27 Comments on “RWW News: Fischer Wants Obama Impeached … Just For Educational Purposes”

  1. What he means is that it would be educational because the American people
    would learn to not elect a black man ever again. I see you, supremacist
    f*ck Fischer!

  2. Fischer is right, the conservatives SHOULD tell us exactly what President
    Obama has done that warrants his impeachment, then we can see just how
    bat-shit-crazy the conservatives are.

  3. Bush did 9/11, He passed NDAA, Obama has continued these same things.
    Clintons, bushes, obamas, kerrys, McCain, etc… all traitors bringing in
    the new world order, a police state of communism. It isn’t right or left,
    they are the same, its a way to divide the people as they pass laws taking
    away our rights. David Rockefeller admits to working against Americans
    interests in bringing in the NWO, this is his own words in his book or
    memoirs he wrote. This is the man who created the Council Of Forgien
    Relations and other organizations. The CFR runs the media. Most people like
    giving the news are CFR members. They are Judeo-Masonic communist. OIbama
    is just a dictator who hates America, and will and does everything he can
    to destroy it.

  4. Go for it. An impeachment hearing would be a glorious demonstration of the
    right-wing’s deranged idiocy that this president has been forced to contend
    with since 2010. It would indeed be “educational” — just not in the way
    Fischer imagines it to be. 

  5. Yes, please, let the Republicans embarrass themselves even further by
    trying to make that case.

  6. I see that the ‘impending Romney landslide victory’ wasn’t enough of an
    ‘educational lesson’ for people divorced from reality like Fischer. I feel
    like if these people play a game of chess they’re going to stuff the pieces
    up their nose.

  7. After watching the Lee Bright videos on RWW’s other channel, I find this a
    nice bit of comic relief. Where does Fischer get these “ideas?”

  8. Bryan Fischer, go impeach yourself . Do the world a favor and put a gun
    to your thick skull . This would be good use of a gun for once . You are
    a worthless little piece of shit .

  9. Educational indeed. We would all learn that the Republicans in the House of
    Representatives are right-wing extremists.

    Oh, wait. We already know that.

  10. According to Republicans, getting less than 100% of what they want is
    treason and thus an impeachable offense. 

  11. RWW, why have all your videos from the past 2 weeks disappeared? Is this
    another round of harassment via DMCA complaints? For Yahweh’s sake, post
    some information and mobilize your subscribers to get YT’s attention.

  12. Wait a minute: President Obama hasn’t committed any impeachable offenses,
    right? Also, I’m not sure that Mr. Fischer realizes that impeachment is
    only the accusation of High Crimes and/or misdemeanors, not the actual
    trial or removal from office…

  13. He’s right though. Impeachment would be very educational. . . About

    That’s what happened in 1998. Few people knew what a bunch of
    party-before-country pricks had infiltrated Congress until they tried to
    impeach President Clinton.

  14. As if Fischer gives a damn about education. If the public was educated
    he’d have no followers.

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