32 Comments on “RWW News: Fischer Says Jesus Doesn’t Want You To Help Someone Seeking A Divorce”

  1. One problem with the literally read anti-divorce decree is that a fair
    number of marriages form through sinful/lustful emotion and not in G-d
    endorsed union. This is not to suggest that G-endorsed unions are not being
    sought to be torn asunder but it’s not hard to imagine that many divorces
    are occurring from sinful/lustful fading leaving the couple with the only
    viable option. That being divorce. 

  2. If the marriage is abusive, HELL YES, we should help the abused person get
    out. Divorce is here to stay Fischer. Get over it.

  3. So if Jesus says “let no man separate” does that mean that woman can
    separate it? 😉
    I love using the misogyny of the bible against Christians. ^_^

  4. I don’t see the problem with this one. He’s offering religious advice
    that’s consistent with the beliefs of his particular brand of
    Christianity. I agree that it’s ill-informed and that following that
    advice can be harmful, but it really doesn’t seem RWWorthy.

  5. damn Bryan, for a total racist twat you sure put a lot of trust in that
    mexican immigrant you hired to mow your lawn.

  6. The “right” version is: “What therefore God hath joined together, let not
    man put asunder.” Doesn’t he know his KJV by heart?

  7. And of course he takes the complete opposite position when it comes to
    divorcing people who are in a homosexual marriage

  8. Tell that to my ex husband who was abusive and sleeping with multiple
    women, plus refusing to work.

    If they are to be the head of the family, then the man should provide for
    the family. Not sleep around and tell his wife she needs to hold down 3

    Fischer is a dick.

  9. I may be reading too much in to this, but maybe his wife is filing for
    divorce? LOL That would be hilarious!

    But anyway, So according to you asshat Fischer, that if a woman or man is
    being abused by their partner in some way, they should stay married till
    they die or the other spouse kills them?

    Good plan dip shit. 

  10. If I wanted to get a divorce this moron (or his followers) is/are the last
    guy(s) I would ask for help anyway. And Mr. Fischer, as a reminder, lying
    in court, specially under oath is a crime, wether you agree with the
    divorce or not

  11. Sure — we should avoid supporting someone who is trying to improve his/her
    life situation and find a chance to be happier, because a guy who may or
    may not have lived a couple thousand years ago allegedly said that an
    imaginary deity (whose thoughts he claimed to know) didn’t like the idea of
    divorce… even though this guy also allegedly said we should treat others
    the way we would want to be treated.

  12. Then married couples can be like my grandparents who fought like cats and
    dogs, slept in different bedrooms and absolutely loathed each other, simply
    because it wasn’t socially acceptable to get a divorce in those days. Or
    maybe Bryan Fischer wants women being beaten by their husbands to be forced
    to stay married to them too.

  13. What an ass! (with apologies to donkeys everywhere). Another good old boy
    preacher enriching himself on the backs of the poor fools who will believe
    anything from any jerk who calls himself a preacher, pastor or whatever.

  14. Please please please fischer die die die now !!! You and your fucking
    insane religion are the cancer that infects this world. Hitler put
    the wrong people in the gas chambers. Shoulda been the xristians. 

  15. The funny thing is, this asshole would probably be one of the first to
    complain how boo-hoo, marriage rates are low, people marry at a later age
    and there are many who live together (and have dirty! premarital!! sex!!!)
    without being married.
    It’s like
    “Come on, you’ve been dating him for three years now, you’re 27, you should
    marry him quickly, tick-tock tick-tock. Ah, good girl, have a happy
    marriage. Oh what’s that? He turned out to be a sadistic asshole and beats
    you? Well I guess you *can* divorce him, if you don’t mind *destroying the
    relationship and ruining your children’s lives*. You’re lucky to have the
    children though, otherwise you’d go to the big house for fifteen years….”

  16. Trying to be optimistic about shit like this is like trying to strike a
    rock to get water, but at the very least you will be dead soon, Mr.
    Fischer. :)

  17. I was married by a Lutheran Pastor and state certificate… don’t recall
    God being there.

  18. Jesus asks that Mr. Fischer please stop putting words into his mouth and
    talking for him.

  19. There is a reason why people sided with his wife over him in the court, and
    instead of seeking hyper-misogynists like Fischer who would happily have
    shackles wrapped around the ankles of the ex-wife, the caller should take a
    long and hard look at himself an ask what it was about him that made fellow
    christans take sides against him.

    In all likelihood, it was the caller who did the adultery and not his wife.

  20. When was the last time anyone saw god/jesus perform a marriage? Invoking
    the name – actually only the title/honorific, does not equal him performing
    the actual marriage.

    If divorce is happening, it should be fairly obvious that god was not part
    of the union.

    /just saying

  21. What a god has joined? I’ve never seen a god in *attendance* at a wedding
    ceremony, never mind *presiding over* it.

  22. I think this is the first video ever that I have seen where he isn’t
    defaming the LGBT community.

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