  18. The Irony that he is speaking out against indoctrinating young minds is
    His ability to turn the noun “Propaganda” into a verb is even more
    The absolute braindead whitterings from this moron are yet more staggering.
    And all within 34 seconds. Staggering.
    Get out your paint brush and colour me staggered Sheila. 

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