28 Comments on “RWW News: Fischer Says Only Property Owners Should Be Eligible To Vote”

  1. i agree with fischer, with one additional condition: we don’t allow people
    like him to own property…

  2. Good fuck, Fischer is truly an asshole! Always has been, always will be.
    But he surely does have a love affair with his microphone.

  3. When Bryan Fischer says the world should be, and what Reality actually is
    are two far and separate things.

  4. So Priests and Nuns won’t be able to vote then…Or Pastors who live in
    property paid for by their congregation, not themselves.

  5. this totally makes sense, then when all of the mega rich and wealthy buy up
    all the land and only 5 billionairs are voting this country will work out
    so much better……

  6. I do believe that white men only could vote back then, but they did not
    necessarily have to own property. Workers who had no property, rented or
    lived in the work place, could also vote as long as they were White, of
    age, and showed up.

    Now, how does this argument go down today? Is he saying that all the
    amendments made to that unfair first draft about who could vote should be
    overturned? Should any non-white person, or any woman, be denied the vote
    because when the nation first started out they more or less had to change
    the rules as they went along? There was no guide book, so they tried
    different things until we got to where we are today.

    Also, the property issue of which he speaks, I do believe that was when we
    were under British rule that one needed to be a property owner in order to

    Cheers! And, never give in to tyrants who know not of what they speak!.

  7. Why is this guy even talking about this? This is something that was settled
    a long time ago. There is a reason why we all get to vote today. These
    right wing nut jobs, really need to be pushed back into the basement for
    which they came. The Republican part needs to be a lid on the crazies in
    their party 

  8. The reason they only allowed property owners to vote was that they believed
    that wage earners were not significantly freer than slaves.

  9. Fischer expressing his selfish inner Tyrant. Ayn Rand would be proud of him.
    Next Brian will be wanting “All men a created equal” repealed so he can
    take America back to the good old white supremacist master and slave days.
    It’s amazing how much disgusting bile gets spewed by simple minded selfish
    bigots with bibles in their hands.

  10. “The Republican Brain” by Chris Mooney – good read. Let’s see, there’s
    income taxes, withholding taxes. We all subsidize a % of pensions &
    healthcare of very profitable corporate defense contractors (Grumman,
    Lockheed) & we’ve been doing it 4 the past 30-40 yrs. Up until recently
    these same corporations have
    been underfunding their pensions that are not subsidized by taxpayers.

  11. This is beyond retarded. To value someone’s life based on whether or not
    they own property is absurd. Who gives a fuck if you own property or not?
    The laws we vote on effect all parts of our lives, not just property!! We
    all live here and all have a say in how things are run, or at least that’s
    what we’re supposed to have. We already don’t have that if we’re being
    honest. What this clown is suggesting is in a way already the reality.
    Corporations buy elections and politicians left and right. It’s gotten to
    a point where our vote means little anyway. 

  12. In any case many property owners nowadays buy-to-rent, and don’t actually
    live in the communities they own property in. Were he living in the 21st
    century he’d have known that, the backwards ol’ fart.

  13. Only property owners are allowed to be delusional and irrational? So true.
    If you pay $700k for a home, you are paying almost $400 a week in
    interest. So renting is far cheaper than buying, and when/if your wife
    runs off, she cant take half of your house, since you dont own one.

  14. Who are these tools? Who listens to this douche? They can’t all be
    property owners. Why don’t the renters call him up and tell him he’s

    I know… He’s some spiritual leader or something.

  15. So I’m 18 and I shouldn’t be able to vote because I won’t own a home for
    around 8-10+ yrs from now?

  16. irony: stating only people who pay taxes can vote…while paying no taxes.
    It seems the loudest racists, xenophobic bigots & assholes of world are all
    SO fucking dumb

  17. Anti-democracy class-ism.
    How does Fischer have any followers? Can we see videos of people agreeing
    with him?

  18. The assumption is that a financial investment is the only investment one
    can make in a community.

  19. And since women should be the property of their husbands, I guess it would
    be improper to let them vote.

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